WNeek ofT ihriIIs Jomn Ilondel l i Tingling. Mystery, "The IFirst Year" and "«Tom- Brown, It won't be long iiow. sor"MsPneo" of Çuilver" comprise a great double That's w~hat makes nrhsoechli- feature program, one tbat the whole dre sojublat, Ôrthethillng eril, The Wilmette theater says it with "The jungle Mystery" opens at the excellent double feature prograims this aiyiiiejy Nwi h iet week.take advantage of the,,thr:ils and f un Teatro delI..ago this Saturday -after- wek nloon. Two young Aniericans, played On Sunday, Monday and T1uesday, aorebytse ois;frtey are by Tom Tyler. and Noahi BeeryJ, Sept ember 25, 26 and,27, the films il howingt the Varsity theater Thurs- reacli Africa on an airpiane ýhunting be "Miss Pinkerton" and' "Week-End -day, Friday and Saturday -of this.week. and exploring trip. The youths cras h Marriage." Charles Farrell and Janet Gaynor and then encouniter a stranige creature of hejugle ii ddiio t exerenes Joan Blondeil, in an entirely different are the young. marricd folks in "The thtwilmaeevroîesipy a e , will be thé star, of "Miss Pinker- First Year," >a bright, horney, picture to sec each chapter of "The jungle A o f romi the fainous Frank Craven stage Mystry."pital n ur se, b o i n g for 1play. Brisk, f un, fighting, and romance Thougli Tom Tyler and Noah -Bcery, s o ni e t h i n9 g ake sparling entértainiment of this jr.. have a real part ini the- week's pro- tô b r e a k, the grain, ket's not! monotony, s h e forget t h a. t is Sent to care Culver Holds Spotlight whimsical o 1 d frahseical . Devoid of ail niushv girl-interest, fieller' w i t h old lady Who - Tom Brown of Cuivr?'noves zest- h e whiskers, tli~ ~as: just seen fully 'through the famous Culver Miii- I)ortrayed b Y hier nie î h ew . tar .cad.y.wit.To...rwnRci *Chic" Sale in inilu rd e r e d. tr cdmWt o r iRc the .c o mn e, dy George B r e n t ar(I CromwelIl and, Bien Alexander fight- (Iraina, trg- plays -the part Joab Blondeil- ing nip and tucék for acting honors. The er ilu Towii," of the inspector. Persons who like 1 celles were really shot at Culver. a I s o featuring, myste ry stories cant afford to Miss this! >rwv afternoons at the Varsity will lCh'» Sale ADavora and FsReners hionoflerMryRoersbc among the most exciting the north DaiiManr kRnhattrilr soeliseer enjoyed. Chapter '2 of; at the 1'atro9 on W%,ednesday andth seil-urcaeEps,"wl Thursda'. S~~~~epmx 28 an 29. The This. Stpry WiIl Àp0ealtesril IircaeEps," il atIion of th'nietre akspl9iiandWee-E-nd Maýrniage" is a story of 1î)ring its cargo of thrills FridaY after snial town wlhere Sale is ,postmaster 1a boy (NoranIoster) Who didi*t sho n audyfrtemtne an'd ownroagrcry store. 0O yes1niae'enough .one. to arry the girl More Excitement Coming Noah Beery, f ather of the youIg star ý(Loretta Youlig> unless she keptl Next week's featture'.attractionis at in the JîgeMsr" serial, has a1 on workinig .. $soshe titi. WVen the the Varsitv iinclude: -The Devil - ant lway" oleiiiStraniger- in Tow1 boy bas to Pasu i i hnea the Deep.