the mnorning, on Puccini s opera, "1,.i Bohenie." M.Niss Pretzel will draina- tize the storv,, tying it uip to ail of the prinlcil)al and secondary themes. giving a colierent and complete i dea of both sitory.àil(l music. Shte il l)e assiste.d b3S' a sop ran o and ban-ý tone. The lecture-recitals arc open1 to ail, and a small admission fee is to be charged at theý door,' it is ex- ,Plained. ENGtISHf lOFFE ICE CREAi. Our Leader is GENUINE Every COKE order with, a gold cert v v W «1 y J AFW Rq 6L s aub u WOOD and CANNEL GOAL for your Fii DRY COAL RESCREENED BEFORE DELIVERY i,ord, thon preservest mani and neast- (Psalms 36:-6). Among the citations which coin- prised the lesson-sermion wias the following 'from the Bible: "He that dwelleth iii the.secret place of the most High shalh abide, under the shadow of the Almighty. He shail cover tlîccwitli bis feathers, and. un- der bis :wings shalt thou trust: bis truth, shall be tlîy shield and bucklcr" (Psalms 91.1, 4). The. lesson-ýsermon also included the followving, passages from the Christian Science textbook. -S-Cieîîce and, I4-eaVlthfi\vith Key to the Scrip- turcs-," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Theý lîistory of Chiristianity fuirxislies, sublime proofs. of the. supportinig ini- fl uence and ptotcectiîng pover, le- stowed on man bIy lus leavenly Fathier, omnipotent nîinid, i%-'hO gives man faitlî and undcrstanding.whcrc- by to dcfend, hiniself, not only fron . temptation, but from bod i13 suffer- ing" (p. 387). The Edward W. Greenu house. 312: L.eicester road, Kcnilworth, is rented for the sunimer to M.Nr. and Mrs. Gý.ý W. St afford *of Glencoc, wlîo haveû the WVisconsin' ooundary litieof Nu- Enamel and Minwax products. The nleW store, mnanaged by C. E. Da-vis of 'Evanston, openied last week. Manuifactured under an 'exclusive process and containing raw ois from the Ttitg trees of China, elastic gurn seruims fro.m forests of, 1ndia, Nu- Enaînel is claiine( to be the most durable enamiel Science, bas ever pro- dic'ed. It is proo f againist acids, aikali. corrosion, rust, heat, cold, steamn, brine and 'other destructive agencies. It,,will withstand contrac- tion, expansion and vibration, and wvill immediatelv stop decay. Among itS hundreds of uses. are automobile painting and gas range painting. The enamfel witlhstainds hieat up to 800 de- grees. Nu-Eniamel is the product of flt iNu-Enalmel Paint c'ompany, Chii- cago and D)allas. Products of the Minwax company, Inc.. p.rov.ide a complete service for waterproofing, damp-proofing, and ,preserving masonrv, and woodivork., Includedý are the Minwax wood finish, quick drying Wood -finish, concriete f loor treatrnenits and brick an-d ce- ment coating for waterproofing and decorating conicrete, brick, stucco, and.plaster., one Vson. Mr.-I .M. Allen, 258 Melroeae -0= nue,àTenlhortli. lias 'had e. r Wiednesdav of last weeck \Ir s. guests. Mrs. W. L. Allen Of Da"'en Kingsleý Ji Colton, 354 Kenîu]ývorilui port, Iowa, and 'rsVanî Patt!n, avenue, Kenilworth, entertained at a f hol came froni Davenport fo rth Mi d buffet luncheon and bridge. Week-end. CHEAPER: Coal--and Coke prices radically reduced.I CLEAN: Treatment of Coal prevents dust,. SAFE:* No danger of exploinrfrealu. AUTOMATIC: An even, automatic heat with, electric coal stokers. No f uss-no trouble. What better heat can you ask? Ruy coal! Yard -730 Pîtner Ave., Evanston GRE. 0730, Rog. Pk. 18 36 rk a fe, ne. 111l stay in, e return- lii.iarg niai rem mEAmn.1 tomand "- Si thu