Students Compete i for Track Honors ' Sports News j Duin Fel ay The Howard school lightweights Wednesday, june 8, was Field day. hdtei eon aebî ratc In~~~~ he orngalhegdes,,except Tuesday of last week. After a littie kindergarten and first grade gave, a btigpatc epa h e'y phyica edcaton demnstatin.weights. The' heavyweights won, 13 The Howard and Stolp seventlî-gradc o3 nfu nnns h iep girls kLemonstrated, relay ga mes. were: Stol gae t~ oerhad assand Lightweights-l)avid Haas, pitch- the chariot race, while Howard gave er; H-arvey Steff ensÉ, c atcher; Johin the over and under relay. Spelredes, first hase; Donald Scarf, In the afternoon there were races second base.; Don Hermanson, third anr.d other events. A gold niedal was base; Dan Mickey, short "top; Frank given for first prize. a silver inedal Konn hrtso;Bs rnel for .,second, and a bronze medal for îeft 1cd Alfred Anderson, right third.. The grades fromn sixth. downfid;obMc rancetrle. receive ribbons.. ,The. boys an(i girls who partici- e Heavvweights-Pob Spccht, pitch- ýeRobert Ste'ffens, catcher; Bill pated, in events wi sh to thank, the' Wade, flrst base; Edàwin Colegrove.I parents and( friends.' wlîo attended, second base; Steve Woodhead. tîird for their interest in our school gymr ae Harry Seifrt, short stop); nastics.-H.elen Cotseres, Stolp. 21). Franîk Brychta, short stop;, Vincenît Wei. lfIfied:Ara Bovajiati, ri lht MY! My! School's Busy' field, Gerald Spinner, center . iel.- ~ ~ i.~- jo7tion Speredes, Howard 8C. My!. My,! What a busv 1 pA c e Sol1p school is the* ast few dlays of, schoci. Only ont daS,,ieft in which to crowd in our bomework ami cornimencefint1 prepjarations. a_ things are being. hurried along es %we prepare for the > cmeter's ending. Tuesdav we went, *on our, seventh .and eghth-grade -an- nuai piciiic. Thu.rsday afterioo~n, to.- day, we *are .going 10 the. Howar<l school tu practice -for commencemient. \Ve areaIl anxious to go out of Stolp) to. New Trier, yet we are reluctant to leave 'our teachers.-ILucille Flesclh, Stolp IC. WRITERS ENCOURAGEP In 8A at Howard wc have thouglit up a new idea to encourage t'he pecipde iin our class to- write JUýNIOR LiYE stpries. Wehv writtefi the names of aIl of tlie membérs of)Ur clasýs' on a piece of paper and put it * up in dte ack of, tIle. rootu. A iter we have written an article we check * .off our turnes so aI tthe ei,4 (if Thîsa.morning avb > ai%,)-(.* ineii( left Unchlecked is noticed as unle ofr thie slackers of outr as.Are -The first gamne of the biisebalU seasoni. the Robins played the -How- ard(1 Braves., The Robins wvon. 10U 10 9. Thlé secondgaine the Robins, won':, 5 to 3. The, third gaine the Robins plyed was aga nsttht Cubs.Thle final score was 12 to 9 ini favor of the Roh)ils.-Papil Kaspar, Howard. 7B3. The Howard hcavyweighîts woni the school charnpîonship in hasebaîl frorn Stolp. Wc won thie first t\ýu( gaines and lost the, Jast une. 'F'lue scores werc 9-2. 12-6, 3-1..=---Vince-iit Vvis. Hloward 8A. The Hi-oward 8A class tlin track penniant at tie \Village Grceen on Field day, June 8. Therceleî* nany évents, aii(l niedals were giveti for firstî second andi third pîcÀ Bob Speclit. Hovard'SA. Girls of EigthGrde Make Many Garments pnie igîuîlugrades of I-Iowar(l .sCIool hiave n.ade many more clothes to Start Orchestra, Every Saturday afternoon th e Mickey Mouse club starts at 1:30 o'clock at the Wilrnette theater. The officers are of the seventh and eighth grades' and. are as follows:, Chief M11ickey Mouse, Robert Smith; Chief MNinnie Mouse. Barbara Býlairü;.chieer leader, Robert Christensen: song leader, Robert Knepper;. courier, Lloyd Hillsberg; sergeant-at-arms, BilIy Knepper and Marjorie Mac- Milan; master of ceremonies. '1heo- dore .Field; color bearer, Robert Kreu.sch. We are going to organize a Mic'e Mouse orchestra. Anvone ,who knows how tO play an -instrutmient mav Mr. out for -the orchestra. - -Marjorie. iMacMillan, Howard 7B., Everyone Keceps Busy Before Art Exhibition Evervone was vérv l)usy before the art exhibit June 10. Th generai