the parsonage at 1018 Lake avenue aIl ready for occupa ncy. It is cxpected that the churcli will have one of the largest congregations ini its history on Sunday. The serv- ice will be at the regular hour, il o'clock. Preceding that.service Dr. OIson will address-tbe Sunday school.- He wvilI also "drop) in" on the '.%eu'$ *class and the Philatliea, class of vo0ung women. D.Olson. a native -of Chicago, lias held important pastorates in the East. Prior to a 'ccepting the invi-, tation t'O the ;Wiîniette churcli he hîad been pastor for several years Of the Mount Vernon .Place M1ethod- ist church 'at' Baltimore. He is ail author of -several ,books and f eC09- iiized as an outstanding leader iu his (lelomination. Laurel Branch Library Open for Winter Season l'le Laurel, school branch of the Wilniette. Public' lih rary openied on Mfonday. September "19. 'NMrs. Ruthlea Weber is inu charge. The branci hi- hrary is open f rom 2 to 5 o'clock on 1%Iblday, . «ednesday, and Friday aýiternoonis. Most. of the books loanied froin the main library have, leen re- tiirned,' accordiing to Miss Aune .. \Vhitmiac.k, Iilrariani, and a- new 'sup- ;>ly is to be.taken over tô the branch Mr. and 'Mrs. Deunis J. liarrison of 200 Niuth strect, with Betty n Alice Aime, miotcored to Cincinnati hast week where their 'daughiters are ciirolled iu Mt. St. joseph's-on>-tlie-~ Ohio, ýNIiicIi Alice Aune bias entered as a frcshinan and. where lier. sister is a juniior. jamies Badger and famnily , for- nîierlv of Evanston., arc now o-Écupy- ing the homte. of E. A. ýPettihone at 5 12 Central avenue. Mir. Badger 'is wvîtl the I chward Hines 1. ituiber cnipany ini Chicago -0- Adaukhter ivas borui hast Suiiday at the \Voodlawni lospital to Mr_ a ud Irs. Jaines' H, Devine, 202 .1keiiilvoritb avenue. in the fourth zone, which inclucies al points from 300 to 600 miles distant f rom Chicago. Lower rates will be in effect for al parcels mailed to places in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth zones, as wéll as for parcels weigbing f rom seven toc seve'nty pounds mailed to points in the. fourth . zone. Distance classifications from the fiftb to the eightb zones range as. follows: fifth- 600 to 1,000 miles;, sixth-1,000 to 1,400 miles; seventh-1,400 to 1,800 miles, and eigtb-more than 1,800 miles. The post-office departinent lists, as fourth class or domestic parcel'post mail al parcels weighing more than eight ounces and containing circu- lars,, books, catalogs and other mat- ter wvbolly ini print, together with merchandise, farm and factory prod- ucts, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions and plants,, and ail ôther mail- able matter tiot embraced in the first and second classes. T he sanie matter in parcels weighing eight ounces or less is embraced in third-class mail. Qne bundred inches 'in length and girth comibined is the maximum al- lowed for parcel post packages. ý The weight limit i-, seveiity poun(is. D)onald F. Pavlicek, 1609 Highland avenue, and Jaiies Joyce, son of MNr. and NMrs. P. J. Jovce of 423 Tenth street, left Wilmnette last' Sundav for, Iow\Na Citv where tliev ivill 'enter the S ;tat~e uiiversit\- of IoWa. Danieli aumcyer,. young son' of Mr. and MIrs. Edward A. Kaumieyer of 601 Linden- avenue, entered No rthwestern Mfilitarv and Naval academy at Lake Geneva Wedniesday. Iaug CleaniugI ENSC 521 Ail of flics.e offee eakes are made oft eliecut qualitY butter doiljbs andi for yearà were outstanding favorites at a prie@ of &0 eents *aeh. You ean choose froin this large, select ion at 30 eeflts iitxt Satuiiay., FRIDAY SPECIALS *Cho<co1ate Poam -Waters ...19 £105. *Large, Cherry P mi& ..... 199 eao FRIDAT AND' SATLJRDAY *Parker-Houa.RUa.50ds *Large Layer Cake ........390, oaeb * llgator Collé ae. .300 eaeh SATURDAY* SEPTEMBER 24. *DoVUIs' LoaIFoo*d cake ....19e eaeh CHOCOLATE-PECAN',ICING *Large Angel Vood 'Cake .. 390 eaeh ;0* nel ous .. ...............15se eaeh 1129 Central Ave.., Wilme$te 508Me Phone WiI. 2998 ______________m~pber Wimette Chatbr of omec Naturaay g iA. M. ti@ g P. Mv. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail otepr autborized Christian Science Literature may b. read, borrowed or purcbaued at te Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT 1'HE READING ROOM PMORE TIR",40 TEA Memsber Wi5usette Chausber of Commewrce fo St.. Evanston Phone Gr. M32 h il lette