ex~-servicmcf, wno are botind for Washington f0 make a. dernarid ipon government authorities for the lbonus. The activities of this group in tîrreat- ening seizure and, destruction of prol)erf y. in taking possession of rail- road eqqipment and in forcing train crews,,to transport theni, bas ail the elemen ts not of a grou.1) of l oyal Aniericans but of a group under radical leadership, As a .matter of facti %we are adlvised froni the IL*ast fliat this is a definitely radical movemeênt. 7We are wiling to ganible that there, are no American Legion mnen, in that gron». A report, in The Chiîcago Tribune of Mfav 27. states,: Lesile IR. Hurt, secretary of thi Worker's Ex-servicemen's League, È733 Hlirseh Rlvd., said yesterday that'about 500 (Jhago veterans woulId. leave Tues- day for a box-car trip to Washington Io boost inimediate payment of the bonius. The Tribune makes no disinctioni as to what this group - s, unfortu!I- atelv. Leslie. R. Huirt is the alias of one, Frank O'Brien. formerlv aý me- chianic inuthe Northlw.esterr, alroad s1lopi .in Chicago. He lhas heen unt- der arrest several tunes for his coin- nîuuuîstic1 activities and. has liad his lîead cracked more thawnonice in comn- bat. witln'the Police. The Workers' Eýx-Ser-viceniien*s leagt:e .is fliecoin- muuist organization for luring the, radical eleinents of war veterans and ex-service men into ýthe coninunist nioveni eut. The Tribune, reporters knolw, tlat this organ2zatin is purely cominiuist and not tO brand it as su;ch gives it a degree of legitiniacy *wliicli is nisleading. *At the Aniericaii Legin National conivention lield in bretroit last year teLegion: took lhe staud 1of! their naticiial commander that iminidiate payvneuf <of the bonus at thie present finie %would be dtetrinîieial to our coutitrv's financecs and* t rue Légion- .iaires are. rian d i iis.stand(. -Fxecufive comnîittee, Xilnîetfe Post. Sonie Important Facta. *The juggling of figures bias been one ..f the im 1portant features of the con- certed drive f0o influenice publicopnn to:denand cuts iii benitis for disabled' veteraîns of the WVorld war. soldiers and sailors ini the active mlili- tary service for miàlitary allotmnents to dependents, plus the arnounts paid by soldiers and sti lors during the World war, out of their own pockets, as premi- unis into the Treasury department on War Risk insuraÙce. By no stretch of the imnagination should this $947,0000 be charged. to. paynients to vterans- and it bears nô relation to 'veteras- and is- only included. in the total in order to swell the amount. The Veter- ans' administration might with as much justice add to this amouint, the $30-a- month pay received hy the soidiers and. sailors when ini the service during the war. Hospita lization of the, veterans, of al wars and expeditions (Civil wa r, Span- ish A merican war, Philippine insurrec- tion, etc.) are chiarged against expendi- tures for the hospitalization of World war veterans. Tihe suir of $2.048,000,006 is the total aruoimnr disbursd'd silice tihe J4orid a to WVorid wiar veteraîs lit the form of a ('iller<, *rcV t,-,Officer'r.?retircint Pay rup te J)ecernber 31. 1931. This is a far cry f.rorn the S14,950000,0O0 wbich op- ponents inaccuratelv.quote -as baving heen paid to World war veterans. Wri'osrire of popaganda agailnst dis- abl1ed World w~ar veteran.s is a part of, the dravy of every Leg ion official. Let tihe triutlr prevail! -Executive conmiftee, Wilmette Post. Another .Remarkable. Offer. . New Type, AGeneral EIectric SUN LAMP Foranerly priced $69.00 for Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Dillon and faniily, 1108 Spruce street, Winnetkca, are ieaving for their summer home at Glen Lake, Mich, this week. 0o- Mr&. Herbert L. Lufcas,17 Fuller lane, and Mrs. Howard G. Anidrew3, 272 Poplar s-treet, Winnetka, left for the east last Thursday.. I PACING Ml52 Main St W tte !PINS, CRAMPS, r J '-I -/ z J 2 Wh.ther you have' p a i n S. cramps or.. çallouses et the bal of the. ýf oot, corns, bunions, crooked toos. t'fir.d, achingjý SOrM o et,"tIt' Foot,d" woek or.fallen arches. -o 1r any other foot trouble,, you can get immediae and permanent relief a+ our store this week. 1151 Wilmtte Ave. Phone Wilnaette 1 WUv4.t. Okhambe.of Commerce. EVANSTON PASH IIONS Two bui sema ain to tri' E remeulyi ýette Aven. 1