located 2,000 feet apart-one on' Six- teenth street, between the Hall of Science and Soldiér field, the other on _Northerly island between .the shore yoîugst ers Who enroli each sum- 91 conducted oit the Wilmette beaeh by lie school sto'rted its si.rth seasont Mon- from 9 to il1:45 each morning for teni ars of age. Expert instructors are- re- dsîcting gene rai. orgattited play. Electrical group and the States build- ing. The cars wiIl make a.'continuous trip, .circling the towers, wbich. vili -be 'higher than any Chicago sky- scraper on a course paralleling the . . Sixteenth street bridge and affording a view for many miles. in every cirec- J tion. PlatE ormszat, Various Levels Here is a typical group of north. Skyý-niders will be car-ried to the merin the Outdoor Recreation school car platform at the '200-foot level Miss Betsy Shapker of Wilmette. Til and to the observation platform at> day. lune 2û. the tchool conitinues, Jf the top of each tower by four speçd uweeks for children f roiii3, to 14 yeai > elevatons, holIding, thirty persons each. tained, to askist Miss Shap>ker in con£ Tbey will enter one door and exit tbrough a door. on the opposite, side. D gFnir oH v The, towers may be triangular .11iai section, gayly painted and ornament- Part in County F i cèd. At nigit, they will be brilliantlv and colorfully illuminated; Floo Dog fanciers will play -a prominet lights attached to the bottoms of thýe:role in the Cook County fair to be elevators w ill transformn the glass held this year, August 5 to Atugust 14, 0 w Inomtntigan ee i nclusive, at its new home, River road pillars of colored liglit as the eleva-adNotaen. tors risc and descend. The Cook County Fair Kennel club 1 The cars-of aluminum and glass was organized recently with the foi- and shaped l-ike- rockts-wilL emit lowing officers: .-Dr., J. MI. Kaiser, trails of colored steam like rockets', président; A. 'C. Thompson, first vice- tails. Powerful beacons will be president- Alex H. Stewart, vice-pres- trained on the "rockets" as they ident, and P. M. Gunkel, secretary- shoot across. the sky from tower to treasurer. towr. .Members of the benchi show com- Carry 5,000 Persona Per Hour .miittee are Mr. Stewart, Stephen E. The cars will be 33 feet long, McPhee, Earry M. Goelitz, Jr., Liv- ,double-decked with seats arranged ingston- E. Osborne and B. M. Bosen- lengthwise so that passengèrs will heim. face outward. The eight cars will Dr.. Kaiser wilI judge ail sporting have an estimated capacitv of 5,000 dogs except cockers and beagles;. Mr.t piasseangers an hour. Operating' ten Stewart wili pass on the mierits of al hour s a day, they are exp ceted to terriers except Bostons; Nir. McPhee carry 3,000,000 sky-riders during thue is the authority on hulldogs aind Mr. five month-sof the. expositiol-June Osborne will judge Bostons, cockersa7 1. to Noveniber 1,- 1933. and ail others. To iùsune absolute safetyý the cars will'be suùspended at. either end f roi4 Officiais of thle Keuniel club plat: tua teraerial track by, .four-wheel makie the dog show one of. the bigc trucks, each wheel running. over a features of the fair this year.t cable, although aà single w'heel run- ning over a single cable wouild meet - RETURN FROM MICHIGAN engineering requirements. . s. Burt A. Crowe and faily,I The estimated cost of the project 234 Raleigh road, Kenikworth, rececnt- is $1,000,000. Two thousand tons of îj eund ro;atip. wso steel are required for the towers. reuedfonatptOwso One thousand tons more of steel are Mid01, tcocson igt1cclba - . . 