respect-tbat's "eMai Wo Played God,*" featuring George Arliss ah the Wilmette theater on Sunday, Monday and Tilesday, june 5, 6 and 7. Nfr. Arliss, whose portrayals of statesnien and laymen \were, nationally acclainied, appears iii a newv guise in tNIS film. Heeturns bis genius ho' the porirayal. of genius. In this picture he plays the role, of an internationally f arnous musician. whose wizardry with mnelody places the' world at his. feet.- "TeMan WVho Playe2d God" also inicludes in its cash such well-known. stage and screen perf ormers' as Vio- let Hcming, hýan Simpson, Louise, Closser Hale, Donald Cook,. Oscar' Apfel. and Andre L.uguet. .A film endorsed by the United States George Washington Bicenhennial coin- missîonw ill *shàre the programn with the George Arliss triumph. The special feature is ."Wa'asingtoi-he Man and the Capital.". Clarence Wbitehall, bani- to)ile and character playýer 'of the Met- roplitan Opéra company, lias the titie oie. "But the Flesh Is W\eak' and "The Broken Wing- are schieduled for the WVilmette double-f-eatuire program on Xednesdav and T1'ursday, Junie 8 and :9.- Robert Montgomery. Nora.Gregor, Hecather Thatcher Cwears a monocle), C. Aubrey Smith and Edward Ever-_ cut Horton star in thie livély and ini- tereshing film, -But ,the. Fleshi Is \Vak When vn Douglas' air- plane crashes inlber front yard, Lupeý \Vclez* heart loops the joop, and a Jealous Leo Carrillo hroods and plots inu 'The Broken NWIig.'* On Saturday, June 4, theic Wilmette presents *'After TromorroNv," filmiza- tion of.the play that Broadway liked se well. Charles Farrell and Mariati Nixon are fine in ,the leading noies.. Alia$ thé D)ctor," ith Richard Bantlbelmess and . Maian i Marsh, is a pictre of. tremendons. sweêp anld pw er, at th 'ilmette on Thunsday and Fndyof this week. The other f ea- ture on the program will be "Dancers ni the Dark,'- starning Miriani Hôp- kins, jack Oakie and William Coillieri j r. ai Ilfle v ano.sil4it.aie. Lithe Johnny Weismuller is the star of this film tliat packs a wallop along with plenty of thrills, noise and sus- pense. Maybe you've guessed it. "Tar- zan, the Ape Man' is the titie. Mau- reen O'Sullivan, playing, the daughter of an English hunter, is; captured by Tarzan. ,He returns Maureen to ber father, ust in time to get into some real action that demonstrates there is one-ýand only one-Tarzan. Sharing the double-feature prograni ,with '"Tarzan, the. Ape Man," is the drama, .'Sky Devils," 'starring Spencer Tracy, George Coop er and others for a good hour 'and one-haif of giggles. On Mon1day and T uesday, ,june 6 and 7, the1 Varsity twin bill offers "The' M\isleading Lady" and"oung Àmerica.", Claudette Colbert, Ed- mu nd Lowe and Stuart Erwin win honiors. in the laugh-loaded picture, "thé Misleading Ladyr," the plot of which hinges largely on shot-gunls, re- volvers, bear-collar-s and. chaiin i. WVltmette's own Ralph Bllamy does' grand wvork ini "Young America,- story about the -worst kids in towii," who. arc not really so bad. Doris, Ken- von. as a sympathetic clubwonian. is lovelier than ever. And dont fail to see Spencer Tracy, Beryt Mercer, Raymonid Borzage and ,Tommy Coni- "So Big," starring Barbara Stan- wyck in the film version of.Edna Fer- ber%~ great novel, and -Sky Bride" comprise the Varsity doule-feature program on Wednesday,. Thursda,, Friday and Saturday, june 8-11. Community House Siashes Its Prices "This week-end marks a big decrease in the price of admission to Commun- ity House motion pictures," aninounces ButnH. Atwood Jr., director of the Mot *ion Picture department. In keep- ing with the* reductibn of other living cxpenises. Mr. At Wood f eels that the c<'st of enitertainment should move in ini me cvning, n ît is an unicua. 1A double feature marks the pro- gram for this week-end, Friday and Saturday, june 3 and 4-"This Reck- less Age" and "Fireman, Save My Cliild." Joe E. Brown, Evalyn Knapp and -Lilian Bond play in "Fireman, Save My *Chil1d." You basebail fans will see somne good games ini this pic- ture--despite screaming of sirens> and, scranîble o! hook and iadden squads. There are laughs galore in this film- a lautgh for every member of the- famn- ily! "This Reckless Age' features' Charles (Buddy), Rogers, Charlie Ruggles, Peggy .Shan *non. Richard Beninett and Frances Dee. Here* is. a cast of five splendid. achors and- actresses filmed in, roles that not onfly, do tbem, credit but inspire 'them h o catch the exact spirit of the play. Are families as **homne" as they used to. ]Publx.--Balabnn *Katz Evanstou-Pbone Uni. 8900 Thuirs., Fr1, Sat., Jane 2.8-4 "TAItZA" «tHE APE MAN Jobnny Weissmuller Maureen O'Sulliven Neil Hamilton and ",,SKY DE VILS"l Spencer lracy-William Soyd IOUR <COOLING PLANT IS I NOW IN OPERATIONI Tonight ,(Thurs.-rl-2 .Hifil Richard le 'A-LiAs «THEEK D OTR'. Sfar$s hotu deys 7:16-9-.59 end JackOkÔ Mra Hopkins "DANCERS'IN TEDARK both days833oc only Saturday, June 4 Charles Farreli-Marian Nixon la "AFTER .TOMORROW" "T74 Unemployed -Gkost" Mickey Mous. CIub et maàfinee Sunt té Tuts.. j..e. 572Hi the Man and the Starfs Sun. 5:21. 7: wth Edmund Lowe and Spencer Trcy-Doris Kenyon . dito ieatro del i.ago iasJ IjL ixi s, n2L as neyer had a spur or a whip used on hlm. That is, since lie weft into the movies. Since Tom Mix 'purchased himn, he has had no other rider, and Tom uses wvords instead of spurs and whips hoô guide bis galant steed. 1110o Gis, I ESS Coe News