Evéry Item in Our SIiop FURNITURE MIRRORS. SCREENS ART:OBJECTS Asrçdreshiog s a c ip in cooi waters l OLD STYLE BUTTE1IMILIK Omenches te.thirs .. cquickty restores lost energy. enamiWs highly nounîiwngi Buttermilk, lu neither heting nor fsttening, but if is ýa builder of good blooed and gooci digestion for .v.ryone. Place a regular order witb the. WIELAND salesman or Wilmette 3029 - Winnefka 137 or, Giencoe 80 f phone brinq the Entire Family to Plans for Big Air Meet With plans well. under way for the American Legion air meet to be beldt at Sky Harbor airport. on Sunday,C September 11, Mai. R. W. Schroeder,c manager of.the airport, .is -continuing to give several talks each w e ek be- fore Legionl posts throughout Cook and Lake counties 'explaining the varions details which must be worked4 out prior te the méet. Thee Cook connty council of the American. Legilon. is sponsoring the event.. The, plan is to make it. atpan- nlual affair. The date bas béeen set for Sept- ember Il, the' Suntday following the close of 'the National Air races at Clevîeland,, and arrangements, are bea- ing made, to bring the "4cream" of the Cleveland, sh ow to Sky Harbor for 'the Legion meet. Hal -Roach Makes Another Stop at Sky Harbor Field1 Hal Roacb, the movie comedian made another stop at Sky Harbor airport last week on bis way to New York. He flew to Sky Harbor in five hours f romu Colorado Springs, where be made a business stopover on bis way east from California. Roach's plane, a low-winged Lock-. heed with retractable landing gear, îs piloted by James B. Dixon, whose home is in Evanston. The ship bas a cruising speed of about two hundred. milesain bour. Thýe movie star bas made the trip across thé conntry, several times this [season, an~d each time on. the east- bonnd flight he makes a stop'at Sky, Harbor. From Hiollywood' to. Sky Harbor is a mere matter-fôf ten bours to bim. 7 Take Department of Commerce Examinations, I)nrmentof Commerce m-ispector O., NV. Young w'as at Curtiss airport' last Friday to 'supervise the tests whicbi seven men took for their p.ni- vate pilots' licenses. Those whIo took 1the tests were George WV. Davis, of Chicago, who lias been receiving bis 1Sky Harbor- Club Severa1 new members have been taken into the Sky Harbor FlI,,g club within the last few weeks. One of the most recent is Arthur J. Cas- sidy of the DeForest Oul companyv,, Chicago, who joined the club on July. 5.1 William Siater, Jr., head, of a floor cov ering company bearing bhis namie is another new- memiber of the club. Mr. Slaters -home and businiess,,are in Fvaflstoi'. Charles F. Abel of thé Federal Re- serve bank, Chicago, joined the flying club recefltly, and makes frequent trips to SkyHarbor from bhis home in Palatine. Donald Schroeder of the D. C. Schroeder Real Estate company of Barrington, S. Ralph Roseinbaum of the. Allied Sales company of. Evans- ton, auctioneers, Maurice Morse of Rogers Park, a musiciant, and Arch C. Doty are other new mfemnbers of the club. The club %vas organized several mionthis ago to make it possible for the person of average means to learii to fly. Aunique miembersbhip plan hiàs been. worked ont. Blimip Continues to Draw ,Large Crowds at Airport .The Goodyear blimp, Puritani, con- -tinues' to attract a large number of visitors to Pal-Waukee airport. The, crou-d'm7hichi gathered at the airport for, the dedication ceremonies on Juiy 14 %vas the'largest that bas visited any of the. north shore airports on a single day this sumrner. Tnesday, of last week the bIim-p flew from Pal- Waukçeto. the loop carrying a 1a 'streainer behind t advertising the forthcomning wrk' fair in Chicago.. Many residents of the north shore villages .hlad an. opportunity to, see the shbip as it passedl oveçr on its way to anîd f rom the loop. Orchestra Leader BuYs New Waco Cabin Plane Waynec King, the orchestra leader. recently sold his Stearman,. which he GENOACITY. lit WISCONS61 ýý i l. Visitor at PaI-Waukee RIDE IN ARMY PLANES Ken netb Boedecker of the Wright Several mecbanics and inembers of Aeronautical corporation of Patter- the staff at Cnrtiss airport accom- son, N. J., dropped in at Pal-Waukee panied the United States Army fliers airport last week. H-e was flying i to the loop for the airpiane maneuvers Stinson, Jr. Mr. Boedecker's business in connection ýwith the military show -brings bim -to Chicago ccasionially, at Soldiers' field. Those who rode and 'the: north shore airports nsually in thé P-16's have some interesting' are.included.in bis stopS. expenriençes to ýrelate. MACPIKFaIRSON,9. ýin.ee 570. Sherm- an Ave., E-ý.anston Grei 68oo LAMPS-,«