THURSDAY, O-CTOBER.2,13 HeaI~k N Week WIlLMETT ONDAY, October 3 1, inaugurates Wilmett e Health week. spon- sored by the Deparfmnent cfHealth in'co-operation with the, scholsand parents cf school.children. The primary purpose of Health Week is emphasized in astatement, issued recently by Dr. Martin H. Seifert, health commissioner. He said: "In times of stress ev ery spark of vitality in any individual is called upon to keep one fit and on the job. It is impossible to accomplish the, best of which any person is capable in thie presence cf conditions which tend to reduce vitality and body resistance. Disease in general and infection in particular cause the loss cf many days cf work, and many days of school which now, more than ever before, are cf vital importance. 1-n Our schools we can already see the, effect of neglect cf health in those' who are teý grow up, and, form our. citizenry cf tomorrow. "The Village cf Wilmette again is spending a small sum c f money for physical examination cf ail pupils in the public and parochial schools., These examinations mean nothing .and are a useless waste cf money so, 0 Cents Per Copy $.OPrYa 2.7,f 1 932 JP&eOOý Per Year