KITUISH 1100OM SUITABL3TE FORt vnupile or wonan. t'Use of entire hoû4se. V'ery 1111îbh P. %%'In- netka 508-j evenlflgs. 51 1,TN21 -1 tei NWLY I)E.C,,FURN. RBOOMs, As fight houÉWkeeping î',oo1nx. Close to tr.msnsî.. Veryreas. Ph. Willmette '4866i FURNISIIED iM., IN QUIE-T O, riumning hot water. Geittlemnal pi-e- fre.$4. Ph'I. Wilnmette 729. ____ 5lLTN21-lti. N1iELV KtGUNISIIEI BOO1AI l NEAI [liiia AI. iistatio,î, ri%,t.. w homel. ltî'ekt'as- and n'argv "1.1 ma . Kelil- Worth 4767. _____ ILTN2i-1tiu in quiet hoine, fleur trýa nsI,. and sehol. tus.410 Lindr-n, Wiiiiietkg - -- 51LTN2-ltp 1i-ARCW JvMASTER. ýBEDRM., MAHOG. fuî'niture.. twill beds. teaî' transp., schools J ousekeeping privlgsi deeired. Winnetka 2522. 5bllTN21-Iteý 2 PLEASANT BOOMS IN 1111IVATE re-, dence fne.i' Elni t schoolg. 'honc- tNWiinntka 415.' BýEAiTTFIUL, OO001 SUITABLE F011 2, private bath if desired. Na tran-sp. Boatrd optimiai. Winnl. 351.. S51LTN2Llttp EXCPTJNALBM. BB 'LYFURN. !iln heaut. refined home., Board opt. t 11k. t rup). lPh., ej'1492j. . 5_ 1 .1,TÀ,21 -tft LAiIE111-T FROUNT tICN ,N 'A it la ke an îd 1t mns,. lîl.'$,J, i nior i if d-ied '.Wînet'4082.. ,I 5LT2N21-iti), piie-sif desiied. e rîsî i :-s ide home. Nea'1i trans-porta-. t imi 731 Tenth St., W111'tt, I. Kýéniimorth -()5î.1L9-l 1ýtu s'4a ATBORD.AN' IIJIC i..n. ,eaOMEaFO. L'h. LY Pte 62 Éonsnëedng orn - 5re- Tnv.10t 1n414 H.Nmar t anso-tatin. Ph. 150 Center $t. Wilnnctka. 347» At RESCALED RENTALS DIGNIFIFfl AJARTMENT-.HolE 11% a quiet, residential neighborhood, overlooking parks, garden.ý and Eng- lish court. Wood-burninig ftreplaces. Large royoi..Real kitchens.Crs ventilation. Near qe hools andtrn. 56LTN21-i tp IN LINDEN MANOR 1095-1101 MERRILL- STREET' 34, and 5 i'ooms wlith tue bathroons. w. i.r. CLARIS AOENT 980 1Lnden Ave., Huhlstrd Woods XINNETIA 380 CHOICE APAI4TMENTS ronrElin St. and Arbor Vitae iFour roon (1 bedrm.) 1 Five roorn (2 bedrms,> S TH& G0SS. INC. 725 Elin St. Wlnnetka 142 5)61TN19-tfe 6 lC%1. AI'ARIEN'1' IX .l)EEiUF'ETlD. stea n1!!.hent, almso Îl o-aud -Nlîvatoer R. M. JOHNSTO'(N & CO. 240 Liijidlet Av'~. Wilnette 68 __________________ 56L21-1 tc ATTRACTIVE m- DE RN 51RM. APT. In exclusive section 1 b!1<. frornlake, héated garage, greatly reduced renit- ai.- Spanish Court Propertie:, :930> Spanis Couùr t. Wiîniett.-- 432, A 'DAN DY 2,RM. APT. WiT1i LARGE liv. rm., bedrm., 2 0eoets, tule bath. .hine and light. ]Reas. rentaI. Cati Winta1800. 56(; LTN 21 -11t FOR RENT TWO ROOM KlTC[JiEN- ette avartxnent 'itear transportîation. steam heat, electricai rffrigeratlon Call Wlmette 1800. 54LTN9-tfc 5 ROOMS. SUN PORCH. QON QUIE'I residentiai street in ilubbard Wods W'nnetka 1127. 561,TN17,-tfec ONE 2 RM.. ALSO ONE'4 RM. KTIl enette ait. H-umphrey building. Win- netka 98 or 3328. 5ifLTN2e0-tfe' FOUIt EN T -- 5 OOM LA.PUl nace heat. lteasonable. 15111i Washling- ton Ave.. Wilmlette. II. 56L21-1te FOR -1IENT-ý4 LARGE B' IOOM% 1",AND bath. heat *and ilht ftllrlshed. $60. l'h. Gi1encoe 385. 6T2-t lignî hi<'u'S-h-eelpilg. Ph. %Winfieti<a.1176. E_112StS. Wintii 6.