101a flII4 . On the dailv schiedule, northbound coaches leave the Union Bus Terminal, Roosevelt road at \\Tab)asli avenue. Chi- cago, at 9:20 a. in. and 5 :20 1). in., nîak- ing sto.ps en ro'ute at Wilson avenue and Broadway : the N orth, shore . une station at iHowardl Street;, the Rapid Tiransit fines station1 at De mpster street, *Nues Center; Morton Grove, Gleniview, Wheciing. Halif Day, Lih- ertyville, Grays Lake, Rollinis.* Lake Villa. Loon Lake. andi Antiochi. On Saturdavs, Sundas and hoiidays. addi- lionlal service is afforded hy a *motor coach ieavîng thé Union Bus .Tlerninialf at 1 p. ni. a.nd niaking ail stops be-, tween Chicago and Antioch. Southbotind. there, are two coaches: (iaiiy and three on Suntdays and' houi- days. Coachies on the daiiy schedule' leave. Antiocli at 6,:05 a. in. and 8 p. ni. Additionai service i.,;provided on S- 7 (iays and. holidays bv coaches leaving Antiocli at 1 p. ni. and ' p. mi. The, miotor coaches iake convenient conxic..j tions with North Shore fine, trains ati Lihertyvilie, andi with1 hotu 'Rapid Tran- i tu ,it anti North Shoüre netahsa o Dempster' Street. iies Center, and s Joward street, Chicago. tri M arshaii udl -1 14 \Varwvick road, Keniiworth. isý expected home from Brown luniversity,- Providence. R. I., about June 21. Kathecrine o, acouisin.'f roim Toronto, is expected tis week as a gnteSt in the Dudley hou se h oid. la té Pl- Throiugl, the ourt etv of Heirv Finvfer. Pe.sidcit> of 'thé Northî Shore Arca coutncil, BoY Scoutç of A4m'ricai thrcc azc'ardsç have been; turn ished 'zthich zcill br . pizeli t.o t1e districis of t.hée comicil Iziiq! the lar.yest /'ercenîtoge of bo vs r1eqiistcrct'i for attendance atilap Maiàka-Ja-Jf *n, Scouit slumm;le) rain/,i inHWisconîsin. Thefistprize is a statuette, (pic- red above ) Qf ail* ntlianl Scout on rseback. and is valued at $150. The tatue xviIi he the. property of the dis- ict earning it fiý a period of one' car. and next. year wvill again be %vardedt to 'whate.ver district hFas the irgest. percenitage of boys. registered r camp. liie avartls ývii1 ,be made ii a pretge of Scouits out of thç xai population of the towvn. Tbe' second and third prizes ar e hotographis of the -01(1 Fort Deair-' h GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS -Thec Storv of Man- is the titie of the guide-lecture tour to be giveni Mon-i day afternoon, Junie 20, at 3 o'ciock, at Field Museumn of Naturai History., On other days of the Wee at the. saine houir subjects. wiiI be: Tuesday. "Minles and Ores-; M7ednesdav. "Muînmies"; Thursdav, a gienerai tour o anthropo- logicai. hotanical. geological and zôolog- ical. exhibits. and Frida'y, '*CoaI, Ou and Peat. These tours for the genieral public, conducted, by staff lecturers. are open1 to ail museum visitors.« Parti-s assemble inside the. north eûtralice. Mr. and' Mrs. Grant Ridg-tway, 207 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, en-. tertained their club at' dinner ýand bridge on'Tuesday evening. für tile Sommer Montha We wiII diean your 3-pc. $ Uphols. Furniture for $ Aiso clean and $ funsigate for $ .7.5 ri eork doue in your own home, Excellent efference. Reiable Furniture Qamers a5193 'N. Clark St. Ardmorc 4081 This Sumnier may be your children's oppor- tunity .to -a newde- Iigbtful. .and, profitable experience. It 1m ày be your opportunity to turn this Summer at 'home into a, real joy.ý SUMMER COURSE EVANSTON ACADEMY 0F FINE ARTS Begins J.une 20 and Continues Eight Weeks- Ask for Part fculars Gaoenlemf 1674 636 CHURCH STREET Evanston, Illinois CARL ScummPLuI, Dirgettr I . wUMM% On Davis St. EVANSTON Wlluette 11, NEW :SHoES FOR O'LDI' do1mm0n 0F QUALITY Well-sbaped heels ofe fine >rubbe. Put on by ex- perts ln tileir lUne. I ~ w ::'~ ,..-- W ebol t's a......-.ans...