science room was piled highi withî materials to be nounited and hulig up. The art rooni was alsoi a l>usv place withi illustrations ani ail art materials. Christmas cards and wn- dowv designs. The 'literature *rooi 1 was filled with interesting book re- ports. The social science roorn was papèred with maps and, historical news. Everything was iooking fine for the exhibit and we hope Ilie people who attended enjoved il. -, Mary Louise Schaeffer, Howvard 8B. TAKE POSTURE TESTS On Monday we had posture tests. If N'on pass three %,ou will receive a l-WTrurre 1pinl, Lut if vou pass f-INe 'ou will recceive. a silver pin. There are. onlv a feiv who will receive silver pins, and(lthe%, are 'j ai elrukr John Hail, Susaîu Richnuaif Fred- erick Mende anid Sarah jean Curley. Thle otlicrs wili recei-ve bronze pins1. -Sarah jean Curiev, Huwvard 5A. BIRD, FLOWER BOOKL ETS' 1lmvard 5C lias been niaking iird anid f1oýver bookiets. Cluil1dren havle I)cen taking bird pictures out of the arc îutlire Heroes Step Out of Books to Find .Places on Frieze In art the. girls of eighth grades iin 1-loward schoôl made. a frieze for. 'Miss Davis' -room, 8B. 'We 'Made ýit for Ibis rooîn, because it represenîts literature. In the center is the king, and on either side are the other characters leading, up to. him., These charac- ters represent well-known l>uoks that we have read.. First of aIl, every girl chose a boo0k or certain characters which she was tà 'r.epresen i-t- with a drawing. After evcryone hia< finislied dtawing. the figures werc> cul out aii arralnge(l on a lo«ng sheet of paper. The hest artists in .the three ciglti1 grades (lrew thein on the frieze and painted ther.-Janet Hardt, Howard 8B. Pupils Wishes Success to- Reporters of Future As. I sit here in Mrs. Jones' roomi, everybody is busv at work. anid 1: amn just beginnitng 10 realize thait this iS for JUNIOR LIM , Du. llng mv last year at Stolp school I1 njoed li' JUNIOR Lire articles more than ever. I arni: sure that we of* the gradluating class of - Stolp have tried our best to make the JUxioR L.iF a success1 and WC hope our success ors will do the samie. Herè's to you, JUNIOR Lire, continue to b.e a big success.-JeCan Cutier, Stolp lB STAR PUPILS GET N~EWS - In 6A w.e have a niewspaper. Thle people wvho started it w'ere and stili are special workers ini language. This means. that tbey have passed->al of their. langîtagetrbls Soin.e. of- thes.e people had l'o work liard. These î,eoî)le are Jane Peîub.)ertliv, Franices- WXeber, William Hayt., James Mc- 1Iraithi>,. Eric Sarnuelson and -IDoris jean Hargis.-Mary -May Craw'%fotrd, Howardshol ELECT POEM CONTESTANTS, In literature, 8B voted for the chil- drenwh were to be Mi the pocuni conitest. They were Dainni Mck Harry Kramier, 1Elizab)eth Leslie, Araxie Jorjorîi, Elizab)eth Benson and Franices Rapp. Friday. 8A picked their chiîdren for the. contest alse. FINISH BIRD HOUSES week ive had to work fast.-Jerrine DRESSES ARE EXHIBITED This Tuesdav %vas our lastI tine for r-romn. Howard 8A. Last week the girls of the eiglith mianuial training. This year we made grades of' Howard !school brouglit a horse, Viking ship, paper and letter REAP SAVINGS RÉWARDS their dresses to he exhibited on the holder. and also a bird bouse. AIl the The eigbth grade .'pupils have withi- following Fridâv. They %ere ail boys vcr(- in a hurry so that they, drawn their xnoney frorn tbe batik. nicel%, sewed and were verv dîfferent could finish the bird bouse this week. Some of themn have a fine. sum to. sorts of styles. such as sports. gar- 'Flent is going te be a manual trainý- brin borne.. We al.i hpe that we meits aànd dress clothes.-Frances ing class tbis sunmfer.--Costa Lulias, shahl use Our inoney 10 thebest of Bebas..Howand 8A. Howard 5C. Our ability.-Allan Stahl. Howard 8C. GRAPH SHOWS GRADES ,. Seve ral people in 8A are rnaking a grapb wbicb will tell . bow nuany hun-, dreds eacb .pupil bas.. Each.bundredj is to be repnesented by'a star. This, will-be the firstgrapb of this kindin 8A.-Elmer Stone,, Howard, 8A. Bý