for the past tflree years, as weII as the foreign student scholarship of'the Evanston Missionaryý union for the 1ast year. On November 2, Miss Ilieva will sail for ber home ini Sofia, Bulgaria, where she will be a faculty nember of the Sofia Americat Col- lege for Women, of. which Miss. Penka Kassabovaý, a graduate of the National College of Edutcation, -is di- rector. Miss Ilieva will be. in ých-arge of the departrnent of recreation and Iageantry. Atiss Hatsuko Furnhashi, president o)f the International club, is a japan-i cse student from .Honolulu. Other foreign students attending the col- legve titis year are Leonida Rooberg members andl 11d",sustatfling miembers. Vesela Kassabova of Bulgaria. who bas been president of the club for the past two %-cars :and... durïng lier three years as a student at the col- lege, has. received the International, Club's foreign, student scholarship as weIl as an international, scholarsbip f romn the college, is now attending Columabia university. wvorking fobe master.'s degree. Mliss Kassabova this year is receîving aintentoa scholarship froiln..Columbilia. Mrs. J. S.e. 304 -Cumnior road, Kenilwoôrth, is etntertaining er lunc(,h-. eon, bridge- club ont Tlitursdav of this In the 1l5-potind class Kenilworth %von, 13 to 7, last. Saturday. The game for the 85-pound boys ended iii a 7 to 7 tie. The resit of the 100-potund game was a scoreless tie. iFollowing the gaines with Gleticoe last. Saturday twxo midget tcams.of Kenilworth boys played: an, excîtînig- gaine, whicb ï'as wàtched by a, nunîber of: the parents. Anl intercepted pass brouglit .victory for one teain. Tlhe! pass .was ,thrt wn hby Glenn .Anderson and wvas inteÉcepted hy Grant-Elli.11 te opposing teani. The joseph Scars teamis were schcd- uled to -nmeet aniother North Shore Grammiar Sëhool league -opponent,i Haven of E1'vanlston, IMiondav of this wveek at Kenilworth. but the games thýe Purdiie-Northwestern football game. They were the'guests for the week-end of the former's mother, NMrs. Berenice McChesney (Berenice. Viole). Mortimer is a sophomore in chemical. engineering and. Edward Hodgei is doing. post-graduate work at thé University.' Mr.. and Mrs. John Vr. Rathbone, 523 Abbottsford, road, Kenilworth, with Mr. and- Mrs. John Rathbone, Jr., are driving to Birmingham, Miçh., this week-end to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Usticks, formierly of Glencoe. They will ail motor to Ann Arbor t the Michigan- Princeton gaine. usttryitoce. Yo u a'agree that, letting one, of these Thor, washers do:your .washi*ng is wonderfully easy and ec'onomical-.; MAY we show you, in your home how quickly, how efficiently the. Thor speeds througli a fuil week's wasbing? There's no obligation. We just want you to see how pë&rfectly the Thor electric 'agitator" coaxes dirt out of dlothes-without preliminary, soaking or rubbing. And how-conveniently the power..w.ringer gets dothes ready for. the lime. Your hands need hardly touchthe hot sudsy water. Try k yourself and discover iho w easy it is to finish an average week's *wash in two, short hours. SPECIAL OFFIR PUBLIC SERVICEÏSTORE .1