On Filday, Junie 24 at 8 p). ni, is the Old Fashioned party spounsored by the Senior Walther league, the cemmnittet- lias airaflged a wonderfuî prograin, they wiil show you the old family album, sIng old fashloned songs incuding the Barber Shop Quartet-, aînieý will ,be played. We. will havé an old picture, guesisinge contest also good things to cat. Ail this 18 to take . »lace. in the nice cool Sunday schooi, rooni. This wonderful organizatioji of young 'peo- pie wouid like to. see ev-ery.famliy there dressed in old-fashioned costumes. Sunday isa children's day at St, John's and the Rev. J. M. Bail.y's.text for this, service is 'ýChhldren's Day-." Ministers we semetinies think, preaeh as if there were. no boys andgrst listen to theni. This' can scarcely be i ess thanlfl ault. inia mifistet. The old- men wili very soon ail pass, aay ln theordinary course ef mortal- Wt. But the childrefi are to grow" up and - Il the places, thus miade vacant. If It be important tolreach to the 01(1 menl, thien it must be uo less important té preach. to the. boy and girl. 'f a faflîî- r . er gees out to feed i tock, he is careful tO Place some of the iriovencder it. We know' that ln evei-y conniunity and every congregation is a class wvho, thou.g4 young and inexPerienced now, wiiJ soon Stand in the front rank or- enter therooni et obscurity% They must be taught or they wili teaeh others. Their mmnd is a garden >that niust be cul- I tivated, and wvhose 'soil . muSt be made to yield fruit and gralin-or àItwill be encuimbered with useless N%,eeds and thisties that wiil sting those W~ho couie inl contact wîth theni. We c annot ask them te ecm ol d or forget youthful pleasures, or listeaj to long dull sermons tluough they ivould neyer make them less brave or effectivec soldiers in lite4 but we 'can take thiru * littie minds eut in the presene of uni- ture li sone. of lieèr charining mnoods and they 'will learn a lesson froni almost any abjec t. The flowers blociji toý a.sk who clefhed" theni in theii- beauty; theý brook murnurs te inquire who cut,:It$ *.channeis in the roecks; the golden grain- waves te inqui7e ivho, péoeviçeth food for rnan ; the' anIt-,eaeh iadustry;'the. bee asks theni' b examinelier wondea-- fuI anchanîcal skill; the m,-.in (caehes, them that nature weeps4. Ne, there is littie danger for- t-lîildren whe learn frorn nature. WVe do net wlsh te su bstitute nature for, the Bible, but we do want to say that if we coin- bine nature with the wvord oif Cod,' oui- children wouid net corne tp -Ielibanui carelessly- drop down anyIle-weevtha expression et face- that sayrs as ail s p i a t o î , a d i s u s s i o n i l w i i p f l Registrations for- Cam"p Gray are due this next Wieek tunless you want to pay the addltlorial 50 cents charged after JuIyi Ther- are those et our lnuîn)bet vho %vili be' ilterested in attending the eve- Iling lectures in Evanston in connection with the MItId-West Institute of Inter-ý national Relations «being held at, the present.tume: This la a rare opportunity to hear world leaders on current prob- lenis. Folloiwing là a list 0of the speakers and their subjectË. It is advisable, to I;e present early in order to get a seat: Thursday, June 23, James W. Garnier,' First AM. E. church, "heUnited States and Latin A rca-Proposaîs for a ("onstructive Poicy' .Fridav,. June 24, Kîrby Page, First M. E.