Two playgroun.ds will be uperated this summner, one at the Village Greeni, Ridge road and Washington avenue, and another at Vattman Park, Lake and Park avenues. They wiIi be cointinued for. twenty weeks, closing August 20., Both playgrouids .vill l)e open from 9 o'clock ini the inornin g. until 4 o 'clock in t he after-, noon with the exception of onïe hour's intermission at noon. One half, day sessions, will bc operated on Satur- day s. Cnt Dôwn Costa 'fi ie nber of playgroun ds lias been curtailed thiS:ssummer because of the precarious financiai condition confroniting the Recreation board, but the program for, the two play- grotunds -in operation has beei. en"- iarged to accommodate a, greater nunîher of, childrenl, Daniel M. Davis,, director of recreation, announices. Residents of, al sections of the vil- lage are invited ýby Mr. Davis to senid their children to either of the avaiiiable. u1n'grounids. The program of activities this vear %vill offer, in addition to the regu lar playground program of gaines,' ath- letic leagues, hanidicraft inclusive oit dol'nîaking, sand modeling, bîa'ket weavIing. poster making, 'pet shows, etc., , iIl include a trip to the Cubs balil ark at least once during the siiiiier anîd also to Lincoln Park aànd other Places of interest, accord- ing to present plans outlined by Mr. D)avis. Free Swimniing Lesson There wvill also be free swimîniiing, les'ots gîven to ail playgrounid chli- dre. whvlo do not know how to swimi anîd eachl layground group will bc * taken- to the Wilmiette beach imie afternoin each week and the regular playgrolind program onitlîat day will .bc coiîdlucted ,at thie beach instead' of at the I)ark. Ilu.addition innova- tnsare being iitroduced ini hanl- dicraft, activities which wilI embrace projects for the youinger children. The weekiy Beach day for the playground childreîî is additional to the. reguar swimmxing. lessons gin tis vear. Miss H-ughes wilI1 conduct st.orv hours at the plavgroundIS twice each week. Director Davis bas annouinced that. despite the curtailmnent io! the. nufn- 1,ber of! playgrounds, .lie, ,expects a v mage 'zreci. iThe sratt nas .neen greatly reduced this year because of the financial situation. Writes and Directs Play for Grad'uati'on Virginia Cordeli, daughter of1 Mr, andMrs. Harry Cordel, 923 Greenleaf avenue. just has written a one-act pla#, "The Fraterîîity Mystery," which was produced Tuesday night by a group of her pupils at the. annual commencement ex 1ercises of the Illi nois: Piano colleg in Chicago. Miss Cordeil, who is also di- recting the production,1 is director of music: at the collège. Five -or six boys and one girl are in the cast., Miss Cor- deli1 also directed. another play, "Back Stage," given the same evening, and in which several of ber Wilmette pupils had roles.' They were Gloria Gonzalez, June Gonzalez, Virginia. Cote, and Frances Habeck of,'Wilmette. VISIT IN INDIANA& 2M\rs. George R. Widger and ber daughter, Roberta 'Ann, 128 Fil th street, spent the past week i San Pierre, Ind.,. visiting Mrs. Widger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fuilan.- While there they motored to Danville, 111. to attend the graduation of Miss Aýnt Fullan from Central Normal col- lege. Ail of this is of especiai interest to Wiltnette people since Mr. Stifler was pastor of the Wilmette -Baptist church for several years prior to accepting the cail to East Orange. It wvas during Mr. Stifler's pastQrate in -Wilhette that thé Wilmette Baptist church edi- fice at Wilmette, and Forest avenues was. constructed. The Baptist, officiai organ of the to Chiîcago to receive the honorary, degree of Doctor of Literature front Loyola university. Clifton Darling, Jr., and his bro,- ther, George, are. returning.front the University of Rochester ii New York next Monday tô spend the summner holidays wmith their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Darling, 1538 Highland avenue. INSTRUCTION .CAN You Gros.> and rat for Boys sd 1Grl W I M ? years of.age and Up Swiwà?im i ,7'eyeVi uiA-'..~ J~ I - e JuRC 4W--Auusti, z New Trier HIgli Shs Blegimners, are tangbt bow te mw lm' Swlmmers berotis better swlnîmers IDvI UR htaugit tIoait BREGISTER AT ANY TI1NE For information .cali Mr. Jackson Winnetka 2400 Daily Evqeninga, University 6448. 'V 'I INSTALL Gus NOW <adilm U pairBlegtsaul b. <leferred miit 115 THERE 15 A BACK-TO-THEHOME.MOVEMENT