In theC or..on Note the. demureness, t he piquance, the utter femnininity 1which dominaie.te i .mode.'Thé. attractfive rich duil silk crepes and the wonderfully soft. flatt.ring wool crepes achieve a splendid assortmvent of sponsored models in' sizes for ael.e Black, Wine, Beetroot, Brown, .Green, Blue Epaulet effects to widen the. shoulders,. damnty icollars. defining the new higiier naecline, siceve >details above the elbow, narrower skirts, métal bùttons. buckles and beits ail Iend -new interest. ýOther Dresse.s Priced to $25 These. Are The Coats ...We. Wearto School!. And Each Has a Çunning Hatl >or, Beret t'O Math Chinchilla $795ý Rainbo Dia gonals Suede inings and edjusfable hems oe preofioal features of thone adorable aiI-wool coat sots in fan, blue, green and ted., Some have warm fur collars. . . others are smertly tulor.d li type. Sizes 2 to 6. Other c<ats sets priced upward fo, $15.95. Tots' Shop--Second Plàôr, West Roolpt w"l On Daqvis St reet Apparel Shops-Secoad Floor STORE HOUES 9 X. M. t. 6 P. M.--SATIJRDAYS,. 9 X. M. te P. M. Wilrmoiet. 110 Campus e75' 100