By Joyce Whitm&n After a silence of one night, the third concert. of the North Shore IMusic festival took place Thursday 'evening, May 26. The United Germiar Male choruses under the direction of Karl Rczeh were heard. Crowdi ng.the stage to capacity, the volume alone of their voices wa s as-7 tonishing.- Every.corner of the huge gymnasiumn was filled with full, vi- brant, and beautiful tone. The firsi hall of the, programn was devoted tc choral ýand orchestral niumbers by Beethoven, Ghere,, Reckzeh, and ]Liszt. Eugene Dressier capýbly- filled t he 'tenor part in. the Liszt finale, froni "A Faust Symphony." Demand Encore The second part opened with a group of, three songs sung. a cappella by the chorus. These were beautifully and musically executed and pleased the. audience to such an extent that "Die Lorelei" was sung as encore. The orchestra contributed the bright and sparkling Valse de Con- cert No. 2 F - Major, Opus 51 of Gla- zounow, and the concert closed with Bloch's epic Rhapsody "America." The effect of the combined choruses, in the final anithem.was. stirring. to a degree. Grainger Gets Ountion On Saturday afternoon P e r.c y ,Grainger and the childreni's chorus. of 150 voices were presented. 0f' the first group by the chorus, -Thé Lord Is My Shepherd," by Lutkini, ivas by far the best. The beautiful and faniiliar Psalm with its simiple and exalting setting was a perfect memio- rial to Dean Lutkin. Mr. Graînger appeared next to play Liszt's "Fan-, tasia of Ilungarian Melodies" for pi- ano and orchestra. The brilliant and rhythm.jc effècts achieved were typi- cal. of both Liszt and, Mr.. Grainger. .After >muich applause Mr. :Grainger. played as encore his own, "*Coàuntry, Gardens." .The chorus.-then sang. a group of, Scotch and English folk songs with piano accompaniment b y, Percy Grainger, Kathryn Williaxùs, and Vir- ginia Marteneau. The chorus's work was outstanding for its diction, rhy- thmi, and tonal interpretation. Boys' Chorus Pleases. After the intermission Grainger Yorkc ro E.urope. i nat 's something that "our Gota" likes. Three thiugs she likes are auto,.races, speed boats and flying. Last year when she was singing in Loudon Gatti Casazza,' who was at that time in Milan, wished to hear ber. Without hiesitat- ing a -minute- she booked a' place-. ini the soonest-leaving flying machine- and. off she - went--froni Londop to Milan. Goeta Ljuugberg is. announced as, soloist with the Cincinniati Syniplionv Orchestra on October :27 and 28. These appearances for the soprano will directly, follow lier recital, in Kalamazoo, Mich., 0on October. 24. Songs of Evan ston» CmPoser'Popitdar 1 Miss- Marjorie Eastwood. Dudley,* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dud-, Iey of Evanston, had the honor of hearing a number of her mus ical cm positions perforzned recently in Washý ington, D. C.,, where she attezided -the biennial convention of the National League of American Peu Women this week. Four of Miss' Dudleys. songs were sung by La Vergne Simnis: Fairchild, soprano, and. menibers of the, National Symphony orchestra played, her An- dante and Scherzo for string quartet. One of these songs, "My Gardeni" was sung a month ago at a Towni hall con- cert ini New York city by Rachael Morton. Miss Dudley is a graduate of Evans- ton High school and Northwestern uni- versity and received the niaster of mnusic degree f rom the Chcago Musical col- lege, She also holds a diploma in comn- position f rout the Conservatoire Ameni- cain, Fontainebleau, France. For. the- past several years she hias been profes- sor of theory of music in the college of: fine arts at the State .University of South Dakota. AWARDED ITALIAN ORDERý Gennaro Papi, who lias conducted the opera for mainy seasons at Ra- vinia, has recently been awarded the 'order of Cavaliere of the Crownl of Italy. Mr. Papi has ýbeen spending the winter ini Naples, but is expected to return to Chicago soon. uceorgian notel. ivrs. i.,reen, who possesses a iôvely mezzo-soprano voice, gave a program that was ntost enjoyable. Her songs were appro- priate for this season of thie year and included "Within the Gardeni of My. Heart" by A. Scott. "The Rose. En-. slaves the Nightingale," by, Rimsky- Korsakoiv, "The, Luxembourg Gar- denis," by. Kathleen Manniing, and Beach's popular "The Year's at the Spring,» the music of whicli was %vrit- ten to Browuiug's poem frofin "Pippa Passes." Mrs. Green is a charming ILnglish- woman, whose former home wvas in Liverpool, She has given many private recitals both, in Europe an d in the United States,. and Was for- merly a member *of the choir of -St. Luke's churcb,'Evanston. Her voîce. is of exceptionally wide range and of a sweet, lric 'quality. .Assisting hostesses at the,musicale were Mrs. Edward.S. Challinor and Mrs. Green's daughter, Miss Edith Green. Miss Calarica Grieg of Ev- an.ston, --'noted piartist. %vas Mrs. Gree&is, accomnpaniist.