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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Sep 1932, p. 40

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aixes %-ener tnro1JL~Iugnut me t 111< This wound up Wilinette's schedule for the season, the team disbanding after the game. Phillips and Schleuter pitched ex- cellent bail and held the Cen térs t a total of. five bingles, Phillips allow- igfour blits in, 6ve innings, and Schleuter yitldinig ont hlôw in th<' four frames.he twirled. Bihi Mellin, thissos thirdj sacker for Northwvestern university, Was the batting star, gathering fane hits. Oliphant -with* a single and -1 triple, drove -in four ru-ns. Acciden.tPunctuates Fourth A serions accident inarred the la..t haîf of the fourth innings. 'Mo-,r, attempted to score w-heu Robinscmn thréw to second to catch Weyric.1-ep asleep off. the base and the balila dre,îi returned to Robinson bv Blackîncrce. Edui .As Robinson %vas awaiting NMocirnte wihthe baIl, the latter .roughl charged into Robinson with thée ---lSocià suit that Moore. Suffering a brokenî 2wth cheek bone, iwas.rushed to a nearb\ j.Ford doctor, and Robinson -%as conîpelled irt to leave the ganeie. nr>iing a tempo- rarily paralyed,%Nrî st. . This -accident. restulted lin ia >,Ihift 4. 1Îtr the one-haîf of Wilmettes iÏneup. ýPet ý-.ho\'%'ir Hohs. who wvas :mce f h.timc.s: niound ini the early part ci; ithe in- iiddle ning return ed to the gaine. \\ith, the .workir consent of the "visitnrs. toaiaý,urnü h the fir5 hackstop roIe. deal wi Nil.. Conter Gets Run tcric a Nules Center's lone tallv -%-a., ni.a'Idu With th~ in the fourth inning wlien Phillip-. the beg eased down a bit affter his teani har! its app, arnassed nint runs, aIIowiîig two bill- of the gles. a hase on 'halls, and hittilng er and hatsnian to fiarte arîw crb 1 ranad pan.- Wilmette. Janetz, cf Oliphant, lt, Rudolph. If Dobry, If Bakeýr. ss, 2b Blackmiore, (, s'- Rlobinison, c Gomberg,t.1, *phi-lipsa.1) Xil t-Cnter Gotz tf4 Loutsch. 3U. 41 Aifl .4 R -t n fi I. i o * P. (i for indiv and expt ence in ate, of ý bas donç educatioa and the vésa»l i!cGra t/ itlis year la iadded. ta t/e staff of thte Chéi- Ps school, National ('ollege of #Cation.ÎHe lias zworked aut an restipig corrielatiani of science aid, ,al science ii t/te scr,'entlî grade. it/te coopertitioei. of MIiss Edith d, ,islrucIor in - t/t4' latte-r- -ub- 'Cl*%:>eIlcet- uit>;ilu thîs 5gràde, e x ar ill inludta study Oï nan did his wokin prehistoric hwman did hi-s vvork, in the ages and ht man carrnes on, bis -i modern tintes. Correlating with -t study, the science unit will th gealagical record, of- prehis- animal. plant anid-huma iiéf ;ý he second wi 'Il corne a stud\1 a1 ginnings of: phys-ical science and Iication tc> the crude machinery middle ages. and -finallv a unit use of varioti- soutrces- cil pow their place Miiiht de'-eloýpment lern industry. plat! cffers uta,i !pi pportunities ividual and gri up study, research. periment. hit ýexplained. McGrath. iwhî . -ill teach the inmathemnatics. ais well as S'CI- the seveîîth. grade. is a gradu- the University of Illi'nois an d ie graduatu - wrk ini science and n at the University of -Chicago Univer~sity ai Illinois. E-e bas ie years of teaching experience. taught , in the Francis Parker nd the Chicago Normial coîlege. - tnem wil e tound the leading expon- ents oi the sport f roi the north shorc area. Under auspices of the Central Po10 association te tifle matches will be dium,, the entrance to 'vbich is at 22nd strert. and York road.ý Hinsdale.. Dû.ý spite- its charnpionsh.ip1 aspect an-I thé ffame of the teams eligible to vnteýr. l . popular, prices . will *he maintained. a>, liti les.s zinmportant matches. it is ux- Iplaine(I. For the convtenîct if north. sho re residents. tickets ýare on sale for the match at Chandler's in: Evanstcîn. i addition tc .the di-)vîtown ban h1 ead- quarters at 1507 Oti., building. 