andii without pa'ying for .waste Circulation- PROOF 0OF THIE PUDDING "Prove it," 1you'IlISay, Mr. Na. tionl Avertiser. Ail right, here are a few facts to substantiate the I'ndicated wealth and buying power ofthis territory, Tel ephones *0In Chicago Suburban Quality Grouq terribory (lien' are. 95 resi- denial telephones. 10 every 100 Income Tax Returns *Nearly as many taxable ýin- roines as Buffailo or Cincinnati; nearly twice as mnany as Hart ford, Con n.; more than three limes as Pnany as Daytont, Son A nionio or Scranton. * Home Utilities *0 114 residenui<d, electric meters and-106 residential gas.meters for each 100 families. Automobilès 0 111 passenger automobiles per' 100 families as compared with 63 for t/he entire Chicago , rading area. Twice as many quality cars* as Buffaob; three times as many A great percentage of Chicago's well-to-do families (more than 75%) live in the, teirritory* sèrved by the publications of the Chicago Sub-, urban Quality ýGroup. The faicts indicate these families to have far above the average incomne. The greater'percent own their own houmes, the average value of which is unusually high. *This population consists, of 221,000 people . ail of refined' tastes, and desires.. able to buy the better things and willing to do so. *If you have a product that selîs to this ciass of people why not adver-. tise to this 100%Y field where there is. no waste? This is the -cheapest advertising you. ca buy because your entire audience can afford your merchandise. Each publication eaeh week has a minimum life of seven days. . a maximum of many months ..sometimes years . .. and theref ore is many times more productive than any other form of advertising. These publications are produced likehigh-gîiade periodicals ... are printed on good paper ... and when haîf-tone reproductions of art work -or photos are desired use 120 line cuits . much. finer than the average*. Each: issue intecrest of Therefore ic closelyand-thoroughly read, because of ýthe intense local each commu nity in its own' social and: phyrsical welfare. your advertisement is always seec and read. You need only supply one set of'plates, or one set of cuts and copy, for reproduction in ail eight publications of the Chicago Suburban Quality Group. Wealth Indicates BUYING POWER, SNETKA TALK GLENCC HIGHLAND PARK PRESS ENEWS '. LAKE FORES -MAYWOOD FIERALD Chicaigo Office:- 1016-17-18 Willoughby Tower PoeCnrl35 M. ÀL j Phone Central 3355