<t. Bach 10c. 3 fôr...... ...25c pe b ..... Gven Peau F're-Sb, spécial, 3 Ibo..... Best for juio e. 3 doz...... 29C '$1 FrealiSetCe......4lrcr 5 f'~~Uua A £ UR ftR w w ww w ~w w w w 5Fr.. D.IiuuE.a Deil~ 5 Fr". IF IT 15 A FRUIT OR VEGETABLE, WE HAVE IT! Mtevber Wilmett. Chamber of Commerce ~~um 1t iL* nn -o- Mr. and Mrs. Clifton L. dinner, brid ge,.club met at, Cotintry cl'ub last- Tuesday. ýy of Wis-- Jules A. Petersen, president, of the rcises arej Kenilworth board of education, ivili Da rliitf's Shawne -for dr.ssy or sport occasions - of chalk crepe or boucle,, very$.9 special.. ýOtisers $2.95 and $5.00 - ~ ~ wMILANS Special'JUNE SALE of MMhn HOUBIGANTS. AT WORTH1ENS Il148 WiImet. Avenu. present the diplomas, and Supt. E. L. Nygaard will present the class. The-Rev. Leland H-. Danforth, rector of the Cburch ofthe Holy Comfor- ter, will give the invocation and betie- diction. 1John H. Sprenger, presi dent of the Class. of '32, will present .*the class gift, and Arthur Bonnet, Class of '33. will1 make *the speech> of acceptance. ,miss Margaret Davenport will -dirt the seventh and eigbth grades ini a programi of songs. The foîlowing students will reccive dipflomnas on, Friday: List of Graduates Mary, Loulse Alger, W. Wkoodwxar-d Andersen, Russell J. Baker, Charles. A. Bemis, Janice N. Bouchard, Dorothy Brown, Robert J. Buchan, Arthur P. Carlson,, Frank G. Carpenter, Michael j Conleiy, Marie Louise Connor, Paul A. Corneli, Mary-Marthae Cross, John T. Hdiea ementi George H. Dieker- m~on, Jr., Lucie B. Dix, Ruth F.ors.ter, Jeannt- Geither, Bruce A. Gran-troxn, Doris 'P. Reaton, Shirley Hermann, Robert E. Hill, Jack M. Holden, Helene .M. Holloway, Jane. L. Holmby,' Miriam I¶olmes, Richard D. Holmes, Marsha Huck, Dewitt L. Jones, George D. Jones, Elizabeth R. Joslin. Alice Kelly, Betty Kenderdine Norma Jane Kruger, Betty Leach, Richard -8. Lee, Mary Elizabeth Mayrand, Adelaide McClary, Robert 0. McCloud, Gilbert B. MeIntos-h, Ja ck N. Mervis, Walter W. .Morey, Martha R. O'Connor, A. Gert- rude Ov~ Hughi E. Petersen, Jane Peycke, Catherine Phiflltpsý.- Virgiia Richards, Martha Roberts. Mabel L. Saimple, Carolyn J. Schaef- gen, Evelyn J. Schweitzer, Auricat A. Simnon, Jean F.'Small, Claude Smith, Val A. Smith, jr., John S. Sprenger, Landon 1.). Taylor, Margaret Tidema9n, Anthony s. 'rortorello, Annette M. Wil- liams, William M. Wolf, Doris .'N Wolfe, Marjo)rie R. Wyatt. WINS. PROMOTION GroIrl., Hermann, 82 Essex road, Kenilwo"ôrth,;will-bie first lieutenant of Company E at Culver, Military academy next fall., His promotion was announced- at, commencement, last ,Wýednesday. Evelyn florre. daughter of Mr. and b.sazuiy 9 A. AM. 10 9 P. M. SThe Bible and WoiIks of Magy Baker Edy and ail other, authorized =Christian Science Literature may b. r.ad, borrowed or purchased at Ch# i Reading Ioom. WilInwtt 28 and 29 I lmbr WUwette Oka vaber ot 01 THE! PUBLIC 18 COIIDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THIS CIIURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE! READING ROO&I 1143 Wlimette Ave, Wil mette 2693-2694 -1 I j.t i * 9 Ili" 1% iý, il, Â 71 Lý-." C RF