nanfla w £.KA *ew gms anAaVUUIU veryone eertainly enjoyed the evening. Corne tonlght andù spend a profitable and enJoyeble evening wtth a congental and peppy group of young people, Visitors welcome! ~Wdnesday, October 5, the children's week-day classes wili begin thelr 1912 and 1933 season. If your chuld ls flot'ai- ready enrolied ln theget classe s, or yomi know of. children wiio would like to take advantage of these Instructions~ please Infôem. Rev. H. . Meyer at the parsonage. Sunday is RaIly day at Qur church. The eidren ln Sujnday school will re- ceive their certificates and wiiI bie pro- moted to their. respective classes. Every <'hIldId asked to please bie ln Sundavý school early. The, Ladies' Aid and Mlissioit.iiy soi- ciety Is having Its monthly meeting October 6 at 1 o'clock. This is going tri bie more. than just an ordinary meeting, fJor everyone l1. urgently requested tri attend. A pot luck. luncheon wililibe served. Everybody will bring ber own, lunch and the. whole organisation will *at together. A buqiness meeting Will lie field, foIlWe%-d b1 a pleasant goeial 11eeting. On' Frida-, Octber 7, at 7 :45 thtý Junior Walther league and Young, Peri- ile's society la holding a> rally for ail Juniors of. the church. Come and show your spfirit as- a Walther Leaguer by being present attire raliy and ail other meetings. Severai things of Interest have been arranged, anong them.f are an educlational tople, ganies., entertainment. refreshmnents. This la one gala event of the ;year. Be sure to crime And mnk( this meeting a muccess. First Evangelical 99f; Elm ..treet, Wlnnetka Satnday, October 2 9':34 a. nm-Bible sclmool (classes fior 4;( ages).John Kipp, superIntendlent Il a. M.-Morn[ng worship. esg i the flev. C. L. Bicher 'p. m.-Communion service 745 p. ni.ý-Gospel service. The 11ev. P. L. Eicher, speaàkei' Morris J. Gusta f- Ao, frpetor. Mijale by éhureh choir Tuesday, Octoler 4. Sp. m-Bsns meeting of the church Wednesdav, Oetvber à and 11huràday, October 6 sp Iu.-EvangeIistic gservices. Conduct ed by Olof Newhagen,' evanlgeliqt. A- sisted by 'Mr. and Mi-rs. Samuel Swa~n, gospel ý1nger. Gemi. and Mrs. 'Willâi H. Rose, 811 Forest avenue, hiad as their guests over this last week-end, Mr. and *Mr. Reck was bortn in Europe and came to this country as a young manl. Since his retirement Mr. Reck had spent considerable tirne in California. For the past few months, howevrer, he had, been,,witb, his daughter in Kenilworth. Besides the çlaughtçr, a son, Walter J. Reck of Washington, D. C., and five grandchildren survive. The funeral services' were held Monday morning fromn a chape! at 7066 N. Clark street, Chicago, to St. Henry's, church.. Burial was at St. Henry's cemetery. Mrs. Frank A. Oelerich Dies of Auto Injuries, Funeral services for Mrs. Philo-, mena K. Oelericb, wife of Frank A. Oelerich, president of Oelerich & Berry, molassesdealers at 864 Larra- bec street, Chicago, were held Mon- day morning from tbe homeé of bher son, Frank J; Oelericb, 1201 Green. Wood avenue, WiIieittee. to St.- Fran- cis ýXavier's cburcb. Burial took place at Calvary cemetery. Mrs. Oelerich, who was 66 years old, died last Thursday in St. Eliza- beth's hospital, of injuries suffered Tuesday of Iast week when she was, struck by a tomlobile while cross- ing the street in front of her home at 1448 Lake Sbore drive, Chicago. Besides her husband and the son in Wilmiette, Mrs. Oelerich is survived by another son, joseph F. Oelerich of Evanston, and by five grandcbildren. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Keck and daugh- ter, Miss Betty Jane, of 912 Green- leaf avenue, were recent guests of the E. W. Sims family on their ranch at Au Gres, Mich. From t hère they ýmo- tored to Davenport, Iowa, aitrip f rom wvhich they. have returne!d. Mr.' and Mrs. Christv' Br(owni ami son, Christy, of Winnetka, ihave re-, turned fromn a two weeks' trip,) it Tront ILake. VVis.- anid Christy lias Ieft for the Ashev ile school'iii North Carolina. TEACHER 0F PIANO I Soecializing in. Childrn's Wô>rl-Indi- I WH=LEHAMS lb. 171/20 PORKWLIN ROAST IL Ise Fresh Dressed Chickens, l-b........126c Beed Pot Rat b...........e Genuine, Spring 4Leg-of I~bo l.... 25c Siced Bacon, 3 iba... ......9 PEARSON'S MARKET Dlidry RIOGEAVEUE, WILM 'iTet Servie l: ý1ý2 .80 IJuy -lt Hre, for Lés$ Quality Remains FREE-BALLOONS FOR THE CHILDIU3N-FREE 1#52 1932 PRESSINGI Take * advan- tage of ont- new lowvprices FeATuRiNO, at ii ito lus- we can new coat at a fracuQon'or a new coat's cost- welconie saving, tilese days! May we ser Cordially yrs, A. Bi QUALITY WORK, REASONABLY PRIC ioJES SAUSAGE Meati lb. 26e, IIIILS'BROS. mCFEE Ibo 5