1 f K.er fih r'ý tioil f ir m rut one piece of work wii Dbe al - lowed eacli exhibitor, and kt is hoped to exhibit the best work of ecdi without regard to thue date of e-xe- cution. * The following artists are included ini the list of exhibitors: Christian Abranisen, Th Tomx Boy": WTalter 'B. Adams ' "Self Portrait",; Joseph Allworthy, "Portraits"; Samn H. Avr- ery. "Disciples of . Izaak Walton"; .Macena Barton, (to be se.lected') Jaroslav Broziki . "Chigese. Girl": Cl1aude Buck, "Christ Among- the Lowly"; *Roy H. Collins, "Still Life"; Richard M.' Crisler, "Landscàpe Taos"; -Frank V. Dudl ey, "One No- Vember Afternoon".; .Frances Foy, "Cheese. Vendor"; Gerald Frank,' "Dawn"; Belle Goldschlager, In the Studio"; Louis Greil, "The Gar- den of the Iixfaîta"'4; Davenport Grif - fen, -.Rocky Run",; Edward T. Grig- ware, (to> be selected); Oskar Gross, <to be selected); r<eonore S.. J errems, "StilI Life"; Frank J. Gavencky, "After the, Siow Stornm"; Edwi .n B. Johnson, "Morning";' J. Theodore. Johnson, "Bistro Bruel"; Ernest j., Klempner, "Mother and Child"; June Knabel, "Saginaw River"; A. Leu Matthewvs, "Dailytread".; Charles E.. Mullin, "The. Fishery" .Mclviii Phillips, ",Portrait Study";- John E. Phillips, "Heavy ýBreathing Indus- try"; Constantine Pougialis, "Islanid of Sapphio"; Gregory Prusheck, "Still Life"; Lýouis Ritnian, "Tea-Time"; Flora Schofield, "'Idyll of the Dune"; XVilliam S. Schwartz, 'Fishernian's Farnily"; George M. Snxith; "Stili Lýife"!; Mar shall D. Smith, "Seville"; Cora B. Taylor, "The Young Artist"; Laura van. Pappelendam, "Washd' ' in the Tropics"; Thomas Wittenu, Jr.. (to be selected); and Solonion r). Yonan, (to be sclected). .The ýsculptors are: Edouard Chas- .saing, ..Lilithl". Margaret Gentles, nHead of-la Womnan in Stone"; Eu nic Grbb,"St. Francýis"; Carl Halls- ýth.ammar, ".Rag-)Picker"; Ruth Sher-' wood. "Woodland Baby"'; and- Edith 'Boynton, "Goats." Free Movie for Children at Field Museum Julv 21 - ---.-o- -o- Mns. Herbert H. Ba( Mrs. B. C. Dowse and famiily, who avenue, and lier four da have been in Virginia this winter, are guenite, Adelaide, Ma-nili occupying thein home on Leicester Ieft last Saturday ft r road in Kenilworth for a short time. home ut McHenry, Ill.. 1503 their * Mr. and, Mrs. H-erbent Becker of Hurley, Wis., spent a week with Mrs. Becker's parents, Mn. and Mns. J.C. Laubach of Glenview road. Tel. 1.oflgDO3At AlSO. ope. Oak, Loop ofie NiD Au#. etsc Pree bookit. k Lt Hopue ent. le Sale et... O ffer Grand Ope 1ra at Popular. Prices Nicola Berardinelli of- Evanston, baritone and voice teacher at the Chi- cago conservatory, and Prof. 'Dino fligalli of tqiles Center, formérly pro- fessor of organ and harmony at the Royal Conservatory of Music ini Flor- ence, have begun the formation of a new opera company, which will-be known. to the public as the Chicago Popular Opera company. The main. object of, the compàny will be to give the public a chance to see and hear favorite opéras at popular prices and at the same time to help youngartists gain recognition in the musical world. Prof. Bigalli and Mr. Berardinelli are instructing and conducting the. rehearsals with- out compensation, thus giving. oppor- tunities to those desiring an operatic career. A great deal of talent has already been discovered, it s said, and consideration is being given ail newcomers who wish to participate. Valia Nastri of Evanston (M,,rs., Ber- ardinielli), whio is. a memb.er of the conservatoiry faculty, is pianist for the rehearsals. Operas vill be givet: in English. and Italian. The first opera to be pre- sented in Chicago in Septenmber wiIl be "La Traviata." Prof. Bigalli wvill be the conductor anid Mr, Berardin- elli will havé the leading baritone role.-