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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Sep 1932, p. 38

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%Jtet ati ase,r shoutor --__ long terme. Garage. -Anly of those apartments mnay be secu MIL E T by apnointuicnt. Cal BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. TRULY ENGLISI WEL1ington 1856 with studio living -571,TN20-lîc rooms. 2 baths, FUEtNISHUD 1 AND 4 ROOM Api- trees, iocatcd on qt convenlently located. phone Wimette cd street among- il 2399 or Whilmette 2427. 5L 1-tc Weill inanccd, 1 60FOR ENT-NoUU", 4 bedrms.. 3 baths, 011 heat, 'overiooKc- .Ing Skokle Golf grounds. $150. 4 bedrins.. 2 bàths, near transp. and schools. 85 2, bedrns, 1 bath, Ige. sleeping c.$0. ANN T MORELAND 663 'Vernon'Ave. Giencoe 305 WINNETKA SPECIALS We 1t11ihave several most dexii-bl homes to offer at remarkabiy attrac- tive rentàa.isIt la to youîr advantage to scee us before iocatlng. P. W.- BRADSTREET 522 Center St. Tel. 162 W%-Iinetka 40LT28-lte XINFURNISHEID AND, FURNISHED homes of ail sîzes at iow prîces in ail North Shore ý0uburbs. Some le", than carrYing charges. Frederick B. Thomnas &Co. 743 1 M h S. Ph. Winnctka 2850 60LTN20-1te 820 GRE ENLEAF AVE. GIAENCOE NEW HOUSE. 5 B3ED1IOOMS%ý, 3 BATI*s PHONE OWNER, GLENCOE, 49 60LTN20-te 8 RM. HOME. 5 BEDRMS.. 2 WITH runulng watcr. 11 2 batbs, 2-car gar. 2 biks. from sehools and transp., located at 1039 Linden A,-e., Wil- mnette. Ph. owner at Wilimette 2791. Rent reasoable. -60LTN2O-îtc ATTRACTIVEËtRICK HOME. 7 RMS. 4 bedrins,. 2 batbs. ex. laV.. att. 2-car, gar. 8125. Other good *values fromn $75 to $5o0. Mrs. Lang., Whtnetka 1194. 6OLTN2-ltc ONE 7. ONE 6 HM. 115jE. GARDEN --Paee. sun parlors, hot air. ht. Al Vonveniences. Hapip rd. ni%. Wlnl., Ave., Nottieid. Winnetka 3734. 60L20-1 tpO 6 ROOM HOUSE, 2-CAR GARAGE. Close to sehools and traiusportatioaL Very desirabie location. Ph. W&I 4973j. 60LTN2-lt» 8ROOM HOUSE, DESIRABLE LOCA tion. east side. bath.. 011 burner Large- yad. Ciidren's pelayhouse. Winnetlca 851.. 8RM. HOME AT' 818 nowly dcc.. 2%~ baths, 3 gla -att. gar. Ph. -owner at Wi land Ave.Wlil s-el -reasonably. Sec office. heautifui lulet wood-, Lune, homes. 1345 Ash- l- or leame Evanstoiî A SUBSTANTIAL HOMEi-C beautiful a'nd distlinguished location. léos thanl biock, from lake. 8 sbaclous rooims, "3 beautiful batbs, 'eurroolli, breakfast roomi. aGrounids 100xi00, 011 heat, 2-c ai garage. Showil by appoint- ment only. In' ciass with $60,000 home,ý priced at $35.000,-to be soid inunedi- ately,. .,Sec Croijk, Evanstoii INDIAýN HILLý ýBRICK COLOINIAL HOME attractive g r o unr d s and- édiring initerjor. 9 rooms, 3 batths. sunrooi, recrea- tion room, 3 blocks to 1udian Hill station. S. E. corner Winnetka Ave. and Essex Rd. Owner will exchange for swnaller. Sec Hart, Glen- coe office. GLENCOE, OUTSTANDING choice home. Englisli f-ari bouse type, modern in ap-. pointinents and ideally lo- cated for sicbools. c lu bs and transpoirtation. S P E C I AL, FËATL'IES: Studio living room, library, solarium, gar- don terrace. 5 mnaster bed- rnhs;, sleeping porch. 3 batbs second floor, servants' quai'- 3 bedrn Many <ý 663. Vernon Ave. *. Gencôe 305 72LTN20,-ltp OR WiLL R E NT, r.BY *OWNER, .MOD)- cr M. stucco house, 3 bedroom s. tMe bath, bot water oil beat, bcated garage, conven lent to tramsp. anid, sehools. 917 Vernon Ave., Glenicoe. Phone Glencoc 1205. 