Hear of Contest for Hand Work The meeting of the Byron C. Stolp Assembly club on Tuesday, October. 18, was called to order by Jack.Ran- daîl. He was vice-president last ycar. and took charge of the club-until -the new. president, Edward Hess, as- sumned the responsibility. The firstpart of the prograin was given te- the ànstallation of the new- officers. Then came the.speaker, Mr. Cowels, reprcsenting the Fishier Body Craftsmcn guild. His messag e1 per- taincd especially to the- interests of the boys, but most of the girls also cnjoyed hearing about the guild's workc for ,boys in' the United States and Canada.- The guild,_ striving, to. bring back some, of the handwork that bas. been ed by the modemn machines,, is hlig, a contest in which one must subtnit a hand-made coach of the de- sign and measurement given by theý organizatiofl. Out of three tltousand members, onhy fifteen submitted coaches ast year, so anyone mnay be able, to win one of the numerous. prizes. The prizes are scbolarships and *cash, ranging. froni fifteen to one hundred, dollars. The coach of the first-prize winner ini iast year's con- test was placed on the stage. Wc were allowed to examine the coach and werc amazed at'the marvelous work of the fifteen year old boy.ý Many of our boys signed a card to become members of the Fischer Body association. The meeting was a great suc'ccss and we hope the future prograins wiIl be enjoyed as much.-Imogene Kauf man, Stoip I-C. wilmette Heavies Beat New Trier,,Freshman Wihmette heavyweights., von tlîeir first gaine, piayed against the freshi- nîcîx of New Trier Highi school, Sat- urday, October 15.. Thie, Wilmette heavyweiglits ivere wiiîning 21 to 0 at, the end of the first ialf. At thîe end of the gaine, the heavyxveiglits hiad triumphed 30 to 0 * We hope to win alh the games Mr. Davis has for us. y FVPf& UV C>'y a dwJ U- THP to ChamPaign My miother, daddy and I wént on Sunday, October 16, to Chiampaign. wliere the University of Illinois is situate(l . On the way out we had one fiat tire, but everything else vas ail- righit. \Ve reaclhed Champaigix s'afe ly where we. saw' my cousin who is a' junior there. My dad-used to attend. Illinois where .hle had many good times. XVe then went around and sawvthIe fraternity houses, which had been decorat .ed .. for Saturday's football gaine. It,. had beeh ýIllinois- vers us Northwestern, and' the. latter had, wvon. -Tlie Illinois teamü is known as1 the Illinois Indians, and on one of the houses there were two Indianis hold- ing a pole. On.the pole, head down- ward, was. a 'wildcat representing Northwestern.. The sign said, . "Get 'cm, Illini." .I had-a.grand turne and would ike to go agin.-Louise Schreiber, Howard 8-A. Two Sehools Planning f-)r Hallowe'en Parties A Hlaliowe'en party for aIl grades at the Highcrest school wil 'be held next Monday afternoon in the schdol gymnasiuin, L.Raymus IMurph'y. principal, announced this week. The Highcrest Parenît - Teacher associaý- tion is providing apples and doughi- nuts for the occasion and is hiehping withi the decorations. Pupils at the Avoca school, on Ashland avenue'in. the 'northwest section of Wilm-ette,, also will hold a Hallowe'en . part y Moîîday .afternoon. Lorenzini Garden Isý Wilmette Beauty Spot1 t mia.y be of- iîterest to kniowthat Mr. Loreiizini, 117 Fifth street, bas prie of the most beautiful gardens iii WVilinette., He bas taken cçare of it WeILl. He lias made eNverythiiiîg exNcept thé, bouse.* There is a bridge whIiclh 'Stretclîes over a littie pond and leads riglit uip to a rock garden. Most of' the flowers are goné, except a few hIstalled at Stolp Meet Jack Randall, last year's vice-presi- dent, introduced the new officers of the Stolp Asseinbly club at its meet- ing ou T.uesday, October 18. The nie\v officers are>as :follows: piesident. EdwardLHess-, viée-president, David Geppert; secretary, Phil Rogers, and treasurier, Shifley Patterson. Last year 's officers were very cap- able and we hopethe new ones will be just. as od Ithn>Edard H-ess will make a very able president. He lias a loud and distinict voice aid lias had the experience of being an officer ii the room club.