uel Goldwyn has macde from the tauious novel by Sinclair Lewis. Thus Col-. man fans will again bave an opportun- ity to see him returning to serious emotional impersonations, after lus re- cent succ esses in the Ue of ligbt com- edy. He portrays one of the Énost striking figures in modern Anerican fiction. Ronald Colman bas, howe vcr, -dis- played a great versatlity in bis. long sèreen career. years Vernon was one of best private clubs in tthe i now open fo the public IThe. rollhng fairways and pufng greens are in perfect condition andi the liter- alIv hundreds and hundrds of tises Route... Any Road' to Waukegan Road North to. Deerfield, Then 11/2Mle est ural scenes; patrons who glory in a well-played game; patrons Who know sound, solid values-ail this discrimi- nating clientele is keenly aware of the artistry that blends the swift ac- tion and dramatic situations of mod- erni talkipg films into refreshing pro- grams àt the Teatro del Lago. This theater-cool, spacious and beautiful- is providingrelaxation and entertaiument for audiences that re- turn again, and again to the theater where balanced programs bring sanc, temperate delight. On Thursday and Fridavy of thiýs week, the Teatro del Lago offers a pleasing,.varietyý of short subjects in addition to the feature attraction, "Sky Bride," starring Richard ArIen, Jack Oakie, Robert ýCoogan and Charles Starrett. Richard ArIen, who zoomed to fame by bis- stellar. performance in "Wings,", is ýan even more seasoned. aviator in -"Sky, Bride," the picture that depicts the- hair-raising stunts of bains tormiiig aviators flirting with death, as they put over their stuif ini an air circus. There's a gripping character study as a birdman regains bis-lost courage. ftalphi Bellamy Is .hadge Raîpli Bellamy of Wilmette bias one-of bis finest roles as the juve- i ile court judge in "Young Arnerica," to be showj. at the Teatro del Lago on SaturdaY, June 18. "Young Amier- ica" is fine entertainment, plus a strong storv of a mnischievous, home- hungry boy, told. with great hunw'i appeal by that ace director, Frank Borzage, Spencer. Tracy, 'roniniy Conlon, Beryl Mercer and Doris- Kenyon do fine work. Life of the pre-war era is. corn- Pared with t1rillsoéf-the present day in "The. Wet Parade,"' mighty at- traction at the Teatro del Lago, on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, Juneý W921.. Racketeers, crime waves, po- litîcal ,corruption, kidnapping. rings, spekeaiesand graft are exposed in this adaptation' of. Upton Sinclair's novel. Filmndom's best stars have been en- listed to thrust their talents. towazrd I"xporers of the WQrIcI," to be shown Friday and Saturday, june 24 and 25, presents a succession of words and pictures by means of which six of the world's most famous explorers tell educational and thrill- ing adventures, taking the audience aIl the way f rom the Arctic to the ýAntairctic.,