toMin IIus n lJie Us ervice, of wosuUip. Thie musical program by miss Rounds, pianiet, and Mr. Otts, sololat, wili be as follows: Prelude, "Ballade ln G Miner," by Brahms; Postludé, "P'Ostlud e nh B3fiât," by West. Sla HIow Veautiful Upon the Mountains" by Marker, . ahd elSend Out Thy Light" by Woeler. Junior church, whlch cares . for the little tolike whlle the parents are at church worahip, will, be held at il1 o'clock,. ln charge er, Mrs. Stanley Peter- son., Our SundaYsechool Io held at 9:39 o'cleck,- and ive'Invite you te join us ln the'istudY ef the Bible. We have clase- osfor aIl ages. The Men's Bible class meets at 9:40 oclock. and le studying the Gospel, of John. We Invite the men oft-the neigh- borhood tn join lis. Our Christian Endeavor. soclety le8 again growing into a large group,- last Sunday'e meeting -being almost back te the large attendances of laqt winter. The meeting'Sunday wil be witb Jane MeMillen, 237 Wood court,, at 5:30 O*clÔck. Plilp, Osborn wiIl lead. the discussion o*f the topk', "Qualities, of ç Christian." AlilYounig people of high qehool age are invited. The Sessioti of the ehul*eh wilI meet Monday, evening at 8 1o'clock at the home.of the pastor, -721 Ninth street. Our prayer meeting. will b. hel 1d on Wednesday evening at 8 e'clock at the Woman's club reome. We will study The Parable of the Wicked Husband- men, Matthew 21 :33-41. W., invite you ta Join us ln this devotional hour. On Friday evening, October 7, we wll»have -our first social ast-togýther entsrely to gamnes.and -acquaint'ancé stunte. The whole. church membershlp. anid their friends are invlted to come. This wilil be the first of a serles of church social-;, the next being held o N'ovemnber 10. Meth-odist Cu rch Oscar Thon-aOison, D.D., miiterI. Church sehool-9 :30 A. M. Worshfp service-11 A. M The High Schonî înamll.4 r, The Christmas Fair commlttee wil meet Thursday, October 6, at 10.-30 sat the church. TheGirl Scout and Boy Scout troops esponeored by thts church meet as fol- Gil Scout >Troop 1-ýThursday, riaM 7:15 P. M1. Girl Scout 'Troop '4-Thursday. at- 3:45 P. M. - 1 .- J . . Girl Scout Troop 5-Tuesday at'3:45 P. MI. Brownie Pack 2-Ffiday at 3,30 P. M. JEoy Scout Troop 3-ýThursday *at 7:30 P. 'M. Cub Pack-Wededayat; 7 P. M. A committee fromn the Womùan's Home Missionary. society. le cooperating .with the' Churçh echool eI in prmoitIng The* Home",.or- "Exteùsion" I department of thé -Church'. chool. -It le thought that many who are. net able :to.attenid:the regular sessions of the. Churchsechool oni Sunday morning wiil be giad to be- come members of the Extension depart- ment and Join the study ef the regula.r lessons at convenient-times during -the weok. Tho :Home, departinent quartorly wil be brought te thom. There le no Inancial obligation except as mombers may contribute- voluntarily. The study Names of those wlshing to become members or 0f'thoso who might become Interested may be given or ehoned to Mrs. George Spiegelhauor who lu the newly. appointod leader of the Extension department. Address 1327 Central ave- nue; phone Wllmette 3819. Kenilworgh Unieon 1enlworth avenue and Warwick road Dr. Herbert L. Willett, ministor Dr. WIlett,3 subJect for Sunday, Oc- tober 2, will bo. "The. Divine Potter." A cordiallnvitat.iG,.L,..ia. of the Christian fait. .It Provido fer the cemmunlty the service of wership, religlous. education and se- cial fellOwshiP. It weicomnes the co- operatIon of ail people of good wlll who wish te Promnote the weltare er the neighborhood, the riallation. of effec.