iy wtusper wittîout a word of taxes; ini tbe quiet of bis farm at Hlartford, Mich., J. R. Harper, superintendent of thie Wilmette Public scbools, is winnling - a. bilief respite ïrom the wrack and werof the year 1931-32. W'hile Mr. Harper is resting at the farm, several of the: teachers. ,who * loyally stayed at their, jobs 'to keep * the schoolsý open .and provide the fullest instruction for Wilmnette'chi- dren the past school year, are gently hurnrnng -"Home Sweet Home." Miss Fannie F'erris, firste-grade teache.r and principal at. the Logan. school, lias gone to the far'm of ber father and mother at Eýaton Rapids, Mich. 'Goes to Arkansas Summner willbe spent by Miss Cula Brickey, fourtb-grade teacber of Lo- gai! scbool, at ber borne ini Bigelow, Miss 'Lului Jobantisen, sixth-grade teacher at Central sichool, is resting at borne in Highland Park,, Ill. Kindergarten teacbers of Logan school-M.\iss Annette Kelly and Mrs. Julia Davenport-will stay in ilI- mette this. surrmner. Miss Doris Turner, second-grade teacher at Central scbool, bias re- turned borne to Allegan, Mich. The fourth-grade teacher at Ceni- *tral school, Miss Lois Salwtelle. bias gone t0 bier borne at Osbkosh, Wis. Two, other teachers .at. Central school-Miss Helen Hýardick, fourtb *grade. and Miss Marie,"Fox. .fiftb gradle-will renew the home. ties, Miss Hardick at Cadillac, Micb., and Miss Foxc at Janesville, \Vis. At Surnaner Session The :follmwilng teachersr will attend the sumnnier session of the Nationalt College of Education ini Evanston: Miss Apollonia Petrie, second grade, * logan school; Miss Eva Jones, .sec- 'ond, grade, Logan school; Mrs. Ellà R; Clegg, 6irst grade, Logan' 'school;, Mliss Cliarlot.te, Reese, first grade., Central 5Chool1. Miss Tea Sctsixth-grade *.teacher. will go to@ summer school ini *Califoriuja,' wbile, Miss Alice, Wash- buril, third-grade instructor will at- tend the summrer session at th.beUni- * ve rsity of Chicago. Miss Doriotliy Ste-,ens, teacher in tbe seventh .and *The Rev. Charles F. Eckert per- f ormed the ceremony, after which a wed- ding breakfast was served in the Noe- sen borne and ini the evening a recep- tion was bield there. A rainbow wedding was planned. The bride. wore. a dress of ivory satin 'and lace, and. a veil of. lace like that of the gown.à She carried pale* pink roses. .Miss, Barbara Noesen, ber ýsister's maid-of honor,. and. Miss Eleanor Noé- sen,- Miss Frances Selzer, and Miss Regina Sel zer, ber bridesmaids, wore gowns of rainbow bued satin and car- ried, roses of a sbade darker, than those in, tbe bride's bouquet. Leroy,:Seizer served bis. brotber as, best man, and Peter Scbaefer of Wilmette, Charles Dabrn of Long Grove' ýand Matthew Doetsch of Niles Center were ushers. Mr.. Noesen gave bis daughter in-mar- nrage. Out-of-town guests who carne for the. wedding were relatives of the bride- groom, bis two uncles, Louis Seizer of Poolville, N. Y.,, William Selzer of. Mendon, IMich., and his sister, Mrs. R. DeThorixe of Detroit. ýMiss Helen Irving,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Irving, 1320 Isabella street, sailed from New York at midnîght Frîday, June 17, on tbe S. S., Statogoniant t.o spend three months visiting France and Spain. Sbe is accornpanied by MNiss Valerie 'Martin of Evanston. I Selling of COMPACTS Woniderfui values, fornierly seil- ing up to $3.50. We are clearing our stock at Rib or loins from i Ç Young porkers, lb, Butter Finest fresh churned creM»eryo, 6 2 lbs6' Sirloin Steak Tiender:, prie~ native beef, ib. 32 Wiluwette 1145 Wlmette Avo. W0moitte 1814 andi 781 coutrci r.h eet Rallijut ....lb. 250 Whitfiul .Ilbo 27o Winnetka 794 Elm gt. wlnuetka 4 and 888 Doliejous Strawberrieu These are SpecialMichigan, -Berne IL.o10. Tomuatoes Extra f aney, basket .... Detiveries D.5ty enue Mâiliery Shop WILMETTE AVE, - Mme. Huntingford coamai Il used exclusively j' I1 126 Central Ave.. Phone WiImette 4582 JIL AUl Telephone and C. 0. D. Orders Carefully and Quicly DeDiverd Charge Accounts Solicited freni Reial. People VEAL ROA8T Short legs of Wisconsin ,nilk-f.d calves, lb. ie .. . . . . . . . . . 7 StewmgHemn Mil-fd,3 to L-ý1il IF IT