-V. McD. Ballet Students to Give Program June 2 A modemn ballet written: to the music of Tschaikowsky's Sixth Sym- phony, "Adagio Lamentoso," and- Wagne's "Ride of the Voîkyries and the Magic Fire Scene" wiIl be given, by the Gladys High.t schoolof Danc- ing Thursday evening, June 2, at the Goodman theater. The programi is as follows: "ChénîlicaizIiti(ln' by Gladys IHight. Copyright 11932. Part 1. The Mwst. Groping ln, bljnded hy imateriallty, uneoinsciu, of the Light. Sunk ln the iv 0fo faist- hood and; fear. Part 2., The Chendealilzatiton f4 Thought. A ray of hope,. a desired for truth. ýFlesliwarring agaitis.. tht* IiÊiit, purity struggllng kwit.h, Iust. The, Overcomlng; ,Part 3. he Enlghtmnent. Repentt.nce,. nieekness, leading to. gratitude; peace, harmnony, .and love. 'rhere will be. many Modemn Ger- man Dances and so me beautiful solos. A Spanish Fiesta with Paco Parafan:' welI-known Spanish dancer, %vi!l be anôther feature on the program. GIVES TEA FOR PARENTS Miss Dorothy Pound, 521 Eleventh Among the north shore artists who have been b4sy with spring prograrn-î is Mrs. Roy M. Kirtland of Wi[- mette. She will next appear at thel, annual luncheon and musicale giveii by the women of the Meditiah At*h- letic club Monday, June, to coficlude their winter social season. The "Little Symphony" orcle.;tr.. of twenty-five pieces,1 conmposed of members of the> Woinani's Synxphony, of Chicago, will give a, Coricert at H-uill1-buse Sunday afte'noon,- juiie 12, at 4 o'clock. There are to be sev- eral soloists, of the Hull House School of Music. Winifred Town- send Cree of Winnetka is a miember of the Symphony. The orchestra has concluded its season at the Goodnian ;theater, A is now preparing foit progamsnext winter. Mrs.. Herbert Stoetzel (H elen' Hedges) soprano, of GIencëoe, was the guest artist at the annual luncheon- meeting. of- the Glencoe. Parent- Teacher association held recentlv at Skokie Country club). Mrs. GuY Stuart Bailev, soprano). of Wilmette, Mrs. johin W. Haiisel,, Jr., contralto, of Winnetka, and 'Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, pianist, of Gîcît- coe, presented the opera, "Haniselaid. Gretel" at the annual Lilac, tea given- May 25 by the:Woman's'Guild of the Glencoe,,Union churéh., Both e singers were in charming costumes. Skokie Country dlu b,. Glencoe, will. be the scene of the annual, spring luncheon and musical program to be given by the North Shore Musicians club Moaxday, June 6. Soloists for the, afternoon will be Alv ene Resse- guje, contralto, of Evanston, and Dorothy Pou.nd, pianist, of Wil.mette. Erniau Akely of Wilmette, willlie, Mrs.,Resseguie's -pianio accompanist., The meeting will be :the Iast onie of the séason. The Wiimette English Evangelica I Lutheran church will pr esent its or- -ganist, Mrs., May Belle Hagenow Jackson, in an organi recital and duet with Harlan Smedley, Thursday eve- .ninig, June 9, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Smied- ley is the organist for the First Pres- L)yterian church, La Grange. -, Styx" from Alceste by Gluck. Iu lher gold gowu the artist was a regal figure, and her siuging niatched. ber appearance. Perfection of'execution,1 ne and- interpretation, show Miss . 'is JIiIIii n adUMr. igli corninea UftiIc4Jf. Mvrs. Stadie Wii - ne Miss irutcnins, cilrinet; Marjorie Wedell. voices in "Tu Qui, Santuzza" fromi Raben's piano accompanist, . Lawrence Schuber, cornet; Robert Cavelleria Rusticana of Mascagni, Christensen, trumpet; Bert Simmous. and brought the tenlporary absence A piano recital by students of tru.mpet; Kenneth Smith, saxophone. of our beloved Ravinia clearly before Vitaly Schnee will be given at Lyon Mrs. Maston is the conductorof us. The imposing -Caractacus". of and Healy Concert hall, -Sunday the orchestra, and the piano acconi-,. Elga.r ended a t.hrilling evening. afternoou Jusne'5, at 3 :30 o'clock. panist..