kiîown names as Harry Cooper of GIen Oaks. jock Hutchinson of Glenview and many others. The tournament is to be an 18-hole medal play affair, 'and there will be twelve cash Fprizes, it is'announced. In connection with this tournament' there is to be held. the samfe night a pro- amateur tournament, With each profes- sional bringing an amateur f rom' bis Club to participate. Cash prizes willb given to the first and- second place wvin- niers in the pro&amateur:event, but the amate -ur who wins will have the. privil- ege. of receiving a prize 'other than cash. Open- Chabhous.t. Pros, The- Wilmette Golf club, which ad- joins. West Wilmette llumtinate. is extending ýthe privileges of its club- bouse and dining"room to the visiting Pros. *The following. professionaàls -are. en- tered in thé tournlament:* Harry Cooper of Gien Oaks, Jock' Hutchiinson of Glenview, Walihe Reich of Twin Eagles. Denis L. Sullivan of Glen- wood, AI Bluhm of B~ig Oaks,' George Arnold of Kildeer Joe Paleth of Olym- pic, jack Croke of Elmgate, Ed New- kirk of Navajo Fields, Jim Noonan of Lansing airport, Tom Kelly of Sunset Valley, Dave Patullo of Wilniette, Jack Anderson of Techny, Laurie Ayton oî Evaniston, AI Hackbarth of Park Ridge, Harry Hampton of Beverly, Tod Sloan of Racine, Wally Apel of Turkey Creek and William Bell, J. C. Wilson, Sonny Rouse, J. Camneron, Terry McGovern, *George M. Smith, Eddie Gayer, Eddie Loos, Bob White and Bert Montressor. HERE FOR WEDDING Thomas A. Fitch, wvho, iwith his familly, camne from their home in Los Angeles for of hiis sjster, returned to the we st last Friday. NMrs. Fitch. and bier baby daughter. Betty Lou, have remained in Wilmnette to spend a montb. with Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Fitcb of' 1033 Elmwood avenue. Miss Elizabetb Fitch, whio also was here for the wedding, left ul6 *rà nintn to Fort Rilev. Kans.A rocker was a miember of e and Kildeer Country cl Four Seasons Club of Arn, He is survived by bis widow, Mrs. Hazel R. Crocker, two sons, Ken- netb and.Donald, and.two sisters, Mrs. t. Melville Brown of Kenilworth andl Mrs. Henry. Thomas of New Bruns- Trhe, funeral services were beld Tuesday afternoon at Scott's funeral home in, Wilmette,- witb burial at- Rosehill cemetery. George F.O'Connell, Singer, Dies Sunday George Francis O'Connell.. tenor singer and a brother of William J.1 O'Connell, 933 Linden avenue,'Wil-' mette, died early Sunday morning at the Presbyterian hospital in Chicago. Hie was 48 years old and -had been ill about a year and a half~ Mr. O'Connell bad a studio ini New York for seven years, and. prior to. that was an instructor in voice at Notre Dame university about four Vears. He bad also done considerable concert,.work. Sevèral moths ago he sang. at the Winnetka Woman's club. Besidesbis> brother in WVilmette, lie is survived by another brother, Her- bert O'Connell of Douglasville. Ga. The funeral services were held Tuesday morninig at- St. Francis Xavier churcb, Wilmette. Burial took place at Calvary cemetery. Mrs. Catherine Pannill Mead, well known music and dramfatic critic, of, .Milvaukee, is visiting the Fergus Meads of 320 Oxford road, Kenil- wortb. Mrs. Mead bas recently.sever- ed ber sixteen years' connection with the Milwaukee Sentinel and intends. to take an extended vacation.,She*is not only noted as a Writer but' also as a composer of songs, "A Little Dutch Garden"' being known i nter- nati(1na1v. Mrs.' Mead is also noted, and QUALITY 'ifprcewere tIi. ouly conideatimm qualty wouild &a-. apper. Good: buying de"mnds that. quality mdPrime 90 hand M- had. For twemty Ymr,: we have uanam equalled' quality end wec have now adjuste. the. Iowest possible leveL Wheui you buy lier. you get the biggest possible value for your money. *ý OnTursaly and Friday this- coupon wili b. ac- *cepted as a TWENTY-FIVE CENT payMent. onaMy cash and carry order amoumting to FIFT CENTS or more. A A Free Doevery on 50Oe Orers Jr... 511h. Store tuuWISON BAKER? WILMETTE 1162 WIIett. Avý.. Ph..,. W.Luloex41 4 KENILWORTH 406 Green Beyl. Ph... KfaLwmg 477S ISPECIALS FOR, FIUDAT deSA!UEIAT IWEET CHMMRIES Every one ripe and perfect, very special, lb.*.......... P*aohet Extra fancy fruit, basket .25e Z im.290 Nomey Dewu The Bible and Works ofMary Baker Eddy and ail other autborized Christan Science titerature may be read, borrowedor purcbaued at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC 15 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM -2694 IF IT S A FRUIT( VEGETABLE, 5 Pr..o D#lifr urinDaily WE HAVE Mr Member wilmette Chomber of Coususee