- starring Gary Coopr Excellent as *Chiic" Sale js, the Tea- 1 opportuniity' to go to South America- Tlallulahi Bankheacl andi the newv screen tro del Lago is îlot contenît with fea- Ibecatise of the tics of marriage, things marvel, Charles Laughitonl; "Alrnost turing hini alone. Those masters of get stcadily% worse. How does the Married, featuring Ralphi Beilamy of u-ghty jaw inuisc-Victor McLagleii tangle turn out. anyway? \Vilmette; "The Jewel Rohblery,'. with. and (tidituncl Lowve-wvill bc starreti on!k Another double feature treat awaits William Powvell andi Kay Francis. in the sanie' prograni in"uit as HelI," \Vilmiette patrons Wcdnesday anid, snîart noIes,, andi"rn EiBc a iniirder'farce. Thursday, September 28 and 29. in thej Alive." onec of the nîiost amnazing animal Here's, a, Great Program . !filmns, "Devi] *s Lottery" anti "By Whose pictures even madie, andi absolutely ou undyMonayant Tusdy, Hnti"ln "Devils Lottery,"' -,viniers authentie. Sepenîer 5, 6 ad 2, te 'eato Iof the Calcutta sweepstakes> finti them- offers "'The First Ycar"' andti Roar osf stoehrtntroerofadtePubîîx-Balab»î:Ala Katz the rago." z cons(Iueccsare tlîoroughly interesting tha Drgon."aazing. Victor McLaglen andi V S T non~~~~ aniCarsFrel atei l sa,~ Landi star. len Lyon is the t.ullyndiifesronelof yng vereporter Who solves murtier mysteries - S 1T Y' * iùldifre fnst raofmanoayge. vee, aboard a spetiing train in "By Whose Evanstoi-Phoine Uni. 8900 romantic, sometimes hilariois this poiehaîdi ahaame.isse p Thurs., Fr1, Sat., Sept. 22-23-24 dramla is spiced * with loyers' quarrels*ose u One of 8the nest prograser andi those momenîts of tnaking up.* Frontier Offert Action preen~trd Richard 'Dix and Gwili Antre, Dan- On Friday and Saturtiay of this JANET GAYNOR ishi star \%ho is haileti as a screen 'dis- week, the Wilmette features johnny CHARtLES FARRELL ln cvr,"wilI. be seen in -Roar of the Mack Bnown in "The Vanishing covery," - ~ - 6vW' W om Phos»a Open r:.io--8h.owStoese s P. AM. Eoebing. Dmdng We Doora Open 6 :3o-Sbýogo Sata7 pà.. Fer early blrdAs Wbpe ere belote Il eoeleen ou aturuIays, belote 8 V0eleelk on Sunisys sud keUaso or beloie I7:18 ée'*Ioi e*tb* evenlugg, the price l 1e. CIO- dremle. Tonlwhbt, Fr1., Set, sept. *8.88.84 Twln FeAtureà Marion t4lxo-Elalpb Bella.uy Startu tonfogit, & Fr1. 7:17.,11:84 Mitarts Sat. 8:69;1 7:68; 10:80 * "IGmOO Natie EsimoCast Starts Tonlght.£ Fr1. 9:04 Starts Set. S1:91; 8:64; 908 Sait. matinee OI-FrtCbàp. ter-"Tbe Junule Mysterg'" wlth S1 ToM TylEr Comedy . . . Cartoon ,. . .Zews ]Bobby Jones Golf Reel . Trav. eloue Sun., Mon., Tues., Sept. 88-2.i.81 Twin Pégtires Strts Su . 3: . 7t1:0 ; 10:18 SMorts Mon., Tues. 7:18; 10:80 "ROM O0F'THE -DRAGON" RfltitrIîarI Dx--GwlilAndiré Stharts Sun. 2:18; 8:29.: 8:40 Starts Mon., Tues. 9:02 1 Pletorial ..Cartoon ~.*Sport. llght: . . . News W@d., Thur%., Së 18.11 MARY PICKFORD'S PUPIL Mae Marsli, who plays the role of Rébeccà's aunt in "Rebecca of Sunny- brook Farm," now showing at the Teatro del Lago, *as given ler first lesso n in sereen makeup by Mary Picýkford, wbo. originated the Re- becca role in silent, pictures. "Chic" Sale puts one over on the village cut-ups in "Stranger in Town," the Warner Bros. comedy classic of real folks, which shows at the Teatro del Lago next Wed- nesday and Thursday. "Chic". is 'the towfl postmaster'as well as proprietor of a grocery store. "TrE Wiliaui 69 "EEJNG' Fraul Du< i r Ier K.EACK ALITEI", 'a Animal Pleture