each weefc on blind bogey and mys- tery hole events. SWonien play in the norning. or ail day, as they wish. After their morning gaine sorne reniain for a * luncheon planned especiallv for the occasion 'and play bridge in the after- noon if thiey so desire; others spent al day at golf,- witb lunicheon in the clubhouse between rounds. Play- ers may arrange their Own four- somnes. or twosomes, 'or corne atone. ot Ev2 event. rs. J. H-. v won the GAMMA PHI BETAS'. Gamma 'Phi Beta. sorority an- nounces the initiation.of the follow- ing girls: Roberta, Smith, MAiltiret Laritz, Ruth Shilling, Evelyn Von Hferman, Anita Forsh, Zeda Hutch- is and Ann Hinrichs. Moinar. Mrs. John D>. &Înnear cle'verly interpreteti this sprightly Viennese affair. A pleasant social time anti fine refreshments closeti the meeting. Hos5tesa to-Reading Circle The Wilmette Reading circle wil11 uleet with Mrs. . Henry A. Pope, 910 Lake avenue, Monday .afternoon, june 20. soon to South I-adley, Mass. Rntertains -at -Vista Mrs. B. H. Miller,500 Mapte, ave- nue, entertained 'sixteen of her frientis at lunicheon and bridge at Vista, del. Lage club Wednesday of this Week. GOLDEN FOUNTAIN' SQUARE OPP 015TLNITYV DAt VS 9 Wilmette 370 SUNDAY IS FAITHER'S1 D AY GiveDad 1,500 of,,them, in a gveat sale $1.35- 3for $3.95 Solid Colors and Fancy Patterns Tli.y're the hats you waut for your nwSwm.r oulifu. PI.nfy of WHITES and Iovely pastel shades. Ail with b.- witcliing brims and simple, taiIored acç.n$. Super-valuoui la the M ilhmury Sectionw-LORD'S--Sucd Pleer AT I