Central avenue, Tuesday morninàg of this week, decided to continue with its summer plans and to give disabled war veterans motor trips and picnics, as it has- in seasons past. The committee members are>.endeav- oring.to build up their. finances and urge residents of Wilmette interestcd ini the workc among disabled soiliers and sailors to contribute money for this new f.und. They1 also seek gifts of cigarets, to distribute to the, hos- pitalized men, or the offering of. the use of automobiles in which to take the men riding in the country, or. défia- tions -of cookies,. or anything that will bring cheer and happiness to ex-service men who are in Great Lakes hospital. Anyone having such contributions to' make may, communicate with. Mrs.j Campbell ý or any member. of the ex- service committee. On Monday mnorning about f orty war veterans were iaken on an automobilel trip to Mundleîn and then to the1 >Model Farm nearby for a picnic. The trip was ini charge of Mrs. Knight Blanchard of 1015, Chestiunt avenue. WiIl Sing at Lecture Recital on "La Rondine" Lolita Bertling, gifted young Wil- m ette soprano, will assist Miss Ruth- eda L. Pretzel at the lecture-recital she is giving on Puccini's opera "La Rondine," *at ber home, 1035 Bluff road, Glencoe, Monday morning, juîy 18, at 10:45 o'clock. This is the third in a series, of Monday morning Iec- ture-recitals on, opera, By request "'Schwanda" the mod- ern opera by Weinberger, is sched- ulèd-.for Monday, July 25.- Ludlow Wht~Evanston banitone, is the as- sistinigartist. Other lecture-récitals, are -to be Massenet's '6Manon,'" August 1; I-Madam Butter fty," AXugust 8; ý*Trav- iata," August 15;, "The Bartered Bride," August M2 The opera for August 29 has not yet been deten- -o Mrs. Allen Putt of New York City; je to be the guest for several weeks of ber parents, Me. and Mrs. Ru- dolph W. Lotz, 1218 Forest avenue. 0o Mrs.-,Paul Rensch, 1639 Highland avenue,1 entertained a few friends at luncheon and bridge last M onday. at her ,home. 6Z24145 Main Ste«. Phonos Wlmette 481044.12-o SPECIALS, FOR VUIaT &yABD SA URDAT Mr. and Mrs. Fred C.,Winzenburg, 829 Linden avenue, Wilmette, announce the marriage of their daugbter, Ger- triade.Luella, to Cleo Forest Hoagland, son of, Mrs. Lena Ijoagland of Hum- boit, Neb., on june 29. Miss Winzen- burgattended Northwestern university, where she was a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. SODA DAYS are here a'gain I Now that the weather has turneddefinitely warm SODA DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN'" is the theme song --.our founfaîn... There are good, rea sons aplenty why our soda drinks and fountain dishes are so exceedingly popular . .. but CenttaI-WihUStte AvdU« phpuu.ss WiI.ett. Z29a»d HINDQUARTER19 Fresh'Dresed BROILERS. lb LJ 2/2f- Stewing Chick..s FANCY 1LEG 0F LAMB.IL. 191/2c 15c: mur'. mwm0- 'W.... . -M -' BONELESS; VEAL 1 MILLER & HART ROASTS, -16. iC BACON, s ined3l.. C MILK FED LE > IEBE 0F EA, l.. ..J 2CPOT ROAST, b1F/I2C Fresh Lke SupoelovWhte Vlsb, Ibo. ... lwelm K.a*Twout .............. .... . b.18 Vwela ain s ......................... .............lbo 23e VweIm ilt............. ...... b.19%e, Vw.ula Kc.......wum........ ............ .. bo1230e Vvslu Lake FOiel...... . .... lb. i 23he Veeh Jambo 8bul ....... .....lb. 25e BUlk L 17/20 Sok *IL. 191/2 APPLES, 4 lb.. for.. &fmL FANCY RIPE i9 CANTALOLJPE, 2 for19 FANCY LARGE 29 LIEMONS, "r doZen. .., ORAI JUICE ES, 3 dozen..> I 49cl DoJ.lss %5o e#a or0a Veal StewFLOUR Z43-I. s ack for 50 1.59o M@mdy my, july loi*,Tu... OIy. JUIY"F-19, TromAToE.s, bmskt. L4u)C FaUc>V Iceberg Head i9 Lettuice, 2 large hea&d. FRESH, GREEN BEANSO'.... 19C CARROTS or BEETS, 9 6 bancha. for ........ 25cD I 41/20 W.d. omir, JUIr »