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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jun 1932, p. 28

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w ilmette. Thne ceretnony wil take place in the chapel of the First Meth- odist Episcopal church of Evanston and will be performed by Dr. Ernest F. * Tîttie. asssted by the Rev. James T. Venekiasen of the First Presbyterian church, Wilmnette... A reception. will follow at the home of Miss Elliss parý ents, Mr. and Mlrs.,.William 1H. Eltis, 0 23 Greenwood avenue. Both the wed- ding and the reception will be attetided by ouly relatives anfd cïlose f riends of both families. Miss Frances, and Miss Katheriie Ellis will attend their sister as brides- nmaids, and serving Mr. Van Schaack as best man will be his brother, Cor- nielins Van Schaack. The,,ushers are to be Robert Van Schaack, Jr. of Ev- anlston and Joseph Rummier of Chi- cago, cousins of the bridegroomn. During May and june Miss Ellis wvas the guest of honor at niany prenuptial affairs. This Saturday.afternoon Miss Alice Froeschle of Chicago will. be hostess 'at a tea and hanidkerchiei shower. In the eveningMr.,and Mrs. Ellis will give the bridai dinner at Shawnee Country club during the club 's Feast of the ianternis part y. Next * Tuesday Miss Virginia Hannah of Wil- luette will entertain at ai ternoon bridge in 'honor of Miss, Ellis. Miss Marion Wolf of Wilmiette* is giving a kitchen shower tonight at ber home, and on Tuesday evening of this %vcek Mrs. Richard Louis deBerard of Nueés Center wvas hostess at a 'bathroomi accessory shower. Miss Marion Born' of \Vilinette an] * Miss Vera Hoerber of Evanston were co-hostesses at a smnall dinner dance at the Iidgewater Beach botel for Miss Ellis and Mr. Van Schiaack. Early Ii May Miss lIree Baehr of Gleiceoe gave Miss Ellhs a. persoýnal, show'er, and later. wvas hostess àt a dinner danice at Kil- deer Country club for the bride and gr oonl-to-I)e.' MIiss Ellis and Mr. Vani Schaack have heen entertained at dinner by Mrl. and- Mrs. Chattes- A. Keller of \Vil- * mette, June 12; Mr. and Mrs. Robert :Van Sclhaack of:- Evanston, june 18: * Mr. and Mrs. Clifford J. Ellis of Glei- coe at Suinday tea, june 5, and Mfr. and Mr§. Harvey Ellis of Chicago at the 1-oniestead' in. Evanston, June 2. Silver Wedding Dipner Mr. and Mrs. Williani Mý\cGibboti of ShawiPP ('niitrv club celehrated' Garden Club Hostess' 'The Kenilworth junior Garden club wilI meet on Wednesday, june 29, at Deerfield, with Mr-S. John Cory, who has moved there from Winnetka. Mathew Francis Photo miss- Lillian Fitch of 1033 Elrn- Uwvod av.jeue lose marriage ta kalPh Il..,Rehbock of Seattle, I1 'ash. is taking place,- at 6.-30 o'clock this e7,c;iniii the Wil- mette Paris& Met hodist church, 'zvithi a gardeft supper fQllowsing for relatives and' intimiatt' friends at the lhomle of lier parents,ha ben ithe.ques!af lion or at numer- 'isaffairs prior to lier tweddfing. On April 2, Miss Catherine Moore of. Wilmnette and Mrs. Dan Burrili of* Chicago ere hostesses at a towel shiower'. On May 4, Josephine A. Case of Evntnentertained à few f riends on' the New Trrier 'faculty at a kitchen Abower, and on May 14, Miss Florence Branson. gave a hiandkerchief shower and bridge at 'ier home in Wilm 'ette. .Miss Catherine Murphy invited, a f ew f riends on the Newv Trier faculty to a Iilche6ni, bridge,' and lineni shower at the- Georgian hotel May 21, and on jiie4, Miss Betty, Marshall, MIigssMary. Martin, and Mrs. Donald' M. Gallie, Jr., wverehostesses at a bridge and per- sonal gift shower., Miss' Rebecca Fitch gave an ýafter- itoon l)ridge-June 1,i;in' honor of lber sister. and on> Monday eveinig, June 13, Miss Olive Grover -of WViinnetka wvas. hostess to m'embers of the New1 .really teli on june were attending the cousin in the south was necessary to celebration,. The ceremony will be perforniéd by Dr. Horace G. Smith of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church, and will be followed' hy a reception. The date of 'the' marriage is the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of' the groomn's parents, Mr. anad Mrs. George A La Rocque of ýTucsoni, Ariz.. Miss Hopkins will have asher at- tendants Miss Marion Baldwin ýof Wilmette as maid of honor and Miss' Helen