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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jul 1932, p. 38

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6. Incidejitals (work on grounds) .... ...... 100.00 Total, Village Hall 3,9.70.00 Generai Administration (a)Ive-sixths Vil lage manag- er's salary $4,372 <bPFourfifths Vil- lage collector's: salary ........80 (c) One clerkç ... 1,566 (d) One clerk aic-. coun tant _'... 1,566 (e> One clerk . 1.188 Mf)One lerk ...1,080 (g) Extra help.p 6 months .. 540,$ 13,192.0é) 2., Office supplies. and sta- tioner .............. 2400.00 3. Incidentais, (bonds. insur- ance. etc.) .....1.750 0W Total. General Admi-in- istration .. $ 11.342.00 VillagreBar 1. Printing and advertising $ '1.00.)0l * 2..Incidentai exvenses 108M0 I. Annual audit............... 2500.00 4. Election expense 725.100 5. Undetermined ia.bilit.v (for- *extra legal, expense, spe-> cmal Caseq. and paymient of judgnients orunoe 1seen. liabllities aàgalns4tthe lrlllage)150.0 6. N$ew Municiplal code . 1801 1Total, Village liard $ ý2l.183.00 Vllla>gee (leri Salarv..........8 600.0 2. IncientIs...............50.600 Total. Village Clerk $ 450,00 Village- Trrea surer Salaries: (a) Saîary of treasurer $1200 (b) Salarv one' assistant at $105 pier anonth 1 and-% one assistant for 6 montbs nt. $90 'per nionth1,0 l Invidentais and suppflies 1,.2 00.,)00,2 (Bond o! treasurer $1.000; supplies $200) Total, Village Treas-- tirer .......... . . .$ 4,200.00 Village A ttorney . 1 Salary............ . $3240.00 Special attorne's fees 1.0000 Conurt.Costs and incidentaIs 1.000.00 Total. Village Attoi,ý ney.............85,240.00 SalariCes: (a), Healthi cnimissioner . 2. at $100 per' month, (b) (lerk at $90 per month $. .*2.290.00 Sup)plies aud laboratory 200.00 4 Office supp)lies. treatmnent and examiflaion o! echool children ý.i.... . . .....800.00 H-ealth. cenfter..............1,320.00 1 Total. 1Hefflth Depart- 1 Inent....... $.:.34,600.00 2. Street Liglting , '3 Saluries: Salary of super- 4. intendent o! street lig-hts 5 and one assistant .....$ 3.300.00 6 Pow'e. ..............720'.00 7. Repair. transformer build- 8. inp. 100.00, Zoning........... . $ 500.00 Jnterest on Tax Antlvlatlon Warrants 1. Interest on $70,000 tai an- 1 ticipation warrants .. $ 2.800.00 Total. Interest on Tax A nt ici pation War- rants..............$2.800.00 TOTALI. neneral Cor- porate Purpose .... $225,6'47.0 SPECIAIL FIT, 1) 1 Garbake, Por disposaI of garbage $ M0.500.00 Labor (incinerator) > ,9.0 Power, liglit.'water. phone. 500.*00 Coal........................ 1,500,.'00 Býuildings and grounds. 250.00 Salaries % Sulierintendent of Public, WOrks'. salary,__1.296.06 Total,. Garbage .. $l16.536.00 Collertio n.a nd flienosal of ttqbes and Rublbl-.4 Labor .......$ 16,390.00 Rentai (of dulm» )1,000.00 Truck. repairs and gasi- hune .... 4.000.00> Incidelitals...............200.4)o Tlotal. C"ollection anîd DisposaI of 'Ashes and Rubbish -......, $ 21,ý51.10û P.ubJlie Benefits For the pament o!fin- stalîmnts of public bein- efits assèssed agalnst the Villa.ge.........$ 967 Frinteresi due on mlu staîrnntsof public bo-n- efits assessed again-st the Village...........6.7 .i1 Total, Public Beniefits$ 16, 7i1.25 Bonhleil 1ebt Forý paynient of principal On generel1 obligation bondsfi due during fsa vear ........ .......