Yes Sir,. There Are "siCKERS" E lway on -Your Trazl! The gullibility of the Anierican people! You-, Mr.. Advertiser, are aniong tbem. It's really astonishing. Even the niost wary are subjeet to the "sliikers". who follow them about. Yes, the day of sel ling l3rooklyi bridge and some yokel buyin the Wriglybuligia passed, although such ".deals" are heard >of. f rom time to time. Yes, today ýyou may steer wide of gold brick artists but-the chances are m any have succumbed to the present day re- finements of these old shell games. The chances are you may have bat your shirt covertly purchased f rom the corner medicine show. Everyone f ails sooner or later. And still you deny it? WeIl, let's get down to the. advertising business. "Invest your appropriation bere," says the national periodical, and presents impressive charts and graplis and figures that prove their contentions of resuits.. "Invest your adver- tising dollars here," says the metropolitari daily. "Every d ol lar investeçi will blossom like a mushroom in no time at ail." And the sad. part of it ail is, Mr. Advertiser, sou do inves. You who steer elear of patent medi- cines, gold bricks, stock mnarkets, wildcat oul, Florîda real estate, patent fly-traps and Utah Snake oul! P.T. Barnuin said, "There's one born e'very minute .. LET US TABLE. LAY OUR CARDS ON THE 0OUR STORY IS SIMPLE ban Quality Group tmuch of your advertising in estmenti .grows hair on a1 billiard bal," which you Chicûgo Office: I REACH THE CREAM 0F YOUR MARKET THROUGH THE CHICAGO SUBUJRBAN Phone: Central 3355 QUALITY GROUP e.