McGinnis of Chicago* as brides- ai.SeÉving Mr. La. Rocque as best man' will be Raymond Bowers of Three. Rivers, Mich., ýaand, Frank Murray of Homewood, Ill. Will usher. The bride., and bridegroom wi.l1 make their home in..Washington, *D. C. This evening Mr. and Mrs. Hop- kins, the bride's parents, WilI enter- tain the bridai party at the Russian village in Morton Grove., LastSun-, day Dr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Mordof entertained the bridai partyý at din- ,ner 'and 'bridge. On -Monday the bridai partyý was entertained at din- uner bridge by. Mr. and Mrs. George Baldwin and their daughter, Miss Marion, M Nrs. William Locker arrived last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. La Rocque from Tucson, Ariz. for the wedding. ________ Episcopalians Will. Have Picnic and Garden Part y MIrs. Nathaniel F. Webb is opening hier homne on Hibbard road Friday, j une 24, for a one o'clock picuic luùnch2* eon and garden party for womnen of St. Aug-ustine's church. The South circle of the Womnan's guild will serve the picnic luncheon. Reservations, both for the out-of-door affair and for trans- portation, are to be made with neigh- borhood circle chiairmien,, ývho are: Mrs., WVilliami E. Robertson, 521, Central ,avenue, South circlé; Mrs.,F. WV. Fuer-, mann, 835 Greenwood a venue, Eait circle k Mrs.ý Julian Thompson, 1044. Ashland avenue, Northeast circle; Mrs. R. DeNrinny, 1706 WVashington, WVest çirc le. Fete Keniluorth Girl Miss Phebe H-edrick of Kenilworth is being entertained before lier depar- ture in july for Scotland, where she is to be married. Next Mondav after~- Z- fritusn Empire, wiII De 'heli at the 6,btas t ey home of Mrs. J. H. Dyon, 1310 Ash- wedding of a land avenue, Friday afternoon June at that time it 24, at 2 o'clock. As this will b, postpone their. the fast meeting..until Septemberý,, a lgeattendance-is desired. ,Nuys, Cal. The cerernony will be so0lemniized ini Beverly Huis, Cal., at 4:30 o'clock, in AIl Saints Episcopal church. which will be decorated with calla 'huies and white gladioli. The bride will wear a simple gown of 1ji.ite satin with puffed sieeves, ane-poîiiite train, a late ca p, o range l)lossoms,, and a. tulle-vieil, and will carry a muif of tulle, liles of the valley, and gardenias., Janet Minor. will be bher sister's rnaid- of honor,. gowned, in. tea rose niet, 'wearing a large.bat, and carry- ing an old-fashi.oned bouquet of *talis-, mari roses and blue delphinium_ Mrs. WVillia m H. Walléck and M'rs. Alex M. Crawford, matrons of honor, will be ini blue lace. They will wear'small liats of tulle and carry arm bouquets of talismanl roses and lavender lark- spur. Miss Murietta Bergey, as bridesmaid, will, be. dressed in green and will carry an armn bouquet of vellow' roses and Lavender larkspur. WVilliam H. Walleck will serve his brother as best man. Harry A. Wo1c1i, Alex M.,Crawford, Harry R. Býevis, and Harry B. Minor, brother of the bride,'will ushier. The reception and supper served ini the beautifuil gardens,ý, 4704 White Oak avenue, an Nuys, the home- of Mr and .rs. Harry E., Hughes of Wil mette, ivhere, the Minor fainily bias been. living for the past year. Thle you ng couple plan to motor to Del Monte, San Francisco' and die Yosemnite on thieir honeymnoon arffl make their future home i Van Nýuvs', wvlere, thiey ivill build a Nlex- *îa'home. Musicale Is Bene fit for British, Old Folk On, Wediesday afternoon, June 15, a, delighltful :musicale ivas given. Iy MNrs. Guv Callow of the Cambridge, chapter, .Dijughters of ',the ' British Emnpire, at -the homne of Mrs.. Thomas WVest, .723 Ashland avenue, for the .eniefit..of the. British Old. People's home., Soloists gi-ving thIe prograin were, ..Mrs., .Callow., Violinist;, Mrs., M. Vol- asek, soprano; Loretta. . Todd, Coni- tralto: Miss. Clara Musser, 'whîstier; .Miss May Kimberly,. acco'i4paiist.. Mrs. West served tea after the musicale' was over, and Mrs. Robert Smiith of Kenilworth poured. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Bulley, 220 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, will enter- tain a few friends at dinner and bridge on Saturday evening, June 25, ûL celebration of their wedding an- iiiversarY.

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