torium. The fOlloý\iflg prografli has beenl arranged: Briai h<,u~froni th~e Ros e Maiden--------Cowefl -- Eliot V -Youngberg pr-ologue- "Hler Weddiflg Veil"'- Nkrs. Sarn DenfliS solos: '*SWetheart'-----Li* ...Alil Fr You"-----'..Bertraili-BrO)wn Mrs. Roger Fiske Reading: Miss. Ruth Wilicin Solose: Miss Elizabeth- Brideli-OWli Readinlg .'*An Old-Fasiiofed. - Garden" ..... . - .. ... )'iV lialli Pageant of the Weddi ng Got\-ns Rev.ý Jarnes J., Veneklasen, nmavtet- tif ceremonies EpilogUeQ Mrs. Sain Denflis Weddiiflg March-----~,ne~îi Eliot V. youngbei'g The, young Nvomen modelingth wedding gowns worn -by their moth- ers are: Ruth X'oungberg, Charlotte Moody, Betty Kay Morgan,- Helen Hayes \Valcott, Mildred. Waugh, Carol'Clark, Dorothy Jane Orr, Vir- ginia'Moyer, Evelyn- Kruse, and Jane -n g el1. Some of those -whio vill wear -tI-icr own wedding gowns are Mrs. Ber- tram Colvini, Nrs. Maxwell Rust, Mrs. Roger Low.r Mrs. MladellinelDa, and Mrs. Richard, DeBerard. Among. the, others who will -iniodel weddîng gownis are:, Virginia Fiske, Dorothy .Wýehner, .N\atalie.Yts Claudia Melberger, Frances Brown, Natalie CNbulski,. Ruth Wilkin, and- Kathenine - olwvay. Lord's Departmeflt store of E-vans- ton will present an ultr;a-liiodecrfl bride, modeled by Miss Apy Nas-h. The litt)e fBoNer girls are to bc Martha Ferre:nz, Barbara Frei,- Sue Radder, and Caroli-ne Smith. Stanley,, Smith, Merriil 1-ofer, Robert.Fre', and Robert Ferrenz will bc ibbonl bearers. The bridesmnaids are Maria-n Ponii- eroy and Mary J une Mille r. Stuart Pomneroy and Paul younig- berg are. to serve- as best, men,> and the ushers will be Stewart Pomeroy, Dani- el Wi lkin, Paul Youngberg, Duidley Veneklasen, Edward Dierks * David Miller, WVilliam Morris, Paul Veneklaseni, and John Bartholonme-v. The affair is open to the pu .blic. Maj. R. W. Schroeder of Sky Har- bor airport, wNho spoke two meeks., ago at a meeting of the Winnetka Rotary club, Nvas învîted to address the club again at its %veekly luncheon last Friday. For unavoidable reasons sthe first meeinig of the Xinnetka Rotariàns ýwhich Major Schroeder at- tended was - dismnissed early, .and lie was invited to attend the followN; weekl, inordeli that lhe,.iight, have more time'to talk. Last Thursda.v iight Major Scliroe- der gave 'a talk on aviation l)efore a. groupof 150 fathers and sons at the Saron Lutherati churchl inChicago. The following, night he, addressed the RailwavMeii's post. of the Ainerican Legion, meeting in-thie Chicagp Union station con fercuce roonî.. On Wedn.esda%' niglit. Julie 15, the major will speak at a Meeting of the Sevenlth district Amerîcan f.egioln postsoiii the Winnetka Comunitiiv House. Winnietka Post No. 10 of theý Legion will be tile host. It is 1)lanîîied to make iThis event a ýoiot'fn i oùe. ai-d a large attendance of Legion- nlaires is -expected. The r-eetinig vvil l)e prececl 1w a p)arade in wvhiCl1 the three drinmi and bugle corps ili the district an(, the inembers of the v'arîous po,;ts %wîll lartîcip)ate.. Na-me Schroeder Marshal for -Air 'Parade June 12 Maj. R. W. Schroeder of Skv Har- bon airpont has been namned mnanslal for an air parade to be held Sunday aftrnonJune 12, over -Grant park, Chicago, as one of the featunes of a two-day land, water and skv anti- prohibition demonstration - which the Crusaders, militant foes of prohibi- tion, will stage as a curtain-naisen for, the Republican national convention1 opening on June. 14. Th e*air. parade - will .form at Sky Harbor and pro:-1 ceed ýfromf there, to Grant, Park. Pal.Waukee Pilot Flies to Indianapolis Races. Gus Palmquist, Pal-Waukee pilot, -The~ new Pitcairn autogiro. recently brought from the factory in the east to Pal-Waukee. airport. by Duincan Hodges, manager of Pal-Waukee, hias been .attracting the attention of visitors to the flying field an-d of passersby. Many automobiles driving ,alongý Milwaukee avenue* stop when the autogiro, is flying over the. field sol that their. occupantsmay watch it more easily.. The autogiro is one of the nlew models, pow.Nered with a 165-horse- powet Kinner engiîîe. its color is black,,with white trimmings. Pal1-Waukee airport receiitlv,,ivas miade the distributing agencv for the ]Pitcairn