* chuarch, "Must We Travel the Moscow -Road?" àSunday evening,- June . 26. Grover Clark, First ~Baptiet church, "Problenis of the Par- East." 'n Tuesday, Jurie 28, Frank MlaloyAn derson, First M.,FE. chu "ch, ."the Týreaty of -Versaill e f.-Thirteen ,Years" (Treaty ,igned, June 21, 191-9), Friday, July 1,. Pres. Gllenn Frank, First Methodist ïchuréh. "America is Parthf the Worid." St. gustine' s Sunlday, June 26, will be the fifth Sunday atter Trnuity. There viii bie 11o)y Comnirufon at 8 m.n., and mora- 1i1ig Prayer with Sermon uat il a. Iln. Frida,.Ju ne 2-4, iwillibe >St. John Baptist day. Thiere, wMI be H olyConu- iunioa. at 8ý a. ni. The p)reaëluei nexýt Sunlday at il a. nu. il'l be the Rev. Frank Meyers, recton (if Christ church, Harâvard, ,Ill. -Dr. C'arleton will îY.reach at Harvard..' The, South Circle of the Associajted (,uilds is holding9 a luncheon and garde»l aryFrîday ef tilis 'week at i1 o'cloc.k t t the hom~e of Mrs. . F. Webb, Hib- bard rend ind Wilm'ette avenue. Reser- vat'ioiis should be made 'with' the head et uadli circle and those wishing trans- I)ortation 11sho(uld also apply to the çhair- iman of the circle to ic bse lelong-s. The Vestr-y met last eVeiipg at the Iari.-I house. -Examination,3 for youag aMencuter- 11n9 tlhe niniStî-y wve oaducted yester- day. in St. , Ustinle's1parish bouse by 11w )ioesanboar-d of e.anfluiiig-la- l oli f which the rector is earm, First PresbYterian Womaî'-,dubroonis "elnth 4tivet at Greenldeaf aýeiit- Janii-s T.Vnkae,îiî~e the Rev. George Alison preaching. Oit August 14, 21, and .28, services will be held at the Cmngregational chu.reh, the Rev. James T. Venekiasen preachitng. Eachi pastor wili be available lfor pas- tora1 services for the three chiuruhes during the ,period hie is coniductinig the services. Tti hoped that these unioni services will be well attended and.profit- able for*.unity of. spirit and heipfulnes- in worship. English Lutheéran, Seventh and Greenpleaf "AHouse ef Worshi p" Rev,. David R1. Kabele, paistor. Suîiday Services Sunday schooi, 9:45 a. ni. MN'rs. May Belle Magenow-Jacicson (Director of Music), Speciai Music-June 26th. trelUde-Cantilene.............Fauîkes3 --nithem--God, that Madest Eath and Heaven........... Old Weish Air Offertory -Solo-Close at-1t..1 Thy, Side:.. ........ .........Wooler' Frank Dorb.and Postude-oelPolOaise...Guilmiant * 'fday ('Thursday> beginning it 2 o'cdock our Congregation and Sunday school will hold their annmal picnic at the Forest préserve, HIans road--wes't, of WVilmfette,.The Picic eCali hmsgone, .Friday evnnJune 24, the Luther league invites alil the young folks!* te joln' theni. in a "Treasure HI-uaI." We ývll m reet at the, church aI 8 e'clock. Our- church is net curtailing its Pro- grani for the sumnmer. Every delpa'rit- ment of the Sunday school ivili be ln full session each Sunday and our serv- ice of iorship wili be Iuelcd at li o'ciockç each Suridày morning with the p~astor Occupying the- pulpit. The Lord expects ts te attend church r'ekularly through- cqut the year for there are Sabbath days in the suminer mionths as wel ns other months' of' the year. An invitation isý extended te the visitors te OUI- village to V.eomeand worsip )With us., PrSt Con gregational John G. Hindley, rainfister Oui- service ef worship la held