1S business <of plaNing the game sa/e is usually a. matter of ~cxccisii(l OUr better jdret Bascbail plaN-ers lca,.rn this lesson, earlyN. They know that pn.tlicir 4good 'judgnit depends the: runs, they score and if they, 'vNN lt t() win. rl'Uls alonle coUnit. It'sthic sanjie iliibusin.ess%. It takes go(>d judgenrt to place advertising. dollars whère they i 1l1 produce resuits. And resuits alone count! l'le sad part about it is that men ini charge of advertising do ni(. t always use thieir good judgrnent. They are not always careful in putting appropriations wherc thiey are safe .. where, they wiII pro- duce "runis" on sales accounts. Too much goes linto trying to steal bases bv expensive earnipaligns iii inetropolitan newspapers and national pub- lications. * VASTNRE 1WAnd a*s a resuit they are thrown out., OIut of results. Sometimes Otof husiness. * \VILMETTE LIFEli the cight, publications of the (CrnCAGoUBBNQA1' * \INNETlKA "lAII GLi d&rKn s rpigt ~are safe! Tiieyearniot hedp but bc, i4o tice papers r ffivtherioc"t buNying rea in the ontytoday, "*GLE - OENEWS -- -frea impof2100pol Nihljný o pn ndry *LAKE.FRISEJ.ilngto spei d t..A-,dertisuiiii hen podJ&ic t *MAYM OOD HERALD ii gehle oici'ectt' a ottet unusual things other ad-vert .isers are doing here. Can't we e lu HIGHLAND) PARK 1 >R ESS, togcther? Once~ again it's a niatter of your using good judgment. CHICAGO SUBURBA.N QUA-LITY GROUP Chicazgo Office. 1016-17-18 WILLOUGHBY TOWER Phone.- CENTRAL 3355