GIVE FACTS ON VILLAGE COSTS Interesting Information, Con- tained in' Communication Sent to Villagers Maily interestinig facts relating t6 tiw curtailment of municipal opera4ting costs, the proportion of the genieral tax which goes to thé Village of Wilmette, and per capita cost to conduct *the varionis departrnents ini tie Village are con- tained in a communiication dirccted toi citizens and enclosed wifi the nîost re- cently dispatched watér bis. The coin- ýmunication reads: Dear Citizen: NE~v\VAEI~VojK~.Due to tie con- dition of the bond mnarket, the Village bard lias .re fused to seil the -water revenue bonds at a ieavy discount aud therefore have postPolned the building of the ýnew watcr plant until the bonid market improves. DO YOU KNO'XV- 'rhat the Village, through.practicing rigid econo.,ny, underspent its 1ast yea 1r's' Cor Porate budget $74,15 1.78 ?ast That the Village spent $3.38 less per capita.,to operate ini 1931. than. in1930o?' That the .village tax levy for,,1931 is $64,600 léss 'than the 1930 tax levy? That it cost approximately $200 per year to relace, tic street lamps brok2n by boys and others with sfingshots and stones ? Pléês caution the .boys. to be carefuiI. Tiat oniv 1/5, of the taxes you -pay goes- to su1pport the Village. govern- ment? Tlhat due to tlhe non-paynîenît of taxes and, inability. to sdI the tax ,anticipationi warrants,. the Village is unable toý pay aIl of its bills and payrolls, and it may be necessary 'to cut down f urther on the service renldered? Thiat the -cost per capita per day for water is a trifle les s than 2 cents? This is .Iess .than the price of a postage stanip. That it costs each .famijly an average of 22 cents per wveek to remove the ashes and rubbish? This is Iess than one round trip to Chicago on the "Ele- vated." Sckool Offices Open for Warrant Purchases "1Open ail day for business." That's the watchwordý at the su- perintendent's office, 738 Tenth street, where tax anticipation warrants May lbe purchased to. help keep Wlet' schools year. Persons who enjoy, participating in surprise parties May be interested in buying warrants and also tell ,ing their friends aboutîit, so that.j. R. Harper, superintendent of the Wilmette- pub- lic schools, wvill be pleased when lie gets back from. Hartford, Midii., where lie is taking a much-needed rest. A gtateinent ini Iast week's issue of WILMEÈTT£ LIpe by Henry E. Cutier, president of the board. of education, indicated clearly the precarjious fin- ancial situation faci ng the public: schools next year unless citizens rally to the cause by purclîasing tax an- ticipation Warrants. LUiiless. funds -are forthcomi-ng, Mr. Cutier declared 'the scliools cannot be opeied in Septemn- ber. Rev. John' G. Hindley Named to.Appeals, Board The . Rev. John G. Hindley, pastor of the ýFirst Congregational church, will serveon the W ilmette ,board of appeals. . His appQintmenit was. ap- proved. by the Minmette Village board at the regular. meeting in'the Village hall Tuesday night of this week. The Rev. MNr. Hindley will ne- place Harny C. kinne, former chair- man of tie board of appeals, who tendered . is resignation from. that board, following his election as trustee on tlhe Village board. XiI- liamn Kix M«Niller, lias been, appointed chairmnan of thée board:of appeals in place of Mr. Kinney. Plan Concerted Action to Prevent Truck Routes The Wihinette -Village board, at its regular meeti ng on Tuesday night of this week, authorized Arthur Lee, chairmnan of the streets and alievs Augment Parking Area, for Patrons of Wilmette Beach. Additionai free pa rking space in the vicinity of the. Wilmnette bathing beach bas been -provided at Wash- ington Park by the Wilmette Park Augmientiîng, the present parking area at the east extremnity of the Park, the Park boardlias provided space for 200 additional cars on the lower level at the north edge of the park about 500 feet-east of Michigan avenue. Entrance is gained through the north drive. at Washington ave- nue. -parking signs are beingplaced to direct ..the villagers. The ground for, the, new parking space. lias been Ieveled off and is ready to receive cars, it is explained'. With this additional space, the Park board bas placed a ban on al parking on drivewavs. Arrangements for the new parking space wer e made at a meeting of the Park boar(' commissioners late Iast weék. 4-Pl y Commnencement for Maguire Family Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maguire of: 530 Linden avenue, Wilmette, have been enjoying an unusually busy commence- ment.season this month. Three sons and a daugliter have received graduation certificates with the pastý few weeks. James, the youngest of the. quartet, completed bis- work at the St. Francis Xavier grammar school, Agiies was a. graduate at the Mary wood School for Girls ini Evanston, Andrew J., received the degree of 'Doctor of Medicine at Loyola university,,and'Edward C. grad- uated at Weston college, Mass., and wvas ordained into the priesthood.' Continue Hearing on s Automatie Gates Issue Application of the Chicago North CALL PARLEY ON AID TO JOBLESS "Man - a.-Block" PÉlan to Be Subject at Discussion. Here Frida@y Evening The "man a block p lan" i-a. simple procedureLfor lifting the curtain of de- pression f rom the windows of Wilmiette, homes-may soon spread like sunshine ovrthe entire village., A meeting will be held Friday night, June 24, at 8 o'clock in the Wilmette Village hall to effect an organization designed to make the "man a, block Seek Suggestions Leaders of Wilmette organizations, welf are workersand ail other interested residents are being urged to attend and, contribute suggestions to the wokiug out of this plan which two Wilhnette blocks are now using to provide needy families with. food without a hint of "charity." C. M. Osborn Village manager, and George E. Leal, commander of Wil- mette Post No. 46, American Legion, have prepared a letter, about sixty cop- ies of which have been sent to leaders of Wilmette organizations inviting them to attend Friday night's meeting. Charles W. Lerch, in charge of the "than a block plan" being employed successfuilly in the "1700" blockc of Highland avenue, wilI. be cbairman o the meeting. HighIy Endors.d Wilmette organizations, including al the churches, the Community Chest, the Arnerican Legion, and. the Woman's célub of Wilmette, have enthusiastica41y enlorsed the, "ma a block plan," j ts advocates declare. -The plan: is also being used successfully: in, the 111600" block on Highland avenue, under the direction of E. Earl McDow. .According to the "man a block" plan, each home, in which the baad of &e. less tnan the cost ofthte morning paper you have served with your breakfast. These things have been acconiplished by practicing rigid econoniy in ail Vil- lage activities. Rernember.- No SPrinkling on Hot Daysç-Betzween 3 p. M. and 9 ýp. m.' FsU- a'J vt_.lfp*5 'JicicuLL help thernsélves. -Mrs. Henry Cutler, chairman. Note:,Economy Shop is conducted by the Woman.'s club ýof Wilmette. Proceeds are directed to charity. re Lies rdeu j IetyFage........ * 24 Advocates of the plan declare that .32 its village-wide adoption would help 36 meet the immediate ne'cls of practically every large Winmette family which lacks the everyrday necessities. Some of' ...28 the families in need have f romù six ta eight - childrcn. ty age