**40.0 For interest due durinriz fiscal vear on genertl obligaýtion bonds.. .95ft Total. Bonded Debt $ 6,4>2-7.(10 *Firenain's Pension Foincl For paymeiit of pensions and sundry expenses 7 $ 7,. 10 Police Pension vFondi For payment of pensions a.nd sundry, expeps-es $11u.2 Playfiroiind and i ecreaîfi4, For salariles of.st ,at- tendants, officiais., and of-~ fice supplies.......$9.12î0 Sunimer playgrouind i'x- penses.,;.0 supplies, ectuiv ' ent. ai nr halloween progrâni 4 j0(10 Maintenance and ive- rinks - 5511 Total. Playgeround Zmd.ý Recreation* $ 19.0 Public Library For salaries ofemlvs .of free public. librar> $ I-Yf> For book-,. . .......... ..2,706.00 F'or periodilcalslai). 001 For binding 700.00 For heat aud lighit 00.00 For repairs .. - 1> 00.00 For supplies . . 50.00 For umpr'ovements -.20.0 arne ta Bei-' .Y and inaendiing 1 of Ordinanve n,20b," to read Section* 20b.-In case any, ashes, miscellaneous waste, or manure shahl be removed by the ýVillage of Wilinette. the occupants of aIl resi-, dences and: apartmients ýand. the owners of a4l -offices or business buildings from *which the same is; removed. shahl pay to the village for, such . remioval services,, on or before August 1. 19312. forthe year' beginuing on salid date, andi on or before August fh.inleach , ceecling.year. the following aninual feek: For. resideneS or an fmnt wheire such pren ilses are heated by fuel other tha.n. gas or oil the sui of One..Dollar "($1.00) per îon vrovided.hei. that for .0l such reside-es-or apa rtivients.tbe anunuifee shaih be Five Dollars ($5.00) per annuin. and the maxi- mnuin fee Fifteen Dollars ($15.0> ver annum: For residences or, ap-ýirtiine i t where such preifiises are heated by.. u-zk. or_ où the fe ,hall be fiftvy ner cent (50) o f the fee provjded ln this orcinanee for residences or zimirtmients which are .heaited b.v fuel other than gas or oil; Pro- vided, however. that the minimnumi fee, for residences or apartrnèhts where such premnises are beated by gws or oilI shaîl be 'ive .Dollarsý ($5.00) per ;annum; For buildings contaiuiug more -than. throee aartnients. or conitain- ing unuit:; for more than three fani- isor coitining offices, studios, or other similaqr units. Irrespective of tlic type of fuel used-in he-ating suclh nreaiises. the fee- ebaîl lie Two D)ollars id Fifty Cent.,;($2.50) per ;inriuni for ec such amartmient. -of- fl<e<. studi". faimily unit or other For shol.boarding bouses. ho- tels, ý".clubs. churçh.es. laundries. lisaesphaces ind stores,.. irre- .snective of the type of fuel used iilu llea;ting sucbprenîlses. fthe suin o! <bac ID<dlar ind Twenty-Five Cents ($1.25) ver room: .p'rovlded.,however, fi inimni fee shahi be Fiftcen Dol- lars (1.0 per aunt m ;and pro- vided further tbiat said fee shall not be required to bc pid hy, the ownt-rs-of clubs, buiness places or, strs wherc such premismes aeeh i'ct f0th(, weekly renmoval fee for flic da0Ily remioival by th'e Village o! ùn rba ge. n shes mud imisceliancous wa.qtc. pursuatit to the terms nnd trovisi(>ns of other ordlinances oif this 'Village. ceive sealed .blds or nroposaIs for- the construction and Installation of a eoni- neeted system of concrete sidewalks and avpurtenances in certain streets and laces in said Village as specified in and by an ordinance descrlbing, 'locat- ing. and definingthe same. and authior- izing a sealaesent to pav the mâst thereof. whfeh special assesment fias been levied and, confirmed in the Superior Court of, Cook Counity. 