o..,4.Mfl *flA W t'S Sunday School ...... 9:45 a. in. Morning Worship .........1100 a. m. Mr,-. May Belle Hagenow-Jackson . (Director of Music) Speclal MUSI-june tllth Prelude-Meditation............Sefebvre Anthen-'The'Lord Is My Shepherd(" ................... Koseha t Offertory....... ...... .........Kjerul f Postlude-Allegro ..............Kn This afternoon, (Thursday) at -2:30, 'clock, the Woinan's society wiil nie't at the home of Mes. Scott S. Smith, Sr. The men oif' oui- chur-châhave been in- viteti to Norwood. Park to attend a Brotherbooti RalIy this evening at 8 o'clock. We will meet at our chureli at 7 :30 o'clock. -Ail men are weleome. Including our group, there will be 'ONE~ THOUSAND MEN at. Norwood. park Think. of what that wili nican in in- spira.tion alone. On Thursday. .June 23, fromn 2 P. M. t10 suns-et we %will holti our anhual Von- gregational .peneat the Forest Pre- serve grou nds-HIa rmis rc>uu, west of Wui'iIiitte, The eommiitttee bas rmany sur- Pises ilà store for those Who attend. Hear Ye-HIEA.H YE !' The Picnbe CGrown fc>lk<-youniig fl m-e and <lames anti stunts andi races galore Prizes- anti gifts b'y the score," A reaýt big lunch to, eat in,the Pop «tnd ces-and <of course-, SoY don't forget the tinie anti dateý * Pray for L ,od weather and don't BE LATE. Corne reatiy foi- fm-ýNO FROWNS .re allowed. &nti bring every child-we want a good crowd. So each one ivili saY wlien the parîyt.N is doue -1 M WiSH-THIAT OUR11PICNIC HAD )JLTST BEGUN! On Frida-,, evening. June 24, at S8 o'clIock everyone is invite(] to eorne ant 5e'"The Unheliever." There ivill be no admission charge-a free ivili offer- ing wiill be reëeived. First Con gregational Wilmette, Illiniofs John G. Hindley,ý mipister Next Sunday we observe' St. John's Day. and, wili have as guests' at our morning service of worship the i-ero-2 bers of the Wilmette Malse>nic lotige. Mr. H-indiey -wili prèach on the tople. * ."Exnipify".Mr. Joel Lay will be the soloist. The musical programn, arrangedi by Emnily Roberts, organist, vvill be as followms Prelude: "Ada.gio" fromn Fourth **Symphony.................Widior Solo : "Consider anti Hear Me" .Wooler Offertory: "Ec.ho"......Pietro Yon "A Church that Cares- A large congregation lias been present each Sunday ln Jufle and an- other fine Sunday morning service will be held hext Sunday, June 19,. at il o'clock when Miss emMa Brodbeck, ouÙr mlssionary from China will bring ue the message, Miss Brodbeck returnsto China the latter part oif Auguat. We anticipate, a large attendance again next Supday.- On Sunday June 26, we will observe our Summer Communion Service. Ail who believe ln Christ. are, welcome 'at His .table-,, regardless of denomination. Last Sunday eveflingr, at the Young People's societ y, the new officers for the currentý year waere installed, Dr. H. A. Orvi, chairman of the Board oif Religious Education, being in .char go of the -serv ,ice, the preliminaries if w hîch were conducteti by Paul. Wil- liams, outgoing president. It was voteti at, the'B. Y. P. 'Ut. meet-. ing tù continue the Sunday gatheringý, for the remaininOg Suntinys iîn June. Thèse ivili .be In, charge of RoxwS Blay- lock andi Helen Orvis on lune. 19 and June 26, respectively. 1.P *Next Saturday, June 18, hs the date oif the Church school pienle at -Washing- ton Park, beginning at 3 p. m. anti con- tlnuing until 7 p. m. Followlng is the schedtule,<of events:. Until 4 p. M.