ilted la white cloth isarks b45CÇç PRICES EFE CTrIVE, MA'Y ,Easy Task "est quality fine white flakers for ail purpo5es. Tmts carton 5is.35-c Best Calttornia Yailnlas 2 o. 45e 31, TO JUNE 41INCLUSIVE MEATLOAF Fresi gfround, beef wlth a littie pork l.25e TOMATOES Richelieu large No. 8 lins. c. 1 ,Iqot.imhig lner paeked aniywbere a .21 LAMB STEAKS Tender and, 1b4 LAMB PATTIES F4oshmdc IL.24c. POU TENDERLON sIL ).39c: HAM SHANKS or BUTTS : o néib oc 7ud LAMB CHOFS >LRb:,;lb. 3&1..LoMI I bo. 44 S. O.S. fi;our b n pns pkg. 21 JELLO Th ôesz 2 for 15c COCOA B.gulary 212fca. 15c CATSUI> B ic y Pt 019C ÇAmerican or Pimnmto. 2 for 3S5e CE o.BLUE MOON Roquefort ..each 22ç Jiiram's ipure VINEGARde qt. 15c SARDINES Portugese bo:eless and shiîles c. CAMAY SOAF Thé r ir r 0 brs3 for19 MAYONNAISE and ost ppulir drsnjgqt.a 59C RIPIE OLIuVluu S c Clfotl 'ak Pte 25c DILL PICKLES Bionr's qt. 19c BLACKBERRaIES woe erJslu'rii rpea.23 B UTTERSCOTCH u av eertatet lb, 49c SHELLED PECANS lFancyhe lb49c KITCHEN KLENZER tins 4 for 19c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE No Rinseu a. 16C PINEAPPLE JUICE ±l.tins lc- C1K FRUIfT JUCES orange or Sli-me, pt .25c GINGER ALE ' Soc e'.4ebot tied eposit 12qt#s. $1102 ASPARAGUS Homne gfowu large biuel,. 4 Y AND SA TURDA Y ONL Y S or HALIBUT .. .,..... ....I -~ 1 CUCUbMERS. ". Fn@h Ou.... WL and TWELFTH W. 'em ber Wilmette Chamber of Comme ]Pure rone Our Qwn ]Blcnd Fantus for 40 yeuirs b.33C Gnaranteed ,trietly ftemh. AIl white se1eets 'la. crtons. 2 doz. 3c a4~ .. 1