Sautes. Miss Sc-hnell's sister, Miss Gene- vieve Schneli, will be maid of honor, and another sister, Mrs. Charles A. \Voodruff of Wheaton-, and 'Miss Margaret Herr of Wiiniette xill be brîdesmraids. Howard Perrin will serve his brother as best maii,~ and [lhe ushiers.are to be Charles Wood- ruff and Kari Frett of,Wheatonl. A* receptionh and wedding breakfast wilI follow the marriage ceremnonv. On their 'honeymnoon the b)ridle and groom will ,motor--thraugh southern. Illinois where they will rnake thcir hoime. Mr. Perrin is with the Illinois Bell Telephone company and %vilI' traYel' for severa! months after bi, niarriage, his bride acconîpan-ving Se%,eral showers were gîven la.ýt wveek in honor of the Iride-clect. About fifty guests. attentied the sur-, prise personal shower given 1last ihursday evening by 'Miss Genevieve Sciiiieil andi ber mother at the Fred- erick Grifin -home, 2301 Thornwoo d avenue. Fifteen relatives of the hrid<e-to-be gave aînother suirprise shower for ber last Friday evenlingv al t1ic Schncill home. Last Tuesdav ten (If Miss Schneil'sF Evanston friends * entertained at a sbower for bier. Last Saturday.fifteeni of NIr. PerriiV-ý tiinins 'in W\heaton gav-e hinli a ýstae- (iiner. Karl Freitt wasdititer lîott EXCURSION TO ROCHESTER- A 1repIeater" excursion to- 1R.ochies- 1cr M.n.,based on a $10 r-ate fori the rotind-trip) inclulding a we hertlî.,,going andi retuirning, i tourist sleeping car, wl eopera,,tcl froin Chicago byv the Chicago and Nýorth Wecstern railway' Saturday and Sulnday niighits,. Qct ber 29 and Phoo 1 (rinste The goldn ddh. oînier- sary -of Mr. amdills.Saliiucl P. iVoieukiis, 1322 Gc,~odaeqe Ifimete, as celebraicd (ifala(1, i-ceptilo;iSuiiday utrnoOclo- ber 16, 'wlu'n the.' bride and groomn e] jfty yt'ars ai'rectived lich litindrcd friends. Iravel l'ai WilI U peçn Season for Art League, Florence White .Willianis xviii tell of lier traveis in Portugal, accoin- p)allyingglier talk with the sIioýving of a. group of paintings made by ber (turing those travels, at the NortIh Shore Art Icague studio in \Vîni- tnetk-a Connnunity Hjouse Sunda-v aftrnon.A musical interpretation of the talk wiil be presented l)v M\iss Ruthieca, Pretzel of Glencoe. This p)roirran andi a reçel)ticu i hch takes plc nthe studio the saine after- naon coiistittite the openîng of the ieague's winter seasonl. Mrs. Grace Brion of)[Gteîîcoe and.\Ir.,. Chiarles Southward of Keniulwortbi are inl chiarge of the. afte.rnoon. ter. 'Ilbursdlay iiglît, Novenil>er 3, K -BACK FROM EASTERN TRIPý Thonipson, passenger' traffc Mil- Mr. and Mrs. Buirt J. Denimain. 21 age oftheroa. anouces frin~I.inden avenue, have returned from ani w-Hvi leave Chica go atS 8:3Q .m ol extensive trip in the east and thec soth.I Saturdav and tiiudiv andi wiIî ar- After closingý their summ er liea rive iii, Rochester .at 7-:15 a, i. Minnetonka, 0Minn. they wvent to Que- _____________bec and- Montreal and then I-j Balt i-ý *Mrs. E. F. Snydacker, 1349 Cbieqt- more, and' visited ,arious Pl.aces, in iîit. avenue, with bier sister-iin\-ia North Carolina on their way home, 'Mrs. M. L. Goodkinid, returnevd This Saturday they will attenld hieI Stuiildav fromn a miotor trip t, Nc Northwesterni-Minnesnta -otni aine Vork. at Minneapolis. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM president of the Chicago Alumnae cbapfer, will Vie in the receiving line with Mrs. Hoffinan, as wili Mrs. Em-ý est Barbour of ILvanston, Miss Lillian Thonipson of. Chicago, national Pan- helienic delegate; Mrs. L4 A. White, executive secretary, of -the Cnriof- fice ; Mrs. Pauil'Borlanid of Chicago, * who, is. national expansion chairmà'n, and Mrs. Stuart Fox, of the national finance committee. Special invitations have . een sent to: ,Presidë-nt ana Mrs. ý,Valter ili Scott of Northwvestern, to D)ean 'Florence Robniett.. ta .Dean and Mrs. James Arm- :strong, Dean and Mrs. James A. James, Dean andMrs. Ralph Hleilman, Dean and Mrs. 'Raiph B. Dennis, - Vil-. liamn A..Dyche, Dr. and Mrs. Ernest F., Tittie, and Dr. James M. Yard.i Mrs. Hoffmian, o a tour o' chap- ters, is a gucst at tlîe clhapter b ouse ini Evanston during lier f ew ,tlays' stay. DPAGLIARULO 1Twtw Expert Repairing Watches, docks, jewelry, silher- ware, aihd beads restrung. 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE WILMETTE 1061 BIZES a TO la LA JEUNESSEiNc. .Juniors' and Girls' W.a r 1168 'WILMETTE AVE. WILMETTE '-F "I___________________________ ON E TASTE -and you are won over to our Pies! They have t a t "melts-in-your- m ou t h deliciousness that cornes. from fresh.f eggsI rich rnilk,.,pure su- gar' and expert bakin g., PJhOfe WILMETTE 414 Phoe. KENiLwoRTH 4775 Let'a Go to Stveetheart Towon 1.95