at li (loc-k. Next SundaY morniag. r Hlind ley Nill preach en "The,Faith of .'lesus la the PrPesent. Confusion." The Nerviee wili conclÙàde wýth the Lord's Sluppletr. Tlie musical preýgranii will be: Pre(lude-"î n Paradissumý' . . mulet Solo - 'Hear AMy Cry, 0 Loi-dl, .,Wooler* Afrs. Beulah Casie,- Edward, OVffertî--n.Co in" ..Rôusseitu oo- -"Cast Thy Burden"-.Hatnblen Mrs. Edwards i->tue "l>osýtlude ln G Miner . Jefeltaure-Wely, ilasts just one hour. The DesPlaines amip meeting begins, Sunday, July 3. A splendid prograin has been a.rranged. Copies of this prograni iamy.be foundc on the table iin the Nar- thex of the church. Ail membrs of. the çhureh will be glad to know that both Blshop Hughes a.nd, Bishbp Waldo.rf are anmong the Sunday preachers this year. Mission Church John Bengtson, pastor Friday, Prayer meeting atO., Newi- hagen's, 994, Spruce stre et. Saturday, dune 25 , dinner at Womýan's club at 7 and 8 O'clock. ('hurch sehool, ...nda....il 1115. a. ni. Y i ý ...; . ý - - : - " ... 5 p . n . Jr. Y................. 6:45 p. ni. Evening- service.... >.......... 7 :45 p. nm. 1 Rev. J. Taylor preaching. Wednëe-day.................8 ni. Thursday, June 30, Ladies' Aid at Mis. J.Benigtson's, 824 Hu-iboit avenueý. WINS HONORS ATý WI]LILIAMWS Robert F. Zech, 918. Foi-est' avenue, 'rettirned home Suniday after complet- nîg flus junior year at Wiliams, coli-ege. He %%as*eiected president and trusteof us, f raternity, Zeta Psi, and in his senior year. will 'be manager of thé track. and- cross-cotutry teains. 'Hle xvaÇ also, one of si xteen juniors elected tu (1argoyle, the non,-secret lxonorary sen- ior society of Willýiamis.coll.ege., SORORITY HAS BAýNQUET The :Gamnia Phi sorority gave its' annuai banquet at 'the' chapter bouse Mn Evanston on Friday,. lune 10, Miss Mildred 'Hebel, president of the nuorth shore 'group, presided as toastmistress. Last nuontia the .Evapstona aiumnae group e'n.tertaiiied ail G-.ttmna Phis at a ver3 ., enjoyable nMusicale and -tea ýat * .anid Mrs. *William W. Lloyd, $2. Sixteenîh. street, have, as their gUesî for tbbc sumîuîer, Ihe. laier's'sister,. Mi.;ss Kaîherin.e- Reede of Beveriy Uis., Cal. 1ey ail are Ieaving the. first of Juiy te spend about twvo weeks.motor- iîîg armiad ILake Michigan and 'Lake Supèrior tu Duluthi and on tu iinterna- tionaI Faits. ,Mrs. TJheo B. Robertson cf 215 Fourthi street 'vas liostess at a lunch- : - 1 on - zuqcxt ho wisoutemattend. lase t u-'1 ,,nu. , e "'isKngwlIl iead the dis- 1uC ilren ofthtfe Beginîlers and 'Pni- tlieir uaugnter, wrs. Morris Bll, of partment. ussion of h'e tSpi-,"How Does Christ mr aewere. cared for during the Oshkosh, Wis. day' mornlng the group preseat dld -',Meet The Needa ot the World." We In- church heur of Il te 12. There are ne White Cross work for Oak Forest. vieteYoung people te meet with us. sessions of the regular churchshol M.an Mr. .G.Bre,69 -"classes, col M.adMr.H G.Bri,19 The B. Y. P. U. will 'hold a meeting Our prayer mieeting wjll be held on ' kreenwood avenue, 'wiil entertain next Sunday, the place te be announced Wednesday e.venlng at 8 o'cloek. We The Men's class is continulng its woîk twénty guests informally at dinner 'yRosa Blaylock, service cýommission will, atudy Jesus teaching' lia The Pal-able Sunday by Sunday until. the firat t and bridge this Saturday 'q - 1 ýl ý