How t. $st Out $.50 vt lm CIINDLE ' Fotitalnl Square Evanston BOOK SELLE.RS, Especially featurang current bo6k BOOK RENTERS, Both fiction and& non-fiction SOCIAL STATIONERS Boxed and Pound papors 1724 ORINC;TON AMNUFi turc, sponsorco 03rthe Fiends o theheig-- - - -- A-icredible. Yet ttiat is, the wa%,1 ie Anierican Writers, last spring, Miss atuthe htheGadght-h b larriet Monroe, editor of Iotry Rider of winds thiat spin the ,worldsabt"Dw te adîPtb b> ,magazine, was awarded a prize of and fing ileverley Nichols! It is such a deligbt- $5(X0.OO in recognition of hier work Space-wide tbe starry . levities of iuI piece of writing, such a ver>' special as a poet and editor andi for lier Spring! iok that only those who are sure tu efforts ini bchaîf of woirtbv yolung 1fle o heefls*n blurs apeit tdsret.ra t h )eS.fl» sghastial .custome r, Iookiîig for. some-, M rs. James Tiaylor $tewart. Di- A drift of aslies dow,î on dusty ýnight. iîg for m), aunt. :who(. reads every- rector and Cha~irman of the Ways Nor duli cars harkwhat magic belishig ileervestisraur anîd Mcans committee, Wil I)c111 may ring. charge: of the monthly social, asilit- shud aestinfo-oîefal ro m! crary teas at .wbiclh outstandi(illg , whose heat *eDovn the Gardenî Path"'. is -iothinig hooks f»heOf y meianau urning bearts niughtset a planlet .nore than the history of an 'Engis tifur Il1) ervec aicret flarinkg;,,arden, yet Mr. Niéchois'enthusiasnî. Anwrcau iterry uhjets dscused.Or fallen like great Lucifer', p*roý- .lus dry hunier, and bis nlfocos 'rt1 ar1tail1 gvnii o- claiiîtg style have made this history as excit- o)r .of Chicago writers,: "H onor oUr .\cross the s k i esis splctîdor in tic- imîg as a detective story anld as stimu- o ,"is the club's slogan. Allothler feat. ating.. as an autunin day. It ail begins i nteresting literary db ate w~illibe th e ..But knxeanil. I sinik duow',î %-ast- «hen lhe buys a cottage ini Huntinigdon- Februarv tea attracio. ng large powers 1 shire, expecting to find it equipped with Mr. reerc l.Brdsîa. akOn tavern. satellites ani sodden a full-fledged garden. On1. is arrivai Park. is scrving as Chairiiiat of the lirs e finds. instead, a mass (if weeds and lioo Redingtîîrî tuisill-kept shrubbery. Immediately he sets t-car. whicelets cVery hd Frida%, Witnnetkan Hlas Articlle about making of it the gardien of îwhich of thémothinth reception.ý rooni I ~lieas dreamt,..The selection and plant- ofKsck'mentî-t n LIIC This commiiit- y tani VOftl~ inig of his flowers, his 'early mistakes, tee, côniposed of forty, iitimberq; Mtcel asn 1 netab s hisJoy at the success of. an herbaceous utalces lit intensive studv of thte Cur- ai, article cnttled ~Paul Prv and border, his tender nursing of a grape - remit works tif Anmerican rtes privacy" ini the October issue of tbe! vine which was being crushed by some Booksý which tluis coiiflmittee consid- "4l ti otl 'l 'lie Amiericaii ivy-such is the sub)stance. of this book. er îttitirstinig. wortbliiic. anîd pus- nesitC5le)rs in their ruth1lcss .quest for fGardeners wilI find its pages .f ull of sesdof litcrar.v menit are, recoi- news are s'everely criticized hyv Mr. thie kiost hielpful information:. the mneneil o tu clu at argelDason. 'l'lie average citizen. he ad- .rtigo winter flotvers, bow. to Shortrcvie~ cf hese ooks re nits ini su many words. more;iake a rock gardien, and teata dulsiedin ie the hî's - nityub.-1 privacy than a fish %vhcWeneneretîc re-, ;pianting of a wood. And- there are. the \Vain ".A . NeN\s." cdite.d 1b Ilporte rs are benit on getting, a stury. rnost enchanting suggestions for .the an- M rs.Stewat Har is. eod thV TheLindergh and the Coiliings cases, ranlgemtenit fcut f!owers.ý I tvti f the club )and accessions are cite(l as tNypîcai lexanipes oft'the. But lit is far ironi beîing a book oni>' to iV hti îentbersipl. annutîe oth boilsiîeicue 'ut American ion garderiers., Mr. Nichois, himself, C0nitiig prOgrallls. and gives interest - espr reporters. IThe tew la-ws !lad liad nlo previous experience with iuig..personal iteiis >of fith embiiler- tha. t we have N\hitclu protect uudiyidual , irdetiing, and so bis book is reaily the ,,1bil'. . pivacN suclh as againt lîbel do not record of a successful experinient.. He -- -- fguard agà the repiorter 's making of indulges bis whimnsies, his sentimental- A LITTLE BOY WAS DRAWING, himiself, a general ail -ruund nuisance. aties. and bis exthusiasins to the ever- g . ' NMr. Dawson. lowe er. isîlot a little growing delliglht of the reader. He finds b~ Rgerlo1oîSm.andtS optinistic about the ..uture policies of the keenest amiusem-ent Ili his neighbor. ~Vilî 0 iustratonsin olo idnetspaerscoïieerniino individuai 'priv: rs ..i tiose horrors of Stone and îiuîneru' i.îc -ad-wuite dra: av. e Colude.S Tue hviu a ineti 1which are sold as.,gatden'or- iug lv ue uiîtr.ternative to aliv supieriinposéd- coxtrol iunents. in- lus failure tu raise mush- 'lhis xiixîiisal blook, for bovs a.111 1f the, press tvold lie th dveloinent, rooins. A delicious humor prae h c rstroi. six to, tell. ears ot agte Î, a professionial 1 îgthé néws woebook: the p -aiis fpol. itroduces a îuew. fresh. an d rciilrk- s'ni hleprVmaiie tpepe th~uces leîsel - l'î C uldIII(:,lôwers. and trees are caughit witha -0lle talent to the 'fks twrit h ' tlwy chose, place deiixe limlit3cions upon 'flashi of dry \\-il or a, bit of Sentiment t or children. Roger Dtivoisilui liCethods to tbe used i'texu~aid x la tsarmral ecpin .utorilstaon Sa un Fec- liissois"Becauise uf the great charin of this tianîîw ivnginAxieîc. uelal-____ -look, tiere shouild he a warning: printed deconated Ili, buuk, witiitwn oiil n the jacket to thte effect that it oughit il ilustrationsin iour lriglit cuior% Revised Edition oftoenadi oluefroiths with - - .~.* . .. - ncvlonedia Nomv OUt x.osses-iing xreat strengtîî of %vill can be.P oiung hchtu-r utoi t I loura." Te tended prnimanilv for t!ýe arr ,%ntrains al-so many sug les th e cperioectd .«ilector, .. ati .1&ý - ý. s Ucmei )ro iis.Ig. Dut, as trie ranÇ - Ea- ygaard. principal of the Toseph iIg. progressed, wve reaiized how thly Sýea s shool in Kenilworth Pýaul T. heavi' were the odds against us. And 'n- Gilbert. S34 flier street. Kenil,.oLrth. then. out of tbe bag carne Peking but woa on the editorial staff. is in- Picnlic' tet-_ be chosen bv the judges. ior troducing the uiew~ Compton's to par- .after every 'manuscript had been ents on the north short..ra.