10 S *L.a Salle street. Teanis ini this art a will nlot unlv IYbc conspicuou s iii action but will also have an, excellent. chance to carry off charn- pionliship honlors. Eligible to cmpete are the Oth Cî îrjps Area'. OnNvent-zia club.. -Foýrtý Sheridan and' the' N4 îrtli Shrr' 1?4J144 and fLInt -cli: Higherest Se hool Teams Win 1, Lose 2 Games' Teanis representing the Highcres.t school -lost two ga I es and '%on ane last week. Plaving bard bal with th'eXls schoal at NMies Tuesdavý. the Highicrest boys lost. 8 tao. 5. Oin e'<dnesday the Avoca, and Highcrest boys;' teams played an indoor gainie Highcrest -on, 1; to 9. Onî FridaN Highcrest boys playedi the Croatian orphanage team ni i ard bail at Desz Plaiiies- and lost, 10 ta 3. S everal ganies; were sýcbeduled for the. High- crest tean-s this wNeek. On -Mondav the girls sr ouet us ae schieduled for the boys included ont' tvith. the Sharp Corner school Tuesý- dav and one %vith the. East Prairie, school -Thursdav. Ali the gaine>. thlis- week Were to be, plaiyed on tht Highcret diamond. weil pîveise Win t hev way the Trier boys performed. Cormmenting i(ii the gaine, be said, "Our 'greeni' Iine sbowed up to good advantage. Th li ne was good on the dlefvin- ..îVe a xid locked well." Aschenbach had,.particular uraise 'orthe %vork of Williams ani.I>res- tt în, the. tvwo.ends,' and>that of S.u Anan, center, and Dostal, tackle. In the backfield, Nordberg- passed' ac- curatelv- andi.ran the, teani well. For his starting lineup Aschenbach iiNed Stan Schuman at tenter,.Artl)iir H-endricis and Walte:r Gielen, at the. guard positions, Charles Dostal' and ,ÊihZoernsc, t ackles, Dick P"re>'.t î and Cecil Williamns, ends- Bill: N'1r(I- herg. quarterback, Bob Seiler alîd liarl \V'eiin.tck,' halfbacks, and Bo'- fiallquist. ftillhack. However, sti*ti- týut ions ,wetre nmade freely aftur tý:r irst .quarter.. NeI-, Trier scored, one t o,.ti 1'1. ini each of the firs ,t thire urr. Nordber- threw a pass to Wiliin- iôr the., first score. In the Ct quarter \Weinstork scored' -n(.11 t-îght-yard run, and in tlw iti ;'eriod Seiler 'Made the third and la tz îuchdIotyn. New'Trier madv tw~ ' di'trow~ns to..Lane's thre. Sýx*th Grade Studen ts' Have Flower Exhibit i l, flotver show held by t1ht. s \t gradu pupils cf the Centrai- scIui(l last Frida% alter-noon received hipli l)raiý-e for àt> display aof color .olia.un a11)( vase and flower arranigvmt ntit. The Nuie ribbon winner-s ter- etty,- jean Harding Arcus, MJargarut NMehî- lopu., and, Dan Seiden. Thoc who ýýere a\\a rded second priiý,>e- uvre - Patricia- Penick, jane Dorniain. and Marian Metisel. T -hird'-pnize w1înr .were Naiîcv Pierson, Mary Macalister. Marion Witt, and Helen .Neevtes. Hon- cýrable miention in this Iast. group . Was ziven t,') Bell Fletcher. M rs. Edward k.ScheCidenhelm ýwas one. ofithejnQ. -MNlr. John Laý%ýid,.4 Ofr Is . .Cleto, 2 iio' road. Kenilworth. eiitertaied her aeue \niwrtccaînpanieîlbv- contract bridge club at luncheon ]ast a friend, left Keniîwortb T-hurrsda'i\. Thursday. Besides the regular muen, -. notoring ta - Lexington, Ky, \-Iierc ber , utnahow guests were M\rp. jsIe vill visit ler sister, M rs. Ertict HanhHunter of Fresno, Cal., woHcs'formnerly ofa Pasadena, whio If . and Mrs. Marshall Branch. 704 dan road. was bostess to Roger avenue, are., leaing. Kenil-' club .,esterday aft-ernoon. wortb Friday for a two weeks' visitib e rs of the club are the1 ith Mrs. Brancb's brother and othi- Shrei, Elizabeth Roi family. the Jantes -C. Cherrvs. at Fuermann, Virginia Qal herhome i Park-in, Ark. - erine Comfort, and Miss ïr -. . -t ., ,"ts-fl 4avenue. xecentiv frm their stimmer lc t- nd miMrs. George S. Fox, 1311" 1 Shei lae.« is.,Elmwood avenue, returned last week bri~,et- o-.-- romt Boston, Mzss., after- ainetes e mc- The Leslie W Millar familv of 510 visit with their daughter. es Dor- j Wýasbiingtoni avenue, bave' moved' o Phivlhis awav froni NVilmette ta Ne,. Pocjx- j Mr. and Mrs. E.. B. 'Scott, 172' Cath- elle, X. V. Thev Ieft 'testerday hy ' l-o< avenue, %vere On1 a ishîng lancI. mator. ,- -tripî at Long Lake, DU .last' w-k-en. t

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