home to the bereaved familv,, offering them the same comfort and privacv rhat thev wvould enjoy in hl own reýodence with the additional faciIities needed at the ulme. Our Mo rtualv ik qui pped Il. 'l'a Pipe ( gari I Ix' OIde.%tFstahlislcd UJndertakcrs on thIm Jntediaté, North, Shore ~' W~"~'UNDtRTAKEIL "TeHouse of Personal Service" Il 18, GREENLEAF A\'r-. WILET 3 554 CENTRAL ST-. WINNET KA. -404 Supe rior Anbu1apcc Service Licensed Lady Assistant 1:- Ioday! I1ighl i o .v 1I t put i*)>ît11 ta r mwattcr, of nxt %v*iiter'., coal stppy iy until die fal i. I %s moincy in <our pocket ify()-o rd er N( )NN ! 1 t 1 Ili take more frowii your pocket if you w~ait for thirty, or sixt> dys FLery month siees Prices ad.vancig. \N'vh, fot 'tep to the plione and sayi 'fiiI up îuy in'?- IViluumette Coal & i~LIt4LhIiad lard 1301 IAKE \\hN~ I' muz W ILMETTE: 1200 SERVICE 435 Main 5t. WiImelt. 955, Mem ber W<lrnette of Commerce ORDER YVOUR I of commercle