72LTN20-ltp) buniralow ln North oi! heat, 2-car gar. 74à mfé AEVCN Beautiful Westmore 'lrail SEVRALBUILDING SITES AVAIL. able ait prev4tilng prices. lVhy noi selet. YOurfuture homesite now and lts, advantage of proeut conditions? This ProPerty hea. a the requisîtem that a faiiy may desire for a Perna. nont: resldenco. For furtber Informaton cali HILL .& STONE 543'Lincoin Ave. Winnetka 1544 741.TNI-tfp) WIDE :LoT, VERY CHOICE LOCA- tion, WiV'nnetka. 87,00-forimer prive $14,000. 'ernns: Write 13-175. Box 40. 75 wANiEDo TO uy-vAcAN1l HlANTE CLIENT -WHO WANTS TO buy smiall wuoded lot ln Winnctko. * r.John Ilosen, Wlnnetka 3633. 75LTN20-1tip * ACRRAGES AND STATEB 1572 ACRES .t-iL IF RIVER FRONTAG;E ANI) only ten minutes, waik fromi Des *Plaines station.- Gentleman's countrv estate witfr tenant bouse, residence house. equipped for fastldlous living' guest bouse and garage wth gues; apattent, niight be used for school, hoctel or for horne for sevèral familles. Beautifully plantefi and landscaped. Co'st owncîr overl $40.000. Now worth at least $60.0",. can bedelivered at $25.000. Good terms to responsible »urchaser. Mrs. Fuller & Wni. Pickard. 1618 Chicago Ave., Greenleaf .7220 81LTN2O0-lctc 2 BRASS BEDS AND SPRINGS, SUIT- able for sleeping porch. -Upright piano, very sweet toue. Chea.p If taken tis week. Winnetka 851. JNIjNEj. flYANT-LNOfNUXS BUICNERS. $18. for gas-fired bolier, White, 7 ,Eider lane, Wlnnetka 2768. 188L20-ltp DRY WOOD BY THE CORD, BY meaaure. $12.,a. cord ln, 4 foot lengths. Winfietka 1813. 88L20-1tp GIRL'S RANGER BICYCLE, LARGE size, good condition, Ph. Giencoôe 1723. ]BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE-$is.. -Ph. Wiimette. 2049., 8LN2-t A. MARTIN IBUYS ALL KINDS 0OF MEN'S USEI) ciothig ad shoe: also aI kinds of furs. . Cail anywhere. Ph. Uni. 03470. 89LTN20-lt* WANTED TO BUY -BABY -STRO- 1er ln good condition. Ph. Glencoe 1637. . 9LTN20-tp WANTED-GIRL'S 26-ÏNCH BICYCLE. $5. Ph. Wimette 2288. 89LTN90-1te Sbetial Warrant No. ;1610-6 NOTICE. Publication is hereby giveni that the Superior Court of (.ook Co)untyN,, Ilin ois., bas rendered judgne-nt for à Special Asse8ement. upon piroperty b>ene- fited for the followlng iipýroyenient: A connected system of concrete side- îwalks in ' parts of Ashland Avenue, Gilendining Road. Kenilwortli Avenute, Green Bay Road, Park ])rive, Melrosc' Avnue,. Wayiand Avenue, Sterling. Road and Roger Avenue ln kenllworth, Cook County, Illinois. as wil note fully appear from the certlfied copy of the judgment on file In my office; that the wiàrrant for the collection of suchi asscss»ient IshIn the hands of the under- slgned. AI-I persons lnteres~ted are here- iW floti-lied to cali and 'pay the 'an-loup ae.sessed at the Coliector's Office, '417 Richmon>d Road, KcnflWoith, Illinois. within thirty (30) day. froi the date hereof. Said Speclal A.Nses.sment ls ievied to be paid lu Installînents. T ,he firist instaliment. $1,457.71, payable August 1.2, 1932; secondintiet,1.00, payable January 2, 1934; third Instali Ment,Y81,300.00, payable January 2., 1935; fourth instalîment, $1,300.00,. payable .Januiary 2. 1926; fifth instailment, 81,300.00, payable January 2, 1937. Ail f said instaiments bear interest at six percent (6%) pet- annuin from August 12, 1932. Dated this 2lst day o September, A. D. 1532.,- ' - F. L.~ STREED, Coilector. L2O-2te OFFICE Greenlcaf1 GLENCOE OFFICE 72LTN20-1te GIRIL'S new. Ro is OPen tco ail able 8 of the Village of e ageç of 23 and- 35 C. M. Oaborn, Village ýManager. L20-2te ------------- - .1 ý

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