-Swimrnlng. Games andi races, at 4 cok sharp in Waàshinigton 'Park : 11.I Free for ail ctack race Free for"all three legged ra(e-bocys Frep for ,,il tbree legged race-girls Free for al potato, race-boys and girls' Group GamesQ (1) Age 6, 7, 8 Grs . N. Lamb, in charge: Obstacle race Peanut race 50-yard dftsh (2) Age 5 and yugrMs Harry Kerr, in charge. Adn 1(3) Juniors Age 9, 10, 11-Mrs. A-e andi Mrs. Anderson la Charge: .Jumping baill, girls- jumping bail boys 50-yard dash, boys 5-yaird tiash, girls Winner girls v.winner bjys-50-ya rd Sunday, School Hockey l3eani bag on i.ope (3) Older boys anti girls, 12 years andi over-in charge oif Ro')ss Slaylock. an(.] Anna Gertrudie Orvis: 1 to 4 p. ni. swimmning andi beah games. Metiley rein y (Ian'Washington Pa rkj Three. legged race Lake Geneva Institute for leaguers W a fine plaiee for sportiimanghtp, true fel- lowshlp, real fun, inspiration, knowi- edge and a better understandlng oif lite. Any young people interested in attend- ing thisgathering the wek of July Il are aisked.to confer wlth Foster.Glîglu, orthe pastor. 1p the north transept of the chureh. a séries of 'drawings representing v'ari- ous points of vieiv of the interior 'andi exterior of 'this church may -be seen. These' are the worko<f one of our own ,Young men, Todd Wheeler, and may be studieti at any time. First Presbyterian Woman's club rooma Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Veneklasen, minister The ininisterwill preach on Sunday mornlng at Il oe'clock on the thqeîîw. -The Unc.hangeable Gti" This ivill be a c(omforting andi helpfui: message ln the time <of change antiunrest. invite yoÙ to wors.-hip withu. TPhe Sunday sehoobil will continue ils4 session" through *the summer, ineetinug att)9:30 o'clock. You are myuited to joua. us ln the study of the Bible class. The, Men's Bible class ill hoki tw<u) more sessions before the summer vaca-; tion. The class ýmeets aI 9:40 'lk .for one hour tuf stutiy ln the Gospel oif John. We invite the mca 'to, mcl with us. The Christian Endeavor î"ocie ty iwill meet with, Miss Marguerite Crl,45a Crescent place, at 5.:30 o'cloc-k.ý The, topie. *"How Fl Tonesýt Are We As In- dlividulls ýandi Groups-:?" xil 1*disus s;eti. with Mliss Curîl andi Miss Jane MeMillan as leaders. Th(, young peo- ple -ire invîteti. The niusical. program at the worsiiip hour at Il o'ciock wt-lhl be as follows: Prelude, "In a Boat ." Zeekwer; Post- Iude, . "Allegro CGtlilainte," . Fereclein - "olo, "ike As the l-tart,-' TLhde : "f .flearti the Voice <of Jesus .a,' 1Fl.r- ri. Our prayer mieeting is helti on, Wed- nesqday evening at ' :o èock at the' Woman's club roorns. We will study this week The Parable oif the Virgins, a tinielv lesson.; We invite. you to join us inthis devotionai hour. Pegini.ng Snta.1111y 1. the Con- re inl.Batptis.t, andi Presh yterian chur-ches will holti union Suinday inorn- iagsevc. July 3, 10. andi17,' serv- wcsilih be helti aI the Baptist church, the Ileverenti John C.. Hlntiley preach- ihg. July 24. 31. andi Augus-t 7, services 5unhiay, Jane 19 Church sehool. ý..... ........1Il: 15 A. Mý. Y. P. Mlsslonary raliy........ 5:00 P. MI. Rov. T. J. Bach, of Scandinavian Al- liance Mission will speak. Junior Y. P ......... 