ýu iié7 5 zyg ;a7LTN21-ltiu 6OLTN1'i-tfe eFUR-NISHED 1 AND 4 IIOOM APTS., SROOM JBUNGALOW WJTIf -SUN *convenientiy located. Phone Wilmette porch. in wood location. Or wlIi seiL. 23994 or Wilmette 2427. .57LTN17-to Winnetka 1953. 6OLTN2-it(. 1, 60 _FOR REN?-HOUBf 1 O RN-FuRN. H@us» gar. $66 month. N I 'H L SE O7 Attractive Kenilivorth lî oiie. 5 bedk.m.4.. ARE'lTiT-I1 STONE, HOME IN - . 3 aths, lav s cr. p Iorch, (den ni' elusive district; on large grounds: brkfst. An,. 2-ca-r gar. $135 nioiith. beatlfullY furnished. A master bed- Other homes unfurnished or furnishéd 'oi each with, Private bath; fine Il- for the. winter orlonger. ba -a:dequate. servants' quarters., Fràn'es J WincottCali lie rented for six moiithg.or.long- FWSraces f. \ fl SCt.L r.Itfeenesreuled 91 prc S.60LTN21tcQ'U1NIAN & TYSON, Inc.. 1571h'r:t Ave., Evanston Uni. 2600 820, GREENLAFAE. 1T1-t GLENCOE PiNSIE)6 BOOM HomET E NEW flOUSE, à BEDROOMS. le Th.'cule otar oasea 3 BATHS-LECO 4 Loveiv gzroî,ndm, garage, conv. transp. i'IINE >WNR 0LNC21-1tu.,"ntiet.References. WiI- -l. - OLN1lumette'1388. 61LTN21-ltp, 8 ROOM HOUSE-_4 BEI>RMS., SLPG. porc h, glazed front an dreai- iîor(,he-i. 4 FOR RIENT ARA.. Frigidaire. air' ht. --<ai gar. FUfETGRG,$ O'u *Near tra nsp. ,Cai be a(l unfurnl.* o p-TGRà,ý5AMNB aIl r patiaiy fra. m. 1 FrakY.avcessIble froni the stre. lin bldg.. Wihnetka -7. 601LTN-21-ltu <irîler28'àt1.t d Prairie Ave. wil Ing pot'cli, Iinlomot water 1lieut. 66 OR RIÉNT-U-TORES & OFFICE99 *garage. 2111 Wilnotte Ave. llà' Wimtt 51. . 60nI 1 - C WII4L IÇUT SPACE IN~ 6R.1. HOUSE. 1 T'Pt>.SIN >CH HUIDN , 92 A ) gar.e w_ ht., lit NoÈthhmodt. Cali .1 B IDN . 5 N 1937 Wlrnette: Ave., ineî 4978. 9-54 1I1INDEN MVE..H _______ 60TN21-Ittc S17-LEASE -5 RBM. STU;cCo, sux .. I(R M ER C A N porch, large lighit m1-111q. ru1il III'RE*ALîq'A'T , trees, garleui. $60). 8:15 Sixtu I ES 1St. I Wilnttü 2838. ELN2-t [ IýAN K IN G PUR- SALE OltBENT--6BI. 1 E'M. P SS C L tile bath. Il. W. <'il hle;t. Gar. OS S.('1,WTXTI çonv. trans,.. s" 9s 17 Vernon! AV(,. Gince 205 -UTN21-Ilp *.<114ENCOE ,49. 8 IIOOM STUCCOIO U0(sE, $ TEAM 66LTN2I-l te heat, 3-car garage. 313'ý2 Seiller Ave.. FINE STORE -ROOM. 501 CHEICSTNurl Wilmette. Phlone ilfln 228 for ai)- St.. Winetka. across street pull- »ointment. 46OLTNý21-Itp lie school. Winnetka 690. 66LTNSt. 6 ROOMS - StUN AND SLEEPING týj72 FOR SALE-HOUSEs porch, bath, il. %%. )beýjt, garage. .117 "Zipith st. iet, 57:, or 1334. 1932 PRICE j6OLTN 2-lip 6 14EIAUTIFUI, WIIITE FRA3ij- IATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM 13tJ'NGALOW (7ona. o wtr. 011 heat, 2 baths, near 'ehol ad trn.portation 011 îttaz-hed heated garg with heated' 669. - 6OLTN21-lte 0onlY $2.500 cash., 5.ROOM BU7NGALOW,- 510 WALNxUT E DING ON & ALLE11N St. Wlneta. 80.('aIlLongbeach .. IC 11171 frJîpinneîtisk foi- Bornait. 410 llte v.Wlot 0 - --------t ,72L21-ltu Phone Your Classified Ad Before WJLMETTE LIFE Plone WJLMETTIE 4300. ..FOR MORE THAN- 20 YEARS THE- HOME PAPER 0OF THEý COMMUNITVY