of Washington lias a Busy Sum'mer to Ne.UU. Football Game Gives Certificates as a. Real Boy The Sea Scouts of the Nortb Shore On Saturday afternoon, October 1, to Camp Leaders Editor's note: The sixth Iistalment Area counicil iad a fine summer of the Boy Scouts of this council will of Walter MacPeek's vlvid blography, cruising, tas Northwestere football game Cam *ýGeorge Washingtoni-Real Boy,- ap- ssow ythforoig ee of charge truhthe courtesy ed Ma-KaJa-a nisn consider- ffle. n t4 pge.ý Jrne E.West, data.ý Seven units>er represented of the athletic associatîon..Ail troops ohief scout executive, Boy Scouts of Amerlea, says .ut the, biography,: .. and forty-three' Sea Scousudrms eacmaidb edr n sucb a way as to use the volunteer ilk. .. the way i whtch the author their o-wnileadership. spcent a total of report to Gate Que at 1 o'clock Sat- leader very definitely ini its program. has de1ln!tely connected the ideals of udyatron h cumseswog ocm àcoutirig and. the lite of' the scout to- eighty-sçixý weeks aboard, the eaiudyatron h cumseswog ocm daywlth the Ideals and life of this Scout Ship Albatross. "Let's go, scouts, and leaders, too, with their scouts are, better equipped great mari (Washington)> who certa inly. n h peit h nfr aig'ent a n ie tyýpifles what "e i scoutîng are tryln' In the, several ,1w e ong cruises which vian ho temweapreiae hein fr avgbento padlie te build iri Amrericari boys toda-4lar.. took the Sea Scouts alilo e Lke itainbytrnnot full force." wise the troops are benefited, it is atraditenh."Michigan, -thte Albatross sailed a to - -that's the. council football cr3-. observecd., tai of 16.000 miles ii n omewhat less luw addition to gaiiig what is re- B, Walter Mae.k than thr'ee months. Including the S i m n lse garded as fine and belpful expe rience, (Continued from last week> two cruisers for ýChicago Sea Scouts, e n ach leader receives a certificate Wasliington's >earlv mturtiand there was. a total of 37,800"boy to lie bomth aspettoweswt i sse of responsibilit-v if 'Partiallv miles."e Accounted, for by the fact that bils This is a fine'record, and s wmigcassfrsota-topa ap Weialcemert will cmmence on Satur- esLse asocats er lrgly ode tan wel or th eadersbip. of S.,jack: day, October 1, at the Deerfieldt Cetficat'e.W innes L td hînielf He eem tahavegrctlvDemorest. Sa Scout director anîd 'hields Hligh School swiming poo. Nrhsoemnwoaei n enjoyed apprentice experience, In. skipper of the AlbatrosS, it is stated. .surtey-ing with SclioolatrAli ___________ scouts waniting to pass their fis or this certificate are: hasand later -witb James Genn. cîass swimfming tests. sw-immilng, or Thomas Mickey, Troop: 4; Allan county surveyor. ya5 i ÇmpMa-Ka-aW nthi iesaVing nrt badges are Cappelman, Ed. Dirks and Alvin During bi$ earli tèen earThoies itsk AeOtrdurged ta recogzti s a aspl enid i arhlm ailitbTroop 5: Frank spe 1t much time with Lord'Toa A Ofrd oPPÔrtunitv under excellent leader- Kretuscb and Weldon Cody,Troop Il; Fàirfax. a 'mari of Irish background. The following figures are submit- shrp. ý James M.\cFadzean, Troop 15; S. K. schooled ini England, yet preferring ted, sbowving the number of scouts Fenton Hopkins. better known as Ostergaard., Troop 16;, John.\\West the soli tude of the ever-enchanting and leaders, the sessions. the "boy "Hop" the w~atefoi irc'0tan hlSabceToo 7:i- froitier of this neivwo-rld. weeks." and: the daily average num- Camp a-Kaja-Wn. ill e in iam rcetadCals ecir George seems to bave: been popu- ber of scouts. and. leaders at c amp re sitdb a rtevan Troop 18;. Dr. F. N.. Woods, Troop lar witi. the old man as a .huinting! M\a-Ka- a-Wan Ae ude n ikWiha.Altreae.