Zcents an ounce, to three cents per ounce or each. fraction thereof, ac- cording to information received tbis week from the Xvilmette and the Kenilworth, post offices'. For the same period, the rate for flrst class air mai.l will bc increas'ed fromà 5 cents an ounce to 8, cents per ounce for :the:'llrst ounce. while for eahadditional ounce. or' fraction thereof. the. increëase w'ill be from 10 cents an ounce to'13 cents per ounce.- There wili be no increa.se in the rates. for special delivery of letters but each special delivery letter mu st now h ave a three-cent instead of a two-cent, stamp affixed in addition to the, special delivery stamp.: Beginning Octobér 1, this* year.1 there is to be an increase in the parcel post rate. Kenilworth2 to Omnit- July Fourth Program For the first time 'in many years, Kenilworth Àill bc without a Pourth of july program. The Kenilworth club, which has been sponsoring the observances in the pasthas decided that the expense of such a program would be prohibitýive this year. Another reason given by the club for 'omitting the observance is that last year's. attendance was' compara- tively small. Many Kenilwvorth residents already have their outings planned. and most of the children will have something to occupy their attention on the Fourtb of july, it is believed. Court tO Hear Mai :Street Case in July At a meeting of the Wilmette board Of local îimproveneffts ini the. Village' hall Tues .,da%, ,night of this week, XiI- lis D.' Natice, village 'attorney, re- porte(l that the County court in July will hear the case in 'conniection with the objectîins brought. by certain property owners against the spread- ig of asscssments for the imp.rovç- ment of the unp'aved portion of Main street ini the north section of Wil- mette. -Thée'Main 'street improveffientl been provided'for the accommodation of patrons of tbe Wilmètte Beach. The Park board has arranged this extra convenience. Postal rates will -go up july 6 ac - cording to. information .issued by the Post Office department. More* than 300 students, enroil for summer ýschool, at New Trier High school, which' is operated this year ýo.n a tuition basis. Widening of the Oakwood avenue! railroad crossing and rearrangementl of lights-at the Lake avenue cross- Àngs bas been* authorized by the Vil- lageboard as a safety measure. Court to hear oébjectors to North Main street widening and paving pro- ject next month. Rkepresentatives of. Wilmette 'civic groups will meet' at the Village hall thsFridaS evening to discu'ss the feasibility of broadening the' scope of th e . 'lan-a-Block Plan" for pro- viding employment to encompasa the entire village. Planbas worked out with signal success on Highland ave- nue. Rer. John G. Hindley, pastor of the ýFirst' Congregational church. is named' a member of theý Wilmette Board of Appeals, on 'Zoning. WVilmette and' Kenilworth beaches open season with record early 'season cromds.. Vilmette to join with other north shore towtlsin putting, forth concert- ed effort to'obstruct invasion of north sh t vkore strees freight fruckng conw- Scerns. Inieresting facts concerning 'per capita cost of' the, operation of va- nious municipal departments in Wil-1 mette are given. in a communication ý directed ýto' citizens by the Village'1 board. flic school are the Wilmnette Village eeigof this week. A comniunicat ion f roi the Chicago and North \x estern railway as ýcd permission to effect a 10-foot set- bakof curbing at. the Oakwood ave- nue crossing. This is, to obviate ýthe necessitv of. drivers making shar0, turus froni Main- street and facing the danger of running their cars off the planking' at, the crossing. .The >Village board also granitedl I.prrmlssion to the, Public Service' compan.v to spa@ce the lights.so that Ithev will more' adequately illurniinatc the crossings of Lhe Chicago' and North Western, and the Chicago North Shoread Milmwaukee cross inus at Lake avenue. The. expense'7 of these changes %vill lie borne by the Chicago and 'North XVesiern railwav anid b,% the Public. Service companv. it was :stated. Three Churches Join in Union Services Union Sunday m-orning services, oôver aptýiod of nine weeks this summner, wvill be held by the Baptist, ýCongrega- tional and.Presbyterian churches-in the village .beginning, Sunday, July 3K 'On July 3, 10 and.17 thé services will be held in the Wilmette Baptist church with the Rev. John G. Hindiey, minis- ter of the First C.ongregational church, in charge. On JuIy 24 and 31, and Au-~ gust 7, the services will be held in the Wilmette. Womnan's club auditorium (wheré the Presbyterian congregation now worships), with the Rev. George D. Allison of the Wilniette Baptist cburch ini charge. The series will conclude with services in the First' Congregational church on August 14,,21 and 28 with the Rev. James T.' Veneklasen, pastor, of the First. Presbytenian. church, in charge. Each niinister will be availablefor pastoral services. to members ' of. thel three churches duning the period in which. he is conducting the services. il ' ' A Wilmette .Rotarians Get Portraitý of Paul Harris Members of> the. Chicago 'Rotary. Club whose homes are in Wilmette ".and thai wiII zmaJiGVVI5 -ourity '.iu, wnliie sruciv- ~ .-- ing several courses at' the Northwest- 'Paul H.' Davis, 256 Woodstoc< ern university, Law school. Following avenue, Kenilwor'th. wvas recentlv te- bis graduation from Dartmouthf col- elected president of the Chicago lege he attended the School of Busi- Stock E3cchange for his second term. ness Administration at Harvard and Warren A. Lamson. '940 Sheridan then attencied the Law school at. road, Winnetka, was reelected to Stanford university in California for mem;bersbip, on the governing com- two ,years. - mittee.. tial s Cai' Wilmetfe 4300; J THANJC VILLAGE BOARD) A letter from Vilmette Post No. 46, American Legion, was read Tuesday nighll at' the mneeting of the Wilmette board of trustees, tbanking them for tbeir cooperation' in Wilmette's ob- servante of Memfonial day.' Fourth of Jui>y fun into four hours of field events at the Village Green west of the Howard school, on Monday aft- ernoon, July 4. Patriotic exercises at 1:30 o7clock in tbe afteinoon will, preface the field' progkrani. The exkercises will include the presentation aind 'posting of çolors., Added significance will be attached to tbjis ceremony.v by the f act thatý the year 1932 marks the bicentennial 'of Wash- ington's. birth. Extensive Prograin An elaborate program of races and field, events for young' and old alike, wilI stait immediately following. the, exercises. These' ,--onte'-èsts W.111 be open' to.residents.of Wilmette onily, it is an- nounced. Winers are., to. receive prizes donated by Wilmette business m ien. JosephîHeinzen, Jr., chairmnan of the Patriotic celebrations commiittee, ie im charge of arrangements for the pro- gramn. He is being assisted by a comn- mittee composed of Hlarold Mohr, D. J. L. Walther, D: E. Allen, Jr., C., Z Colegrove, A. W. Jensen,. Stanton Van- lnwagen, and George E. Leal. Play Board Helpt The Wilniette Playground and Rec- reation board, headed byr Daniel M. 'Davis, will cooperate with the Aneernc an Legion :in. staging the field eventd. Co mmission Puts Curb on Trueking Concerna Village Attorney Willis D. Nance reported Tuesday at. the meeting of the Wilmette board of trustees thait the Illinois Commerce commission had recently issued a Idesit order against the Lake Forest and North Shore Motor Express which. had operated over north s hore highways between Chicago and Lake Forest. The commission ordered that the North Shore Motor Express desist carryinz freight fromý Chicago to Lake. Forest -unitil a. certificate of convenience and necessityis graitted.