OfLvn and, -the' Of _ElectrIit THESE TIMES have a tendency to Con- fine general buying to bargains. Quality considerationis are being overlôoked.In the rush to. lower prices. You 'wilI notice on the, chart -at the right.thai since 1911.-prices.of food and' clothing. and other necessities have beekt anything but stable. During the War years, 1914 to 1920, they climbed to ex- treme heiglits. Then they dropped down considerably during the reconstruction, period,; In t1he middle <«ninCteen-_ twenties", they went up again -not a big jump this timie, but definitely Up. Be ginning in 1930, the trend of. these comhmodities lias, been down. The, dip has been especially axti ceable duri ng the last six rnonths. And so, with both higli and low priced gcods selling iiiý some cases for about haJf of what they formerly cont, and ail but one of. these'reductions were mnade when general conunodity prices were going. up. Comparison of Cost of Uving, Prces und Residentill EIctricity- Prices AVER AGE RAT-FO RESIDENTIAL ELECTRiTY -'* dollar spent Pus m= iwCuONIPWv ises will bwy 1913 dollar, pont for ql.c. i% more thonIt present cost of eiectricity is flear its proper level. PUBLI 1C SERVICE COMPANY 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS. LrS TEN IN to the Public' Service Co6mpafty'a "Evening, ait ibm," Prh rmevry Tueaday eveniýg, at,8:45 overYCL C OSt Cost