1111- n.--lsi >and Is there known as Special As- sessment. Superlor1 Court .No.. 546107. aud. that iuch sealed bidse or priooaIs- ýhaII be lu the bands of the President of said Board of -Local Improvements. Mr. Ralp)h R. Hawxhurst, Kenilworth. Ilni.or the Secreta.rv of saiid Board ,)f Local Iniprovéeets. Mr. Wendell H.. Clark. Kenilworth.ý Illin<iis. beforp elirht oYlock P. li. ou 'Monday. -the first day of Auglist,. A. D. 1932.. Said Boarýd of Local Improvenents will thereupon open said bids at theKenilw%,orth As- wimbly Hall. at the southwest corner of Kerilivorth A'%enue, and Cumnor Road. Keuilworth. Illinois.. at elght o'clock P.- M. on Mondav., the first day of Au- ~trut A. WD.1932. Said bids'or -proposaIs nmust, be tmade (ut up)on blanks furnlshed by- Windes & Mns.Enzineers. whlch are on file with Mr. Wendell H.L Clark. Seeretarv of the said. Board .of. Local Inirove- ments.. Kenillworth. Illinois. and at the ,,ffice of Wludes & Miarsh: Enzineers. Mrinntki Illinois. and at the office of the Village M3ýanawer. Kenilworth,. Il- llnois. ýwlîere said blanks may he ob- tained. unoeet utbeonrc- Sa id nutb cwtu ed In waccordance with plIansaud speci- ficaitions for (aie in file wiv'h Weudell* Il. Clark. Villagze Cler k.of Kenilworth. Illinois, and. the ordinance specifyinir the nature. locality and description "-f saîdf improvement. together with the de- tpileddrins profiles, plans nnd specifloations. are on file with said Vil1- lage Clerk at Kenllworth, Illinois, and ntny be there inspected. The cofitraictors mueit bld with the undestaningthat a. contract. iu the forni generally used by the Village of Kcenilmorthi, must be entered into im- mediately after the expiration of ten days' time fromî the date o! the ;iward lot the co)ntract,. pursuant to lIaw. and a bord shnîl be given in accordance with the provisions of Section 76-A of the Local Improvernent Act of 1897 and ýAmeudmepnts ;;theretoi. The s)egcial assessin ent.so le vied and confirmed, to provide for the cost of said. improvemient bas been divided ]fl¶o five instalîmnents and willbear intei ,st nt. the rate of' six pier, ceutum per an- nini., pursuant to law., and the con- tractor il.;&toi he aid for- mach labor amd, materil in, bonds and time warrants' payable only ont of the inmtalîmeiýnts, of said se i ssessnient, pursuant f0 Inv. siid bonds to dra.w interest at the 2. Cal eystem maintenance - 252.C0 3. Radios.......... 200.00 4. Sunplies ... 285.00 5. Auto maintenance 1,200.00 6. Incidentals 600.00 7. 'h~ of probation officer*s car 250.00 8- New erjuipment ..500.00 Total, Police Department 1 39.487.00 .Fire Department 1. Salari.es. ineludlig chie! NICHOLAS P. MILLERI, the Village .Clerk o! sald Village this Club later in the evening for one oýf dyVillage Clerk. Ilth day o! July, A. D. 1932. the Saturday night dances. ApDroved the llth dvo! Juily. 1932. . NfICHOLAS P.MLER._________ C. D.IMTBBS, Village Clerl< Presideti. APPROVED by the Pres-idlent of tîhe More than fifteen billion gallonîs of Publlshed tbe l4th day o! July. 1932. Village of Wllmette this llth day - gasoline were consunied by motor NICHOLAS P. MILLER, July, A: D. 1932. Village, Clerk. C. -P. DUBBS, Y ehicles in the United 'States' last LOlcPresident o! the Village of Willnette. year. i

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