6:45 P. M. Children's Day program,..7:45 P. M. Wednesday Swedish service. .8:00 P M. Thursday, evening, June 23, Winnetkal miidsummer outing at Wlnnetka beach. S.John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenue, Wilinette Herman W. Meyer, M. A. Pastier 406 Prairie ave. Telephone 13,1.4 Church telephone 3111 9:30 A. M. 0Sundtay scuhool a.nti Biblc classes. il1:10 A. AM. Serviues and Sermonm. 500P. M. Services anti sermion. Mnnday_ 7 :45......... Choir reheair.sai IL is a picasure t<, tdisieour um- bers and frioints that the Itev. J. M. Baily wili again occupy)3 the pupiit at thé Sunday morning ser.vices andi the. Rev.. W. P. Sulir at the afternoon 14elv- ices. The sermion last Sunday was an eh>- (tuent addreiss andi we enjoyeci being pre.sent to hear it andi get inspiration fromin i. We invite you tu, woreship %%ith us anti hear the.se wonderful -Aervive. At the annual cornnIkcllcenlent ex(-rý, ûis s -of the Northwtesteri, Univ'ersity, whiech tooki place on MIonday, of, this week, ourorganist, El.ecta Aus-tin Gamn- ron was granteti the'degree bf «Master of, Music. The title <of ler thesis was: "A Study oif the Church ('antatas oif Jo han Sebastion -Bach."- J ncluded among the mjusival compositions written as a requirernent, for) the degree are .a secular cantata. A setting oif Alfredi No-yes "River oif Stars,- "A Sacred Cari- tata," -Mirlam, the Sister oif oe, andi numerous songs and piano complo- sitions. During the summer miontbs Mrs. (iam- ron is giving a short organ recital every Sunday at Il o*Iock.. The Senior WaVýlthter ba.gue fis hoping you will rest-rve, June 24 and invite. y-our friends to'theiù.,Hard Tinie PartY. Tlhey assure you a great time, We w,ère wvondcripig What wù nmight say 'that. would be helpful >tuisien whent there arose before- us, shail we say a vision. Thée blinti see no beauitv in fiowers. The deaf a!re uliresponsive? to the loft- !est strains oif the grandest symrphiony, anti we, too, niai' fail to see the beauty oif the message or. hear the nmusie (if the voice that says:. "Corne unto Me ail ye who labou' andi a re lieavy latien andi 1 wiii give youj It ib to you, rie-h andi' poor, that theà Lo>rd Jesus atidrýsss is sweet inv-ita,- tion. We know how lie so kinil rfrqh< The annual meeting of the Woman ý rom the Junior grades up, pupis are Gulld was beld last Prlday. June 10. invited t0 share in the chureh serv- Report.s by the officers anti Gircle chair- ire of worshlp. There wlll be no ses- men reveaieti a year ouf Intensive andi "ion,' <of the church school at the early effective actlvity. The foliowing offi- hour.. cers bave been eleeted andi will serve.- In 1932-33: President. MVrs. B. F. Biy- A Foodi Sale will be helti this Satur- myer: first v lce -presldeflt. Mrs. J. Nye day, June eigliteenthin l the vacant Macalister: ýsecondi vice-president. Mrs. M tore next to WlfGlfsHardware W .Mclntoh ; third * vlce-president. Store on. Central avenue. This sale will Thelie women <if the EaSt Circle oif the Woinen's Assocl-ateti Guiltis will meet at the home <f Mrs. P. V. Bright, 731: Ashianti, for luncheon at 1 p. m. to- niorrow, Friday, June 17.-" The rector will be in. attendance .ait, a Conterence oif Clergy of the Dioceese at Libertyville tod yani. . rrw †ui«, ibi oia Vw eyswiin Iiienas and were expected home Sunday or Monday. Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell and her daughter, Florence, 1009 Oakwood ave-h nue. spent several days last week at their suminer cottage. at Lake Beulah. t' -I i