autogiro ini the Chicago area.. Ifyou are alfraid ton rde in an air- plane, we'd récomrnend an autogiro. It.s no more'scary than going to, the upper floors of one of the loop sky-. scrapers in an elevator._ The Pal- Waukee managemen t reporî(s that a considerable number of. pérsons al - readv have taken rides ini the auto- giro. - T ras eai Pilots Send Greetings to Lou Gordon Tnansocean-ic vilots assemibled lui -Roi-ne last meek sent a cablegrani of greeting to Louis Gordon, no-w a mie- chantic at Skv Harbor airport, w ho. with Wilmer Stutz, acconiPanied Mrs,. Aiîîelia Farhiart PuItna-m on lier* first flighit- across the Atlanîtic in1 june, 1928. - The cal)legnamn read- as follows "The-trans-oceanic pilots assembled in Rôme to put to the- service of mn kind their experienée aîîd their faitli in the realizationi of quick anîd regui- lar comumunications across the ocean send their bnothenly greeting to tlle far awva, tralisoceiîîic ccompanîo:i wlîhom they feel near themn in.remein-. brance of lus great achievement-." The cablegraîn 'enrded with the w ord Baîibo." meaning that it w'asi sent bv the fanionis Italian general. htalo Balbo, conmmander of the Itail- an air armada on its flight from lIt-. alv to South Amienica and i-ow Itali- an minister of aviation.- . Blanche Kretusclh won first ini the 50-yard and 100-yard dashes for girls over fourteen years of age. She also took second iin the 100-yard dash for girls under 14. Helen Engels vvon first in the 50-yard dash for girls under fourteen. Other. Highcrest 'pupils wlio placed ivere.: Junior Pemble, *third ini the- 25- Yard race for boys under eight years and third in the 50-yard race.for ioy"s. under ten ; Virginia Cerney...thiird ii the 25-yard race for girls under eight.; Marlo'n Noutitain,,'third in the .25- yard race.for girls under ten and third iin the 75-yard race for girls un-ý derten; Earl Borre, third in the 25- Var(l race foi-. boys under twelve; Thelma Bondy, third in.the 25-yard race for girls under t.welve- second( in the 50-yard race for girls- under twelve and second iii the 75-yàrd, race for girls under twelve; Donald Kreusch, third in. the 75-yard race for boys uiulcr ten ; Arthur Thalmnaâ, third ln, hie 50-yard, race for boyý\S iîller fourteen, and Berniard R eagani, second iii both the 50-yard and 100'. yardl races for boys ovier fdutrtecn. The Hlighicrest school comipetedj ýaai'nst Cl:ass B schooils In the dliv- ision. or schools 'having flot more than four teachers. placed third in the, final, standing., The ýgirls' teani of the school, played for the indoor baseball chamipionship a ndi %Voinseconid place. ln the m-usic coâtest, iii whicli ail schools 'linthe -.divisionv comipx:ted,, Highicrest won three places.,-Charles Beck was awarded first ini the Ha- w~a liai-iguitar solo.. compe tition. -Ev- elyn. B'orre placed' third in the \(ocal oo- section, and these t\yo pupIls togther won second place- for iIheir Hawaiiaix guitar duet.. - ~ 1 <;A.I.TO MEET Alpha Beta Alunae cliaptuen01 Sigmta Alpha Iota -is liavine tlîv last meeting of tliis year Friday, J 1une 3 at 1 'o'clock, at t.he home of Mr>. _11 C. Stryken, 2624 Park avenue. liv- anston. Mns. J. V. NeWv and Mrs. \V. H.Kîapp are t o be assisting hcust- esses ittthîe luncheon ichvI ~ll Le folowe bybridge. n1ilico montlî. - at Curtiss airpont soloed Iast week first annual G d Timnes" avition -0- ~after five and a il hours of instruc- dance Saturday night, Junie 4, at the Mr. anîd Mrs. 'jamies I. Pnentiss. tion. Several Chinese are learning Sky Harbor airport clubhouse. An -who have been livinîg at 244 Cumnor to flV at Curtiss field, while others. eight-piece- orchestra, Rudy Segal's road,-Keiwrh are noiv occupving - are taking ground wonk instruction Aviation Sunset Serenaders, will furn- Mrs. 'George Nichols' home at 5 19 at the. Curtiss-Wright Aero.rauticali nish the. music. 'The Party wvill sta . t WVarwick 'ro:afl, Keîiiilworth. îtit.iversity in Chicago. - eat 8 :30 o'clock. - Sta nrett of içenilw-orthî, and hiis chul- dreni. 'Mr s. Williamn Awe, 1030 illlinois- - road, had as' hler guests last Sunday, her son-in-law and daughter,, Mn. an-d- Mns. Fouzo Pefley and their siîîall daughter, Jane Catherine, of ChIicage. 4