-Betty Solo- mon, Stolp 1-C.- 'Twas a Glorious Fight, But Nobody Is Winner Team E-i tied E-2'in a football ga me this week. The score wvas 6 to 6.' We rec eived the kick-off. J olnny Mitchell scampered for a touchdown. After the touchdowvn we thouight we bail the gaine. In the last quarter though, the enemy scoreil a touch- dowvn. We received again and we pushied the opponents back to their 20-yard line, but the whistle blew, and» the gaine -,as over.' If we had had about twvo more. minutes toô play, we mighit have won.-Bobbié W\inter, Howard 8-A. Kickball Team Improves as Season Progresses Teami B-i of Howard 8-A had its first kickball gaine Monday, October 17, but ýit did niot turn out 56 well, be- cause we lost, owing to the fact that not enough of our players reported for the -contest. Wedniesday- we, played -the secondi gaine and wvon it, because the teain showed up quite well. We hope they wîll show up just as well next week for the gaine.- Alice \Vagner, Howard 8-A. Students in Howard, 6B Find Egypt Fascinatingý Howard 6-B is keenly interested in ts stiu v of Fo'vDt inder thp cire- He Should Land a Film Contract His naine is Tomîiny and hie's tlîe cutè'-t little dog you ever :saw. 0One ear- is black and -one, iS white, w~hile the rest of bis bod y is. white' witfi- black ticks on 1t., One (lay my father. left anîd wcnt on a trip and Wvhile lie. was gone. Tomimy .walked into Pur life but N1 e certaiiily love himù. 'My father aliiost feil ,over vheiî lie saw lmi. 1i Iea gond(, deal. like an E.nglisli settier-- Hle is tbree' months 0(d but trc,- miend(ouisiy sniart for bis age. We have a white. fence aroundour house and lie ikes to climb, througli.tthe bioles into the next yard. One day lie. ~venit into the bushes by the fence. I didn't pay, any.attention to hirn at first but finally 1 thought he -migbt ýgo through the fence, so I went arouiîd to find him. As quick as a flash, lie ran out aind Iay down on the graissý pretendîDg to be asleep. \Vheil you scold huim he'i 1 swish bhis paw at you aid try to bit you,. Hc has, a,,big temiper, for à little. dog but bie's the -big attraction around oi- house.-Virginia Huiinewell, I1n- ard 7-A. Spelling H as But Few Terrors for 8th Grade AIl but four children ini the rooi got 100 percent in spelling, \Vedncs- day, October 19. Every Friday, Mrs. Joncs checks up to see howv xnaiw words thje boys and girls separately havemissed. So.far the boys have-C lost. every Friday. If the boys keep on losing, they -Will 'have to. gi'e a- party at -the end of' the year for, the girls. 0 f course the girls do not want to give a party and I don't t4iiik, tey. Will.-Virginia iMarsli. HoFIQvard 8-A. Stolp lB Overi 2C'Team 25 to 18in'a kickbali gaine Wednes- Cote, H-oward 8-B. day. The players of C-3 are as fol- lows: Louise Schreibér, Jean Mac- LAST YEAR'S TEAM FALLS donald, Lucille Heerens, Marion The \Vilmette heavyweights con- Gond. Beatrice Leal,. Betty Grecn, *quered iast ycar's Iîeavies 30 to 0. Edna Baughmnan,, Elizabeth Eldredge Mr. Stone is. trying to book us a and Dorothy Davis.-Dorothy Davis, game wvith Winnetka this week.-BilI Howard 8-A. Harridge, Howard 8-A., ing -binbact the ýaiIr,- wi' open the __________ Children's theater season at tlhe Goodmnan theater Saturdav morîîing, HOWARD DEFEATS STOLP November 5, at .10 :30 o'clock. Thîey Teai C-1 of Howard woîî a foot- will play again at 2:30 o'chock that bail gaine froîn C-2 Stolp, recently. day, at 3:30 o'clock on Novemnber 6; 'Both elevens didJ a very good job at 10:30 and 2:30, November 8; 10:30 holding the line. The final score was' and 2 :.j, November 12; and 3:30 7 to 0 in favor of Howard.-Jack N\ýovember. 13. McConîîell, -Howard.