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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 19

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rests were muade .by the police dutring thie year. Ninety of the cases wcrc-,e disniissed, and in the reniaincler tli. defendants were flned., A total o,' $3,126.52 was collected in court, fines'.. There werp, 260 accidents duning the year, and the police amubulance, made- twenty-one rtis. Twcnty atîto- mobiles« were stolen in :'the V'illage and twenty-two, soine of. thlei stolenl el.eiwhere were recovered.' 42 BüigléLries in Year Forty-two burgiaries occuri<l' dur- ing the year, the report shows. andi there were twenty atteniptcd 1ur- glanies. No hol<-ups wvere rep)orted.- 1'here were nine, cases of grand, lar- cenv and ý158 cases of.petty lrvy Oine thousand niiine hun(red and( 11i11. lodgers were takcen care of at the Villagejail. 'This is a iiamverage ot miore than fiv'c a night. The plolice rectived. reports .tlia 34' dogs ee lost during the veau.1 Fi ft%-three j)rsons were bitten bvh- * logN, an(l Seventeen (logs were killv<I * Otir Vacts. Offered )ther information incliud M iith( report vas aS lollows: 1'ht .srsnhà.(if the Po>li "t part tiieflt on April 31.), 19U2,,(ili o< f- o>îe chief, one captain, ýthree s.,zttge., i wel'Ve officers alld one 1îieonn This. is two offleers, le" tlan thelro 'Were on the fore.' one year tm(*. The- polýieewvomaù is part-tinie vmlhI(yee.1 Shi, devotes the major part of ber tilie t, family wl wr ~ork. Tlle Cquipne11t 4)r the Polkc, .ti)a rt-î moiït consistzzofthlie foilowi 119 Quye Ambulanoe, '.ne Squad 1%, w Ford sedans and four motorcyclt*s. 1111 aiddition to t'his ejuiment the supi in-j tnetuses bis own car for mit work, and the Village bas siîît~ h ,m and 011 for- lhis use. The departnienit tri*ded li ts fq,îti d motorcycles for lît'w mies durilig thec The Police (lepart nient bas fi nId rtegtu lar Yonthiy asmî,isat whIleoI l.m iatters of lntei-est to the delm.tmel jli as safety, tlers,î'!'e'rgan- iati(iflp6lice jateetc.. l.a ee1 disvussed. Joins Sefe-tY (ontëest 'in.. departuiient joined the Nationual Safety council Safety colntést, andi is ulaking an. effort tii rut dwnth, numn- býer ýof trafflc accident8. In September, 1931, th, d(imarkitmnti-t ciixPloyed five additional. nmen 011 p)art-ý tinme hasis to guarti the piniai tlsohool: erosins.thus elevinrc. tht- remgulari Mr S. Josephine Gbl Seventh district director, installed the follow- fing- officers: Mrs. Helena Fischer, l)resident; Mrs. Anna. Meier, ice- president; Miss Margaret -Huiertçr,, secretary ; Mfrs, Hazel .Schildgen, treasurer; Miss, Helen H uerter, his- torian.; Mrs. Beatrike Bleser, ser-. geanàt-at-arrs, and Mrs. Gertrude Conrad, chaplain. The gestspresent for theistl laion. and ' for the social after ,Uth. jmeeting were:- Mrs. Joséphine Gehel, Seventh district director ; Mrs. Edna " fuezeti, from Nules Township unit:- Mrs. Myrtie Nissman and 'Ifrs. ýEthel Berg from Trowel unit, and Mrs. Schneid the nut Il on Saturclay evening, Oc- Everybody is welcorne. joc r's orchestra will provide Mr. and MNrs. Frank Barrett, 615,1 Essex road. Kenilworth,: and their! d'aughter, Mar),. returned recently: fromý a mrotor 'trip to Indianapolis. They made stoosalong the. vay andi *were gone teîi days. Weý Buy We Seli EVA'NSTON WILM'EÎTE TAX, WARRANTS. Enyart, Vîan CampI& Feil, Ic. STOCKS AND»BONDS 39 R. La, Salle St. Alhdover 2421 n DANCE Lit the GAY BALL ROOM, DEMPSTER and WAUKEGAN RDS.. Sundays, -Wednegdays, Fridays ànd MNusie by the famous Bob Dantres, orchestra.. Saturdays. nine-piece. on Mondays, Tuesdays 'and Thursdays we will rent ourý Dining Rooms and BaillRoom,, at very reasonable cblürges, for private LIALLOWE'EN PARTIES. Teas, Anniversaries, etc. Accommodations for 150 guests. ~WEBOLDTVS RASEMENT. On Davs Sf,. EVANSTON Wlet 0 A T. Wéks' Shuimg o1f feture Valu«s FEATURE VALUER NUMBER ONE Hopsack Weave S uitings, Yen men -who want1 that atili. ence ini material, should ses these Hopsack Weave SuitingeLý FEATURE VALUE, NUMBER TWO> 15 oz. Pin Check ,Worsteds Pure wooI and pure silk dee.- orations. Pabrica of.a dasand charecter that make them Chicago'sbout olothes buy st ths price. $35.00 FEATURE VALUE NUMBER THRE "Samnsontwills' 15-oz. fabricm--found omIy in merchant tailoriag shopa *.f the. very highst dais. H.re for yen at> Hansom ely. your indivit tailored to [ual order. -Mrs. Heýrbert Herrick of Lan.sing. Nich., arrived Thiursday for an e- tended vi sit with hier- son and daughi- ter-in-law, M~r. and Mrs. Erwin J., H-errick, 1032 Isabella, street. Me.'s Rtabber He FVomem's Rabber He, Wieboldt's Baseruent- rt on the high tel S, -15C vanston Stee

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