the vvilmette t..vïc eaguie. uespite the summer weather, the board of directors of the League have been having weekly meetings to organize committees and to discuss policies and programis, it is announced. A ., group of tenets indicating pol- iciès toS follow on many 'civic issues lias been draf ted and. before. long Will be put before the league meémber- ship. The policics-wil--e oncern flot onilv matters of present pressing civic'interest, but Problemns that must be hield in abeyance until more pro- pitious tiinies,,it is explainied:' Several .surveys are now being mnade of currenit civic problemrs. The first to be. completed and submitted to Wilmette citizens ivas the survey printed last wcek in WIL.MeTTe Lin, indicating. the financial position and the current budget and tax levies of the six municipal governments with- in. Wilmette. Another study to be mnade shortly. will'be the effect on. Wilniette's independence as a resi- dential suburb, as a result of thie state legislature's. projected plan to force, Consolidation of some four hundred Cook county taxing bodies into one G(reater Chicago, Perlhaps the principal problem con-, fronting the. league, as well as the whole comn1munity of- Wilmiette,,lias to do wth the present financial.crisis of- most of the local -taxing. bodies in raising . noney. to preserve local goverfiment.. according to a state- ment by Enoch Steen, chairman of the league program c'-,mittee. The grade schools have announced that thiev have no means ivith which to open in September, New Trier High school NviII open, but it lias funds in >iglit to. operate only one month. Villagéï officiaIs say they are up against astone,,walt- for mioney. This problenm should have careful and p rompt c onsideration of ail organi- .2atiois, and citizens. Other Civic league'subjects, being discussed fDr nmass meetings in mette, as well as round. table lunch-, eons iii. the loop, include, the follow- ing: results of the -stricter enforce- ment of the personal property tax laiv: Ch'anges in important sections of the \Vilmette municipal code; con- trol of -No Man's Lanid," cooperation ini the iiation-wide camnpa'ign to. re- duce national, state and municipal tax burdens, good and bad points of ments 1'uesclay night in the absence of Village President C. P. Dubbs. Mr. Dubbs was in Washington, D. C., on business. C. D. 'A. PICNIC Theý Catholic Daughter.s of Amùer îc.a, Ouiîmette court. 848.. will'have their annual picnic T hursday afternôon, Au- gust. Il, at the Wilmette -beach. Mem- b)ers are to bring their oWn lunch. The Misses Blanche Keil, 1618, Spencer' avenue,. Gertrude Meyer, 2101 Schiller avenue. and Ruth and Anna Braun of 629 Prairie ýavenue returned to their homes recently after, spending a wreek at Sylvan Beach, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kerr,"Jr.. and their son, from Jackson, Mich., and Mrs. Eugene C. Lathro and lier son., 1Eugene, Jr., of Meibourne, 'PI.a.,.are visiting their parents, the W., W. Kerrs of 707 Forest avenue for about* a month. 0o On Friday, August 5, Mrs. Howard W, Knight, 51'5 Stonegate terrace, Glencoe, will entertain hier afterrnon bridge club. Mrs. R.W. Jordan, 1102 Central avenue, spent several days last week with Mrs. Arthur Winslow,, fornierly of.Wilmette, at Grand Haven, Midi. Our Regular A perfect blending of generous quantities of rich creamn and pure fruit flavors is ail that's ever used ini our Ice Cream. That's why it's' io much better. It sould sdil for 75e a quart!1 AQUARTj SPECIAL, DOUISLE CON ES OR DIXIE CUPS 5 Dutch Min Condy Your C hoice of These Iincludlng Orange Peel, ToffeeDlilusFavr Fruit' Cordiale,- Creams and a DfcosFaos hunidred. and'one, other varietles. Banana, Toffee, French Lemon Regular $1.60 and $2 value. Csad hclt hp hc 2-lb. $1.2 late, Vanilla, Strawberry, Ma- box plenut, Peppermint and Orange Includlng Qovt.. Tax, Ice.: DUTCH MI 117WILMETTE AVENUE St Evanston, Glencoe Lake Forest y es, WeI Deliver 1521 Main st. Wohett. Pihone WIL -32 Il 67 Wilmefte Avenue Xember .Wtbpmette Cha bw .ofOormwe Pu, Affiliaed wilà Suder.' Ridge and Lake Avos. -C<rw. Draeg Co.-J. B. S.yler, Mgr. Phone Wilme.tte 316 PIlmoustk Aut*um.biIe lloating Power Eyery Day Except Sundiy] Gmt Yoiur Coupons at Either of Our Stores Now! Coupons with each purchs of merchandise