Smart Beach Apparel for the Summer- Bathing. Seison, For thoe deIightful trips to tii. lake, river or wh.rev.r you are going, you wil- want oh*. of the. new 1932, Bathing Suits. K..p, yr rMp.utation for smrns nd look. your S.s in a JANTZEN Bathing Suit SelIling if orf Holve you noen the. new st.= d hirts a'nd plain slcste match? OH, BOY . . . ar.n't they 960d lookingj and only $1 .95.% and ~~ac ti.suitr New Boardwatk Sarrdals at $1l89 - OMM CHILDRENS SATHING SUITS in ail the fancy colors s.Iling .95c $1.25 $1.65 MISSES' BATHING SUITS, al-wool suit$ slling $ 5 $I095 .$S.a BATH ING CAPS. New caps shaped to the lhead. Special.. 50c BATHING.BELTS.25 Ec........... ...... CHILDREN'S BEACH SUITS. $1.2 In the new prints. Eack .. 2 The Store for Men, It's Straw Hat Time in Wilmefte Sailo Others s.Uing for $1.3 5 and '$2 GOLF'CAPS of ightweight fabrici cool and noce. .. $i*50 LINEN GOLF CAPSof pur. linec. White and natural colors. 7 Very spectal ...... 5 MEN'S LINEN: SLACKS. AIl pure lino.n. wat.r s runk pertpt'e ...... ...$2650 MEN'S WHITE DUCK SLACKS. $ Sanforized shrunk .$1... . 7~ MEN'S BELTS. In plain black ff or fancy. Each .......$1000 MENS UNEN KNICKERS. ~ Plus ixes......L:-$2. 3 MENS WOOL KNICKERS. VAN BYRD COLLARS.A > new.collar by Van .Heusbn.. $3050 f or, s' Janhzen The suit that :1I -115 2 Wilm.ffo Ave., Phone Wi RMber MWUmette <Jhamber of CommIer<e Swim Suits $4.5~ a.- + Dept.' Mon 's 1 1