ý tive methodae of phiianthropy., and the eteënsion eOU thé Gospel Into ail the, world., The Women'a Guild Wil hal d tsfirai tribut. te the prosidonrt of the club, 1Royal D. Smith, by his fellow pârish- lonere. *The recter spent last Thursday and Friday at a conference of the clergy of the diocese at Libertyvilie presided over by Blshop Stewart. The Grls;' V'ested chotr practices.every -Wednedy in the Parish house under the leadership of Miss Wlnnifred Mickey, iyounger girls at 4:15, and eider girls at 7ý p. nim. The. choir bas a membershlp between- forty and fifty. St. Augustiné's Boy'Scouts meet in the Parlsh house every Wednesday eve- ning *at :7:30 under the leadership of Géorge -Bersch. ,'The. ,Presbyterian Scoute mneet lai the same place every Thursday at 7:-30 p.. m. Bafdist tChuc Wilmette and Forest avenues * George. Allisen, minister "A Church that Cares"- Doi you,think that thé Oid Testament etOnies la the book oe, Genesis have" a message for us today? r lio e *Ileves tlhat 'they have, and W.fl» boum @on rlext Aunday, October 2, a new series of sermons based on the. Old Testament: uThat Gardon in Eden" "The Curse 0f- Cain"! "The Pull of the lUnsoeen" "Dual Porsonality", Paralleling this study of the Old Testament the Paster -le ýleading the. adult clan etf the Chiirch school In a course entitled, l'New Aspects ef the Lite of Christ" and In the Wednesday evenlng services a erles of discussion meetings on "The Personality of Jesus,"l this latter program to begin on Weâ- nesday, October 5, at 8 p. mi. ne ou speaer. et yoijr ticket rromi one 0of the Comminsfsion. Directore: Aliceý Dernehi, Paul Williams,- Anna U er- trude Orvis, or Joan Guthridge, or fromn the President, Le. Blaylock. Girls Scout ýTroops 7 and-il1 are now holding thieir reg ul ar meetings again on Thursday and Tuesday qfternonnq,, re- spectively- rs of ti the chu lch are ,; ln the * Junior choir, are re ilî time et re- )w held on Safur' luild rani, ouf 4h. L Our Confirmation class for the ensu- ing year has been orgaflized. There. Ile ti tme to enroll ln thie class and the pastor will be glad to cati and confer with the parents. The Womiens Missionary society will meet: on Thursday, October 6, at ,2 o'élock., The tpc ilbe "The, Amer- ican .indin." .Visît the firiâtAmericane it the Otober Mlsslonary- meeting. First Con gregationsal John G., Hindlejy, minister pr. Herbert W. Gates ýw1libe guest- speaker, at the worshlp service nex t Sunday Il o'clock. This willi be. a Recognition service for the officers and teachers of the Church school. Dr. Gates,; who will participate In this serv- tee le general secretary of the Con- gregational Ed ucation society and an authority ln the field of religlous educa - tion., He will have a message of par-. tieular interest for this occasion. Our Senilor choir and quartet are again active, and both will participate ln the regular, service Sunday'morn- Ing. There 19 àa place for children of ait ages in Our Chureh -school, -which meet.s according to the following echedule: Primary, Junior, and Intermediate groupe at 9:30;* Nursery and Beginners at 10:45, and High school at 12:15. The board of trustees will hold UNc regular mçinthly meeting at 7:30 p.'nM. ln the church parlor -Monday, Octobepr .. The Crescent Circle wlll meet for luncheon Tuesday, October .41- at the home of Mrs. E. L. Bel she, 530 Forest avenue. Mrs. Frank E. Allworth and Uri. John Doig will b. the assiqting hostesses. A luncheon meeting ef the Cozy Cor- ner circle will be held Thursday, Octo- ber -6, at the home of Mrs. Frank C. Huffman, 1311 Maple avenue. Mrs. Wil- liam Hayt, Mre. Rolle Anderson and Mrs. David Andersoný compose the luncheon cornmittee. The Central circle will -have a: lunc12h-ý eon meeting Filday', October,7, at, 12:30, at' the home of Mrs. W. H. Selan 727, Elmwýood: avenue.- Assisting bout- esses are Mrs. Dwight 'Chapman and Mrs. L. A., Hfopf. The schedule of week-day àctivities for boys and girle le as folîowý:. Tqesday-,3:15 p m-Bheblrds Tuesday-4 p. nm.---Cýamp Fr Girls, Girl Scouts tP-uec;day-7 :30,Ip. .-Troop No. 2, Bo y scouts Thursday-4 p n~,uirChoir> re-' leansal Thursday-7 :15 p. im.--Senior choir re- hearsal Thursday - 7.30 p. m.-Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts Thie. Philathea clans wili have a A ve «White Elephant Sale" Tueaday ove- theiol ntMi October 4, at the home eo f ra. tRie IÇ B. G. Petry, 1207 Sixtoenth stroot. As- I!riday 1at beth the 9:15 the Rev. J. H. the theme "Twe tRe u4ý chohor A4n IeZtation We have listened to the Rev. Mr. tended te l te attend. Gocicel speak te us sevoral tirnes and Jho willi ho wlth us for the followIng fivo Communion service, on Sunday, C- Sundays. Lot Us have a* change now t.