114.648Central Aveue IX TELE1'KONES WIL. 43-14-3*5 IFOUR DELIVERIESI £VERY DAY I VRUIT and VEOL I MA ansd. FisH O)ranges, select.d f Lot jiite, e de i. ...... SwetCerislrg,25C Red Raspherries, suii ripe.ned Pt. 1 r Pineapples, large tie,23 each . . ... 3 Cantaloupes, fancy, 35 2 for ......35 Carrots, good site, bunches, 3 for'. Spinach, extra fumcyg peck....... Riaubarli Yone', ad' tender, 4 lbai...... 25c: '19e 19c IDueka, -famcy LOUEng ibIan eli.undg 'rmover, $ 1 Lanmb Leg, geuma spmgIlimb, lb.. 25c Rdm Rosat of Beef,2 tender young eeflb 3 Calves' Liver, 9 fr......... Baconeweul sliced, 2 -Ibo.. 45c. Hamaburger, fresL 29 ground, 2 lbo.... .. White'Èi.h, fresla 2 e caught, lb .... ...3 r Trout, .ke ,perior., 5 lb . .. . . . .. . . . . .5 "Washington, the Man and the Capi- tal" The next chest clinic conducted >y. The Better Film council also gives Dr. julius Novak, médical directQr of hearty approval to "Symnphony of Six the Chicago Tuberculosis institulte; Million," which shows at Teatro del- which is affiliated with the Wilw'etteý Lago Jine 29 and 3»,"ougAmeri- Health >Center, will be -held Jùne 20 t,"' cotingtqe that theater on, Jure f romi o'clock'.unitil 3 inithe. after- 18, and "Explorers of the World,' to noon. be shown at Teatro del Làgo june 24- and 25. The last nameçd film is ont~'h natWlaecii vI , of .the .best productions of :the ear. edXVdeda fero:fjn it is stated. hedWdedà fériIn ui The 'Bete imcuc mtti f romn 3 o'clock unil: 5. : hie Dental week, at the home of Mrs. R. G. Halli- cliniics are held each Tuesday and w ll, 1133 Lake avenue. Its niember- Fiday' morningsfrom 9 o'clock un- :ship comprises representatives f rom the tii 12. ,Parent-Teacher associat'ions in the village, Legion' posts and auxiliaries GO ES TO CAMP SOON and Boy and Girl Scouts. -n~tWTwl' tltccie- NIAS STUDIO TEA George Lusk,' 810. Michigan avcnue, was1 host at a tea Iast Fniday' after- noon i5 his studio. *He displaycd à nuniber of his pictunes recettIN painted. Among t he guests presen t were Mr. and Mrs. Whitman T-aylor of Glencoe, Mrs. Edward D. Lillieni- field of Wilmette, and Mrs. C.N. Kimbail of Highland Park. Mn. and 'Mrs. Lewis B. Springer,' 430 Maple avenue, returned to their home last Saturday from ate-a business and pleasure trip in Spring- ton at the joseph Seans* school in Kenilworth, wifI leave, the Iast week in June for Camp Owakonze, W%. L. ..Duke",Childs' summer camp iin On-, tario, Canada.' This wiIl be .Xr. Tou-nley's eighth year at the camp,. which will open july 2 and run frr a period 6'f eight weeks. 'rowniey vwil be in charge of boys fnocm 9 tG 13 vears old. Mrs. 'A. V. Sheffield of' Boston. Mass., .annîved in Wilmette early this week te be' the guest for the summer of hen brother and his wif e., Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hedgcock,*110ý Broadwav avenue. Perch Fillets,' fresh, 29c SPECIALS FOR AM RE Ce-.to B. o S.p 2-1b. in, 9 3 35c. ~ miilSba.~ cë Wlmemt or Rie POP.% ',3 plst bottl.. WeeoEnd SPEC ALwSd M'ETTE KENILWORTH ilon Ave. 406GrenBey Rd. ïmmr 414 .Phne KHN1LwOrtH 4775 iMewsbe WUimtte C1.amber o>' Commerce. Greeni or Wax Beans, :Stringleis, 2 qts. 27<