of our new home, and pari luxurjous spaciousness and nie comf art. Our patrons. are anvited to make f ull use of this spaci - ous home in timès of need. The Oldeat Established Undertakers, on the Immediate.NortbýS bore "îThe HOUse of PerSonalSertie"wI 11l18 GREENLEAF AVE.., W!ÉmETTE 654 5 54 CEN1TRAL ST. WiNETKA -404 f Superior Ambulance Service Licensed Lady Assistant On iseStreesEryD! 0~ UR delivery service is busy these Sdays filling up bins with good, dlean, hot-burning fuel. Our fuel' burns slowly and evenly and main- tains that uniform temperature so, essential to health and comfort. Don't wait-now is the time to place your order before the rush of the first "coki speil.", Wilinem' tte Coal £l Material Yard 1301 Làke Avenue Member WilmeUte Chamnber of commerce Phone, Wilmette 4200 NOTICE ,WORTH SERVICE Kenilworth, Illinois STATION Phone Kenilworth 5496 GOAL LIRAT COSTS LESS!I ,isMe ms Hme 600 Green Bay Road UN