~ e . r GeorgeiGctgood, Troop 20; Har- companion.',Oft en tblev rode fox'three different boys from almost ev- aiReCrsleaiîgea eStannard, Troop2;Rbr ci hunting together. During hbis days ery troop in the couincil attendedcaH ed ris h sc gdue. a t- i rensTp 4 as a u ve o. ou g Wab1go camp and spent at least two wveks u d eyR alpli Edgren, Troôp.31; Joseph- often visited, this friend at Greenwav each. Thiirt-v-fi-ve volunteer leaders rdynorning. begitnning October :1.Ridle andKentLcyTrp3; court, and to the end vas bis loyal f rom twýNent-si ifteltto rom 9 to Io oclock will be 5KCrlRe n, TropL3ac-,B. on, 32 friend. went to camp, Nith thleir scouts. The nlg and 1ue savîn tg: and irHigr ind Prk ommis3:ioneB.Jcrksoi, * Washipgton's Mother 303 scouts caniped a total of 302 ses- to 10:30 o'clock. first class sýwimnhrg. Vi-i rito~ Trooi) 3,5: Gçrdon Kelly, Sr., Washington %vas a dutifuil. patient, sions of.724 -boy eeks" The scouts -Get In the. swiIl scots!tuý le Troop 40; jack Neale. Sr., Troop 48. lûugson. by training anîd blin cli- and leaders.,incltding the reguilar leaders urge.1 More Names On Liiat nation of hecart. He ~a ever tendler staff. enjoyed a. total of 984 -boy and thouglitful, towvard b)is mol('tll(". we ki- f camping during the six Pôliejes Are D)iscussed Ray Dobbins and Johin Huhu., demionstratitig a patience and affec- eéks. the. camp was ini operation. TIroop, 51...jamies Russell. Troop 52; tion seldom equalled. Tbis. means that tliere waN anavr-' b' xeutvs at etC.X Bovl erfeddputy corn- Mary -BaIl NVaslingîou lov ed lier age of 164 éamipers and leaesaéar caîsascaenîx.ssîoiier : Rvm Danielson,. boy sternlv. soia ly, mucli like a MIa-.Ka-Ja-Wýan dunitig cdi dayaiexcoscutTrocp : Ted Boudrie. Troop 70; 1 Iý ;ýXCtlve. anîd Harold G. Boltz, edlRaot.rop7.aîFan Spar-an mothier. She loved hii ten- the entire camnpingiz season. sisat cuteectveo tc\ibmý ad. rTroop 7.an rn- denly, eagerly. proudl\. 'and tried t o Noti Shiore Area coutncil attend d Vcha.Sr.Top74 conceal'the jov anîd pride she felt-aî ecyt elae n i or i Scout Executives' Rofr~~ .- Fritschi. Troop 32. Highlanîd She did' not believe in-a, greai shiow teen-výear oîd h Ii happiiness ývas eda the MNediiai Atiletic club) Park. anid O. S. McCorrison, Troop of affection., H-er riothier loy v wsleMoia Sr'ene 9 ýdls«_1.HglndPrse of a still.eee kîd Lk a anost, unboundd. AiI is dasle o aSPteme 9.to eôe-..Hgl O ak p neancweek Il eeer in- ike11 lad seen, ships saiiing iil)anîd %olha.Setmer 21. New~ poIicies,.ý camp1ing w .itlî their respective troops. motiiers she vas nieyer quite able to t 1 î2 Potomnac. He liad dreanied iihun- the ten-vear prograin and otther perceive tliat bier boy lad grown 1uP- dreds of tîmies; of those strange lands SUbiects 'of ititerest to exctives Announce Lower Rates To bier, lie \vas alwavs a lad. Whien xui lier gallant boi'. ias lîaving honses across the sea. Nowl lie %\as to go. were.presented. bv sud m nen as, Ar- sho frinundr Iiii i t h calv Theni, jut as lie wvas readv to zo hu A. Sc.lt.ck. national director of for Scouts' Publication shot:' frzine u lutecr3 board, lus unothier appeared and t ýd division of lpntons. alid H-. F. The Nortli Shore Area coutîc«il slo- vears of bis miitary career., lier 1 j htlenutnt-l~ î oè Pona oa i~t 1 Ilar ilusit baveustnacbed-t at irePot. ta .iia d.ec-) of the .depart- gauî. "Every:scout a reader of Bo\y . I CUBS 'TIlUV À' COUTç n GA, tar@AT I Rvi God Mmt ,,WOTHENYS > ~s.,,So J 110 iluefe Wae.1151 S A&ve. %NU aiuzeitlo'r patrot .meeting.; --.."'"-a. 's using tuje acuiituesotthe -Homer' Stocks, Troop 4. jmc -N\ational .Broadcasting company for a fifteen minute broadcast to be re- ce1i cd iu Chicago by Station WLS WINS MERIT BADGES ai 7:45 o'clock Central Standard Troop 13. Kenilwort.b. reports that ýtne. Tbis programi is designed taý Hugh E. Petersen bias passed tests ibe 'of spîecial! interest to scouts -and for merit badges in patbfinding, civ- leaders, althougli evervonle is invited îcs. athletics. camrping, and reading. ta lîsteuî in.