AYEAR'S SUPPLY. of Soap Flakes ,and 'a. saving of $50 ls provlded ln this uhusual bu3ring opportunitY of atlotiîaUy-advér- tised labor. saving products., No home complote Withoùt.theirheli General, £Iectric MODL2G FLAT PLATE IRONER Roth Special Wt $238,50' SOLD ON CONVENIENT TERMS RANDLEV9Sý Feronrly DâwamuèkEmal'Eectric Co. 1151 Whoette Ave. Phone Wilmette 1214 .W4lmontte Olêawberof et CwaSY who is to have charge of al outdoor .water events at the Chicago Worldes Fair in 1933ý was the referee.. Ed- ward Hulbert and J_.F. Horn, Jr., were clerks of the course and Clark Leach was, the.timer. Cups and aned- ais representing first, second and third prizes were. awarded the. win- ners in Free for AIl, Class C, Bang and Go Back and Class B Hydro races. The mile course was.marked with flags1 east of,,the diving stand. The Wilmette Coast ýGuard patrolled the coast constantly durirng ,the ýevents. Relay canoe -races between the sons of members were run ôff. Bob Clark, son of Mr. and Mms. Raymond W. Clark, won the prize and seemed to be the favorite during the ru nning of the races, judging by theche eing for hime. George Bis had the sniall mcm-' bers of bis "dry land"elswimming class give an exhibition of the mani- Thousaids cfof tluI cases of chronie eezema andlskIa Infection completeiy vecoyered witii Erlèk- sou's wonulerful unew remedy. We sel! It on a guarantee. Ceuira-WflmetteAves. ClITY MIET CO. 627 Mta>%USt. Phone Wil. 1870 4&17 years. on Ma "in Street" MONET SA VERS ALL THIS WEWK water and gave Lyle an opportuznity to display bis skill. The exhibition ended suddenly by a fast turn-de- positing the rider ini the lake. Sunday, July 17, at 3 o'clock, there will be spécial events given as a pro- gram that will, commence at 3. o'clock and last for two. hours. events of in- terest to. spectators which are men-. tioned as follows: 1. Walking a Greased Pole-open, to everyone. -.2. Girls Canoe, Tilting-Girls. 17 and under. 3.Exhib ition *of Coxnic Dives- Professor George and "Lyle." 4.: Exhibition of Stunt Aquaplan- ing (behind Harrv L. Bauer's, speed- boat, "Playmate"). 5. Water Push Bal-Evervone in bàthing suit to take part. Monday, July 11. was the fifth' sumn- mer bridge luncheon. Mrs. F. D. Fui- ton and.1Mrs. A. H. Goodhue were the hostesses. On- that day ýmemnbers turned in~ bridge score cards for the prize to be awarded at the end of the sumnmer bridge Iv-ncheons, a prize for which only members are eligible. Each table has an individual prize the day the bridge gamne is held.. Those turni ng in their scores were Mrs. El- bert M. Antrimn, Mrs. Henry W. -Bey-; er s, Mrs. John C. Cobb, .jr., Mrs. Frank D. Fulton, Mrs. Francis Hinckly, Mrs, Percival Hunter, Mýrs.. Charles E. Knight, Mrs. joseph Kut- ten. Mrs. John C. Marshall, M.\rs. Thursday evening is alvvays Fami ly Dinner night at Vista. Last Thurs- day evening the watem was calm, the suliset glorious. The esplanade was filled with family groups having cof- fee and cigaets-H. U. Hughes and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Fmank T.* Kegley, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Watson andi three daughiters, William -P. Baker and family, Miss Millicent, Martin and guest, Mr. and Mrs'. E. 'L. Hicks, Jr., 'Mr.. and Mrs., W. L. Taylor and, guests. MVrs. Angus. .Steven, E. A. Howard and Mary Kay, Mrs.. Mar- gamet L. Grace and guests, Mr. and Mrs. WT. Barnum and family, Dr. a~nd Mrs. William H. Andrews, and P. Baker were aniong. thent.ieincer making reservatiofis. Mr. Baker and bis guests went in for a swim after the dancing. Wide Variety of Subjects .in NIý,.ew Books- at Library. The following %it of. new book.s at. the \Vilinette Public library, iûcludes volumnes on a. wide variety of, suit- jects. The ibrary invites. its., patronis to use the list as a guide.to help thero in their summer reading: Fiction .of LIterary Menit l3ere*ýfôrd-Old People. Dix-Pity of God. Glibs-mUndertow. Hall-Mtaster of thebse MNoigafl-Fouftaifl. Sackville-West- Tbirty Clncks trk the Hour. Stern-Ruefu! Mating. Strong-State Fair. Deteetive Stortes Aner-Caàpital.Murder. Barry-M,%urder on Monday.' Farjeon-"*Z", Murders. Frost-Miarder at' Large. Giibert-Body on the Bearu. Plum-Murder at the Hunting Club. Sayers-Have 'his Carcase. Sparroy-LMseflifg Womnan. Steeman-Six Dead Men. Msrht FletIon Pryde-Story (if Lelarmd Gay. Raine-Black Toits. ttosman-Benefit, Received. Sabatini-Black Swan. Scoggin s-Fia me. Widdemer-Pre-War Lady. Willoughby-Spawn of the North. Willoughby - When the Sun swirig- North. Young-Fighting Blood. Sorloloffy Embree-Brown America. - Mms-Awakening Commnlity. Atkins-Economic Behavior. Soulle-Planned Society. Dougas-Problem 0of Unernployin'i.ýt Slter-Reeovery. Progress in -the Law. Cotton-Keeping M>entallyAlivçe. Neilon-Rads to Knowledge. R,8ushenbush-Power.Fight. Science Ea-st-Bioln)gy, in.1Humnan Affairs. Hooton-Ulp froni the A-pc_. Beebe-Nonsuch. i-Iowa rd-Insect .Menace. Drama. Necw :PiaYs for Womený and. Girls. Barry-Aninial King.dom. Kaufmnan-Of Thee 1 S(ng. 23C WOWe,*te Kenilworth Glencoe Winetka 4 D.UveesDal&U..SA.,I A,2 "P.. 4 P. M. Phoneo wiL 32 A number of Kenilworth families had a picnic supper on July 4. at the esidence of M. and Mms. J. H. New- port of 520 Abbottsford road. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Y. Cooke and children of Charlotte," N. C., are thbe ýguests of Mr. and Mrs.H. V. Cooks ýof 615Cumnor road, Kenilworth.