~L i.iU~iiJ. I 1) plt (j the nv'w ilbert draina was wrWt For wrapping the universe ira deep, teîî hy the~ star himself. In this film, soft velvet, there's fiothing quite equal iiJack (;ilburt does his I>cst. work in a t(.i the .l isic of a pipe organ-espe- i(ýnjL lim. Cntics agree. ciallv the. one which is being played - this %veek, at the beautiftil Teatro del l.ago. hy. tue talented Abbye Krantst as Granada Theater W'ill 1 fjeatuirc 'f eVerv prograni.. Begin New Show Poliec Tihi S. -i .addit ion -,-tu, drainas and Ire-' Startink F'riday, Speihr23 ,:h ireshing shîort Stîjects, givus, the Tea- ýGranxada, tîeater will, .)egin a lieu, troi del Iago p)atronis just aboeut every-1 policy in, shoivcfltertainrnent. Thv thlig :in the way ofthto;rouglytIl' hae ilso tebs aall dcligtfuleiitrtaiîîîînî aicl elaato fattîre pictujres and a div'ersifièd (llring the Coniîng vpk.Irog rainî0f conedies, sports lightS5, ()i this Fridav aiîdSaîîtlvthev sCiiisCSSreen sotivenirs sloiwng the Teatro liasa double leatture p)rogrami,il folks wav back when," and Para- "Tomi Brownîx of ('ulver' andl 'L'ilîeiioi<ift pict»orials, There, is aiso, toi ledefot. At the Saturdav inatiîce be a delighitful organ solo played )y t.nIy. chapter 2 of the excitin- serial. 'ýîh of tlie leading .organlists in iliel l'lieJnge str"will.be slîow,î. ct. lrccv are aiso bicîng Sliitl.No Girls in Culver Film rdiVl 'Ilî ch fn atinsphere of the fa-- inoiu ul ver -Military acadiniv, wvherc CROONER HAS HIS TALKIE, ilit),sup the Itîctturc- was filined, fornis 4'Thë Croon er,. .,wîth David Manners thv hîakgroncl for "'fin Brown of, and Ana D oak, and "Je,ýý,el RRbbery," ('jîlvvr-.î eIîiîring 'ni Brown, H. B. starring William Powell and Kay War:er Slîî Sînimrvilcand IRicli- Francis in fiashy roles, will CéAmprise ard krî cl iteuw *draina and the Teatro del 'Lago doublu icature lilaroi, cèin(f siuaion a.-botlîa program Friday and Octaîornav 11ar f i 111>soii filin. 7 and 8. lhîhî1 -- tacet! oc1-'. role] Te,'xa', cg %l()hîts i*ý)ad.,, and Starting Mon4lay,, Octoi>er .th. Ofl a ' 1;1i11 t es i i -Te' teier- bit, i'lfclias S20,000itifl litc nîeet>ý - iekNwV r tlfeatrica;l producer. ha t l' ei ri n then on is too) g;(f bç i I<C1, e1. But it Sinîply rmtst 1bu %id thai <',iuer Rogers, aS t1ie girl, * . . nwu . (1.0\mxIin a suh- I .!riiejui tehlv a niadman gto beau- Tâ1i1i i" 1u f luailÎuha u andsorne ;ar~('~> q)e. Bt .îlat's ail tîNit c an betold i lnw abou(ilt )evýjl and the I cîf uiir attractiobn at th(- Teati-o i'Il Suullda\ alid \rc.day, )ctobIer 2 and. ï. hie-'eln cast iîiclndes Charles i .aligliî â,î, i- îl î lstage star. wiiose Surp7rise Fo!lows Suirprise f~iligrare cteclatv -fod ur- prise ini 1 i ile tS i%%é ý Iietu'r-., - lîj (, ; iî rt licsî ton qqi 1îsar Mathe i d ciel t fil hucd viVdnsdx n pitu c iltodek ý ilt 'Varsity theater inau'guratc5 ,-Its uc')w sea- son of screen attractions witli a full prograin of variedl entertammnent andj thiree ccomlete changes o(f schi..h11]U each a ek;t ncw redîîced ali.so price,., COMMUNJTY flOUSE One .Block North Wnnetka Sta. Thurs., Fri. & Sat. D)ouble Feature! "SU fàBIG" 1 s1ijt4IrI% at 1 fà, Nbo4om ANNOUNCEMENT As the amusement leader off Evanston and the surround. mng commnunitielsthe Varsity Theater has alwaye. brought. you the ýfiniest pictures FIRST on the North, Shor. and hbas alw ays pràvided the, highest grade' of motion pic- ture entertamnment in an atmosphere: of refinement. TUE 1932m3.3 IET T iR PICTUR9ES ARE IIERE! And to our many patrons.- we are happy to ennouace that s&tart*n MONDAY, OCT.e 3rd the 'Vraty fléâter will i Iaugurâite Its klèw seatof screen attracti ons with a FULL PROGRAM of varied entertaimment and THREE COMPLETE CHANGES 0F PROGRAM EACH WEEK! At New REDUCED Admission Pricea!. from openingto 6:30 p. -ADULTS- m. wekday anduntil 6 p. m. on audy REDUCED r,(NO FROM 50c Lt o TAX) from 6:3o p. m. to closing weekdays--and froci 6 pm.tp closing on. Saturdays CHJLDRENý SNOW MONDAY, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3 and 4 CONSTANCE BENNETT With. AT ALL,