summer at home; and others will se- lect various parts of the Uniited States for their vacations.« H-. B. Arami will pass the summiier days ini Moline, 111. Miss Iris Boul- ton, wiil leave on June 29 for Piiîe- wood camp, ýBrutus, Mich. where she intends to stay until ,August 28. Hiram, O bjo,ý has called Miss Frances, A. Bredin. During Augus.t, ,Miss E. L, Breidenbach xiii be at Winona lake,. md. Childa' at Camp V.S. Browvn xiistay at Camp Highlands,. Sayner. Xis.. until August 19. Wv. 1 L. Childs xiii direct the O-wa-kon-ze camps,, O-wa- kon-ze, Ontario, Canada. westfield, Xis., wîll provide: rest for Norman G. Christensen. Miss Ora B. Cole*bas gone to Keokuk, Iowva. After July 1, V. H. Condon wil.l be at, the. OWasippe Sco)ut camps, Owaý- sippe,.Mich., Paul C. Delàporte viii spend the sumnmer at TolWer Hill camp, Saxvyer, Micli. On Juiy 1, Mliss Ethel M..L Pvanis Nill leave for Doxyno, Kan. Attend Summer 'School Th e summiner school of Middlebury college, Middiebury, Vt., has attract-ý ed two Newv Trier teachers, Ms Frances. J. Fientve and Chales E. \arney. Miss MaY P. Fogg «%iii spend july and August at the Quinibeck camps,, Ely, Vt. Wooster, Ohîio, xv-iii be the sumnmer residence of 'Miss Lauira Fu i- ton. *Miss Elizabeth M. Haddeu has gone niorth to Muskegon, Midi..; anid .Niss Beulali B. 'Hall, xest. to Plaini- ville, Kan. Miss Margaret Hubscli wilI eastern suinier iune Voqrk City. Plan European Tours '1\vo teachers are planning to go evnfarther east-to Eutrop)e . Nis" Eiz7abeth Packer and lier nielce, M ilss Ferances,:Vinai of Upper. Montclair,> N.Jwiii tour Engl rid and France. ,w hile. Miss jessie Sefituey also views, I1 ropeaft sceiies, iiicltidill«,those in France. M iss Eleanior 1ibbey las g 0iie, to1 Oshkoshi, \Vis.; Chester Mac [,ean, to Beloît, Xis.; Miss Irina M. Moschiel ~t . Til . "kt . xl ___ - Griffith of Wiimette, members of Illinois Epsilon who were graduated froni Northwestern. university .this montlî, are,to be the guests of* the club. Mrs. Carlton C. Cumniinis'and Mrs. W.ý Carey Matthews,, both of Evans- ton, are in1 charge of the party and ar e making transportation arrange- ments for those who wish t'O attend. .Mrs. Cumnmins wili receive reser- vations untilFriday night, June 24. No -canceilations. may be. made after, tiat dateit 'is ann ounced. LEAVING FOR CONVENTION Mrs. D. Bligh Grasett of 797 Walden r oad,, Winnetka, national treasuire r of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, left Tuesday for Estes IPark, Col.,. ta attend a. council meeting pre- ceding the anniual. national conven- tion of. the' organiizatioli, which,%will take place there.ail next week. Mrs. E. E. Stuits Of 418 Sheridan road, WViniietka, district president here, and ,MUrs. Guy Reed of 445 Grove street,, Giencoe, represen.ting the Evanston aiumnae chapter are, leav-, ing for, Estes Park this: Friday on a convention special trai. ARDEN SHORE CHAIRMAN Miss Elizabeth Jane Alger, 154 Warwvick Jane, Keniiworth, has been appointed chairman of the Chicago Arden Shore coininittee. The date of' the annual ball by which the Chi cago commit.tee raises its annual contribution to thle work of Arden Shore, the rest camp at Lake Bluff for miothers and chiidren fromi congested city districts, lias been set for De- C'etmber :10. It wil l be, held at the Stevens hotei. Mrs., W.,R. Johnson- and daughter, Marion, of Syracuse,' N.,Y., are visiting Mrs. Johnson' isters, Mrs. Fred Sim- 11nions'and Mrs. Frederick F. Skei, 338 Woodstock aveue, Keniiworth. Miss Marion is here to attend the Alpha Phi National convention which is heid at Captures the Elusit'e Charm of ChilcLhood- hree beautiful$ ree tones No appointment necessary For Limted Time Only BE5Li'RNIE STUDIO, 4"Better Pictures -etter Values" 1623 Shermnan Ave., l3vanston Viuic rm414 PhooKBELWi Member Wilmette Chcamber of Commerce i Aveu. -me Smildeu for Bernie Tel. UNI. 8996 WiIson's WhoIe 1<11k Bread Pound Loal se 477S